


  • Objective To effects of Lacrimal drainage install implantation for xerophthalmia patients .

    目的探讨泪液引流装置 对眼 干燥 的治疗效果。

  • Therefor it is feasible that free grafting of sublingual gland treat with severe xerophthalmia based on anatomy .

    因此从解剖学角度分析,舌下腺游离移植治疗重症 干眼症是可行的。

  • AIM : To compare the image of lacrimal film and the change of the quantity of tear fluid between normal population and clinically suspected xerophthalmia patients .

    目的:比较正常人与临床怀疑 干眼症患者 泪膜图象及泪液 分泌量的变化。

  • New approach of treating total xerophthalmia with submandibular gland transfer Microvascular submandibular gland transfer for severe keratoconjunctivitis sicca : operation key points prevention and management of complications

    颌下腺移植 治疗 重症 眼病的新探讨颌下腺移植治疗角结膜干燥症的手术要点及并发症处理

  • Nursing during the treatment of xerophthalmia with transplantation autologous

    自体 颌下腺移植治疗 结膜干燥症的护理

  • Z - PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION Be Careful ! Xerophthalmia Is Spreading

    Z-概率分布(英文)小心, 干眼症正在流行

  • 【 Results 】 Incidence of xerophthalmia and Night blindness with children are 0.1 % .

    【结果】儿童 结膜 干燥和夜盲率均为0.1%。

  • Six cases of night blindness and two cases of xerophthalmia were detected from them with prevalence of clinical VAD of 0.96 % .

    2岁以上 儿童 836人,发现 儿童夜盲 6例, 结膜 干燥 2例, 儿童临床VAD患病率为 096%

  • It is suggested that Gan Yan Ling might be good tear replacement for treating xerophthalmia .

    临床 资料提示干眼灵滴 可作为泪液代用品治疗 干眼症

  • Corneal epithelial cell apoptosis and related gene expression in castrated male rabbits with experimental xerophthalmia

    去势雄兔 眼病 模型角膜上皮细胞凋亡及相关基因表达的研究

  • Discussion on the transfer of autologous submandibular gland in the treatment of severe cases of xerophthalmia

    自体下颌下腺移植治疗重症 干眼症 供体 自体下颌下腺 游离移植治疗 干眼症 显微 外科问题探讨

  • Experimental Study on the Severe Xerophthalmia Treated by Autologous Free Submandibular Gland Transplantation

    自体颌下腺游离移植治疗严重 干眼症的实验研究

  • The clinical effects observation of combined Chinese and western medicine to treatment the type of GanshenYinxu xerophthalmia

    中西医结合治疗肝肾阴虚型 干眼症临床观察

  • Methods The surgery was performed through a lacrimal drainage install implantation on 16 eyes of 11 patients with xerophthalmia .

    方法对11例16眼 干燥 患者进行泪液引流装置植入并观察 临床 效果

  • Application of ~ ( 99 ) Tc ~ mO_4 ~ - scintigraphy for evaluating the effectiveness of autotransplantation of SSG in the treatment of xerophthalmia

    ~(99) Tc~mO4~-显像评价唾液腺自体移植治疗 结膜 干燥症疗效

  • Conclusion The method for nourishing blood and moisturizing eye is a better therapy for xerophthalmia .

    结论:养血润目法是 治疗 干眼症的较佳方法。

  • Xerophthalmia is a term that comes from Greek and literally means dry eyes .


  • Effect of acupuncture on the regulation of sex hormone in patients with xerophthalmia

    针刺对 干眼症患者性激素水平调节的影响

  • Gren 's syndrome ( SS ) also called sicca syndrome is a chronic and inflammatory autoimmune disorder characterized by the progressive lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltration of salivary and lacrimal glands which eventually results in xerostomia and xerophthalmia .

    gren综合征(Sj? gren'sSyndrome,SS),也称干燥综合征,是一种慢性炎症性自身免疫性疾病,病理特征为大量淋巴细胞和浆细胞进行性浸润涎腺和泪腺。

  • The determination of amylase activity in tears following autotransplantation of submandibular gland for the treatment of xerophthalmia

    泪液淀粉酶测定在自体颌下腺移植治疗 结膜 干燥 中的应用

  • AIM : To study the occurrence of ocular surface diseases in coal miners working under wells and to investigate the relation between xerophthalmia occurrence and smut contiguity .

    通过研究在井下作业的煤矿工人的眼表疾病发生情况,探讨煤尘接触与 干眼症的关系。

  • Chinese Medical Spray for Xerophthalmia in 30 Cases

    中药喷雾治疗 干眼症30例

  • From June 2002 to May 2003 9 patients with severe xerophthalmia were treated by microvascular autologous submandibular gland transfer .

    采用血管化自体下颌下腺移植治疗9例重症 干眼症患者。

  • It offered the new approach of treating total xerophthalmia .

    任何 作用,为 重症 干眼症治疗提供了新的手段。

  • Scientists want to investigate the relation between xerophthalmia occurrence and smut contiguity .

    科学家们打算探讨 干眼症与煤尘接触之间的关系。

  • The Study on Pathogenesis and Therapy of Xerophthalmia in Experimental Models

    干眼症动物模型 制作 发病机制和治疗的研究

  • Clinical observation on the method for nourishing blood and moisturizing eye on xerophthalmia

    养血润目法 治疗 干眼症的临床观察

  • Conclusion : Free transplantation of submandibular gland to drain saliva into the conjunctival fornix can prevented the rabbits suffering from severe xerophthalmia .

    目的:观察兔自体颌下腺游离移植术后的 泪液 分泌 严重 干眼症 治疗 效果

  • TGF - β _1 and NF - κ B Expression of Conjunctiva Endepidermis Cells in Diabetes Mellitus Patients Xerophthalmia

    糖尿病患者 结膜上皮细胞TGF-β1和NF-κB的表达 变化