


  • There are four sufferers suffering from syndactyly and adactylism with the lack of metacarpus and metatarsus in two generations . Long bones with polydactyly ( mean ) abnormal in prenatal : case report

    该家系2代4人患有 趾)缺指(趾),同时伴有掌(跖)骨缺少。产前长骨弯曲合并多指(趾)畸形1例

  • Objective To discuss the classification and treatment of congenital syndactyly .

    目的探讨先天性 畸形的分类与治疗方法。

  • The common complications after the operation of congenital syndactyly and their prophylaxis and treatment

    先天性 手术治疗的常见并发症及其防治

  • Complex syndactyly ( 7 cases ) whose treatment only involved the division of fusion fingers .

    复合 7例,单纯 指分指术。

  • Objective : To study the technique of treatment of infant hand congenital syndactyly .

    目的:探讨低龄儿童先天性 畸形 治疗 时机 手术 方法

  • Objective To introduce a surgical approach for reconstruction of nail folds in congenital complete syndactyly release .

    目的介绍一种先天性全 重建甲廓的手术方法。

  • Methods An M or ∧ incision was respectively designed on the dorsal or palmar side in 34 patients with congenital or traumatic syndactyly the M W shaped web was reconstructed .

    方法对34例先天性并 )和外伤性 患者,分别于 指(趾)背和手掌、足底侧设计M和∧皮瓣,术后形成MW皮瓣重建 )蹼。

  • Complicated complete syndactyly ( 4 cases ) treated with a two stage operation .

    复杂性完全 4例,分期手术。

  • Method w_318 Fingerweb flap was frifted to treat 5 cases of congenital incomplete cutaneous syndactyly .

    方法采用指蹼皮瓣滑移术治疗先天性不完全性皮肤 畸形5例。

  • Objective To investigate the value of special examination in the diagnosis of thumb syndactyly .

    目的探讨 拇指 畸形特殊检查的诊断评价。

  • A family with syndactyly and adactylism was reported in this paper .

    摘要本文报道一个并 (趾) 缺指(趾)家系。

  • Methods To classify the reasons of the complications happened after the operation of congenital syndactyly in 34 cases .

    方法统计34例先天性 手术 治疗后出现的并发症,按产生原因进行分类。

  • Reconstruction of nail folds by double pulp flap in congenital complete syndactyly release

    应用双 腹皮瓣重建先天性全 的甲廓

  • Methods : The original skin at the web region were used to reconstruct the web space in 5 cases with congenital syndactyly including 6 sites .

    方法:5例6处先天性 单纯 ,采用 指原有的 皮肤,重建

  • Diagnostic value of special examination of thumb syndactyly

    特殊检查在 拇指 畸形诊断中的价值

  • Mutation Analysis of the IHH gene in two Chinese Families with Inherited Syndactyly and Adactylism

    两个先天性并 缺指中国家系IHH基因的突变检测

  • The results indicate that the mutation in coding region of IHH gene do not cause human Syndactyly and Adactylism disease in the two families .

    研究认为这两个家系的致病原因并非 IHH基因编码区的突变引起。

  • Among them 36 cases had double fingers syndactyly 6 cases mutiple fingers syndactyly and 30 cases had syndactyly of soft tissue 12 cases syndactyly of the distal phalange bone .

    软组织并 30例,远节 指骨骨性并指12例。