system communication

[ˈsɪstəm kəˌmjunɪˈkeʃən][ˈsistəm kəˌmju:niˈkeiʃən]


  • Research & Implementation on Performance Optimization Strategies for Remote Synthesis Monitoring System of Communication Chamber

    通信机房远程综合监控 系统性能优化策略的研究与实现

  • This paper systematically describes and analyzes the structure of maintenance management system of communication and signaling system of JR Eastern Japan Express Rail Transit .

    系统地描述和分析总结了JR东日本的新干线信号 通信设备的维修管理 体制

  • Research on the Performance Assessment System on Communication Networks of Xinjiang Meteorological Bureau

    新疆气象 通信网络绩效评估 系统研究

  • Information processing system Data communication Multilink procedures

    GB/T15124-1994信息处理 系统数据 通信多链路规程

  • Insects such as ants have a highly effective system of communication .

    蚂蚁之类的昆虫有一个高效讯息 传播 系统

  • Application of Bluetooth in CNC System Communication

    蓝牙技术在机床数控 系统 通讯中的应用研究

  • Design of water multi-relay supply system communication experiment based on PROFIBUS

    基于PROFIBUS的多级接力供水 系统 通信实验的设计

  • A language is a system of communication .

    编程语言的一种语言是一种 沟通 系统

  • Traditional active current sharing method needs massive storage space for calculating the reference current and increases the system communication load .

    传统的有源均流法在计算参考电流时需要占用大量的存储空间,且增大了 系统 通信负担。

  • ARM-based Dynamic Environment Monitoring System of Communication Station

    基于ARM的 通信机房动力环境监控 系统

  • The Reliability Design and Application Based on RS-485 Bus System Communication

    RS-485总线 系统 通信可靠性设计与应用

  • Design and Realization of Online Monitoring System Communication Server in Huge Railway-Maintaining Trains

    大型养路机车监控 系统 通信服务器设计与实现

  • Based on two-unit redundant model of system architecture communication handshake strategic was used to achieve system communication and role recognition ;

    基于双机冗余模式的系统架构,采用设计的通信握手策略来实现 系统 通信及角色识别;

  • With the development of cartography computer science geographic information system and communication operational picture is gradually being of information .

    伴随着地图学、计算机科学、地理信息 系统 传播学的发展,态势图正逐步从纸质化走向数字化、信息化。

  • Study of On-line Grounding Resistance Monitoring System for Communication Substation along Electric Railway

    电气化铁路沿线 通信机房接地电阻在线监测 系统的研究

  • The Establishment of Black Start Scheme for Dongguan Electric Power Network and Research on Support System of Communication Power Supply

    东莞电网黑启动方案的制定和 通信电源保障 系统研究

  • This paper introduced mainly the framework and function the module design of data management database system and communication the disposed flow etc.

    文章对该软件的结构功能、数据采集处理模块、数据库 系统通讯模块等进行了设计,给出了整个处理流程。

  • In previous centuries the convergence of cultures and trade led to the emergence of pidgin - a streamlined system of communication that has simple grammatical structure says Michael Ullman director of research at Georgetown University 's Brain and Language Lab.

    过去几个世纪,文化和商贸的融合导致了洋泾浜语的产生,这是一种简洁实用的 交流语言,语法结构简单,乔治城大学大脑和语言实验室的主任迈克尔- 厄尔曼这样解释道。

  • Studies of Experimental System for Communication Theory Based on FPGA

    基于FPGA 通信原理实验 系统的研究

  • The storage network is used exclusively for clustered file system communication and access .

    存储网络专门用于集群文件 系统 通信和访问。

  • Energy-saving System for Communication Room Temperature Adjustment Based on Fuzzy PID Control

    基于模糊PID控制的 通信机房温度调节节能 系统

  • Design and Application of Centralized Drive and Environment Monitor System of Communication

    通信动力和环境集中监控 系统的设计与应用

  • But if language is defined merely as a system of communication then language is not unique to humans .

    但是如果语言的定义仅仅是一种 交流 系统,那么语言便不是人类的专有品。

  • Based on the analysis of NC system 's communication net architecture and characteristics a new time synchronization protocol was proposed .

    在分析了数控 系统 通信网络结构和 通信特点的基础上,提出了一种新的现场总线时钟同步协议。

  • The Design and Formal Verification of ATS System Inner Communication Protocol

    ATS 系统内部 通信协议的设计及形式化验证

  • There are uncertainties in the model of a teleoperation robot system and communication time delays in the communication channels between the master and slave robot .

    遥操作机器人 系统的通信通道中存在 通信时延,而且机器人模型存在不确定性,以致可能造成系统不稳定和操作性能降低。

  • GPRS ( General Packet Radio System ) based remote monitoring system for communication base station is design to monitor and control the power and environment automatically .

    设计一种基于GPRS的 通信基站远程监控 系统,实现监控中心对基站动力与环境设备的远程自动监视与控制。

  • A secondary constraint on labour mobility is the system of communication linking employer and worker .

    对劳动力移动的另一个限制是 联系雇主与工人间的 情报 系统

  • By using SCCB programming model the system establishes communication between FPGA chip and CMOS image sensor to achieve the control and acquisition of the signal .

    系统采用SCCB编程模式,建立FPGA芯片与CMOS图像传感器之间的 通信,实现信号的控制与获取。

  • Study and design of multi-agent system communication protocol encapsulating based on JADE

    基于JADE平台的 MAS 通信协议封装研究与设计