write time

[raɪt taɪm][rait taim]


  • Dave : Rhumba Boy ? What did he write this time ?

    戴夫:伦巴男孩?他 这次 了什么?

  • I 'm not advocating that you write down every time that you use a pattern in your work .

    我并不是建议在工作中 每次使用模式时都进行 记录

  • Is called when changes are made to the size system attributes last write time last access time or security permissions of a file or directory in the directory being monitored .

    当对正在监视的目录中的文件或目录的大小、系统属性、上次 写入 时间、上次访问时间或安全权限进行更改时,调用。

  • Since you didn 't call or write the entire time it was happening .


  • In the steam of Chinese local literature hardship has been always the theme that authors would like to write time and time .

    在中国乡土文学源流中,苦难 一直是作家们反复 书写的主题之一。

  • Meanwhile some poets who write more time poems have formed their unique image group of time revealing the specific import of the poems .

    同时,一些 时间诗篇较多的 诗人还形成了其个性化的时间意象群,彰显出独特的诗歌意蕴与审美特色。

  • The FPGA is used as display controller and the design with thought of ping-pong operation is adopted to harmonize two groups of SDRAM to read and write real time video signals under different modes therefore the multi-mode autostereoscopic display is realized .

    以FPGA芯片作为显示控制器,采用乒乓操作的设计思想协调两组SDRAM完成不同3D模式下对视频信号的 实时控制,从而实现多制式的立体显示。

  • When I hit my5th year of survival I left my job to write full time .

    在我得了癌症的第5个年头,我辞掉工作, 全职 写作

  • Please write the time in figures and Chinese characters .

    请用数字和汉字 这些 时间

  • State when you logged on and remember to write down the time you log off .

    写明注册时间,并记住 下你注销的 时间

  • In this situation the overhead of a log write at commit time is shared amongst many applications .

    在这种情况下,提交 日志 写入的开销会分散到多个应用程序。

  • Write your time table on weekdays in english .

    用英文 一个你自己工作日的 时间表

  • Whenever you switch activities write down the time and the new activity .

    自己每要另起干一件事, 时间和新项目都记下来。

  • Why would he write the time and address if he was coming here to kill them ?

    如果他是来杀他们为什么还要 时间和地址?

  • Parameters comparing for storage devices / media is implemented on load / unload time read / write time access time data transfer rate price and compatibility .

    存储设备/介质基本参数指标比较包括平均介质装/卸载时间、平均读 率、平均访问时间、平均数据传输率、以及驱动器/存储介质价格和系统兼容性。

  • To address this the logs are placed on fast write cached disks reducing the disk write time .

    为了解决这个问题,把系统放在快速写入高速缓存磁盘上,以减少磁盘 写入 时间

  • I could hardly write at that time .

    那时我几乎不会 写字

  • The experiments used a kind of fulgide photochromic material as the recording layer . Different combinations of the laser power and the write time were used with 4-level recording realized using high medium low and zero laser diode powers .

    实验中采用俘精酸酐类光致变色材料作为记录层,使用不同的激光功率和 写入 时间的组合,由大、中、小3种幅值和零功率写入实现了4阶存储。

  • At best the client might do something like write a new time stamp that indicates the last time the identified customer visited .

    最好的情况下,客户端可能进行了某些操作,比如 写入一个新的 时间戳,以表示对所标识客户的最后一次访问时间。

  • Experimental detection on correlation between attenuation of internally stored information imaging plate and delay of read - write time after exposure

    实验测试曝光后成像板(IP)内存信息衰减与读 时间延迟的关系

  • Select one or more chapters and write about that time in your life .

    选择你人生中一个或者多个章节并 描述一下你人生的那个 时期

  • The treatment of oxidation and reduction could make write time shorter diffraction efficiency higher and effect of oxidation was clearer .

    晶体氧化处理和还原处理均会使Cu:CLN晶体 写入 时间缩短,衍射效率上升,氧化处理更明显一些。

  • Write the time and practice saying them .

    写出 下列 时间并练习说出 时间

  • I hope you will write me from time to time and inform me of your progress .

    我希望你常常 写信 我, 你的 进度告诉我。

  • I have a best man speech to write and no time to write it .

    我有个伴郎演说要 ,可是没 时间写了。

  • Another part is a filling value system it will write the time of driving a vehicle into the IC card through PC machine .

    另一部分是充值系统,它通过PC机将行车 时间 写入IC卡中。

  • The cutting edge tests the literature is the mid-80s social consciousness shape is day by day free the writer has the more opportunity discussion literature the discussion writes anything the discussion how does write time one kind of aware performance .

    先锋实验文学是八十年代中期社会意识形态日益自由,作家有更多的机会谈论文学,谈论写什么,谈论怎么 这一 时期的一种自觉表现。

  • You write with time intertexture .

    你和 时光 交织着。

  • According to experiments data write time can be reduced over 30 % .

    实验数据表明, 操作 时间可以减少30%以上。