system theory

[ˈsɪstəm ˈθiəri][ˈsistəm ˈθiəri]


  • The thinking and application prospect of applying complex system theory to traffic problems was discussed on urban traffic structure public transport priority information technology demand management etc.

    针对城市交通结构、公交优先、信息技术、需求管理等问题,探讨了应用复杂 系统 理论 方法解决交通问题的思路与应用前景。

  • Complex adaptive system theory is a new means to analyze the complex water resources system .

    基于复杂适应 系统 理论,对水资源系统进行分析。

  • Research on the Pollutant Concentration Model Based on Gray System Theory

    基于灰色 系统 理论的污染物浓度模型研究

  • The Research of Thermal Error Compensation Technology for Turning Center Based on Grey System Theory

    基于灰色 系统 理论的车削中心热误差补偿技术的研究

  • This paper based on the system theory and the basic idea of constructivism makes a research on the teaching methods of ERP .

    文中运用 系统 和构建主义的基本思想,研究了ERP的教学方法。

  • With the decision support system theory the structure of ordnance material transportation was established and the structure of each subsystem was designed .

    结合决策支持 系统 理论,建立了军械物资运输决策支持 系统总体结构,设计了各子系统结构。

  • This paper introduces the principle of the olfactory analogy and advances a method for designing the fire alarming system of intelligent building by using neural network and fuzzy system theory .

    介绍了人工嗅觉模拟技术的原理,提出了一种利用神经网络和模糊 系统 理论设计智能建筑火灾报警系统的方法。

  • This paper by using the central link formula and gray system theory analyses and probes into the population growth and food production of Heze District .

    本文利用人&地关系的中环公式和灰色 系统 理论,对菏泽地区的人口增长和粮食生产进行了分析和探讨。

  • Nonlinear control system theory

    非线性控制 系统 理论

  • The research on immune system theory and the essence of national audit

    免疫 系统 与国家审计本质探析

  • Based on the system thought and system theory and adopted integrated qualitative and quantitative methodologies from the angle of ecology-society system this paper studies the sustainable development of system of county area .

    本文以系统思想和 系统 理论指导,采用定性和定量相结合的综合集成方法,从生态-社会复合系统的角度出发,研究县域系统的可持续发展。

  • Experimental Study of Group Cooperative Learning Based on Social System Theory

    基于社会 系统 理论的小组合作学习实验研究

  • Grey system theory is applied to analyze the experimental data of onset of nuclear boiling in Freon natural circulation .

    运用灰色 系统 理论对以氟利昂为工质的自然循环过冷沸腾起始点实验结果进行分析。

  • For suspension'preheater system aiming at multivariate nonlinear disturbed and uncertain mathematic model the author found its simulation model by gray system theory .

    针对悬浮预热器系统中存在着多变量、非线性、多干扰及难以确定精确的数学模型等特性,作者运用了灰色 系统 理论对其建立了仿真模型。

  • Grain production is affected by many factors with the characteristics of gray system forecasted by gray system theory .

    粮食生产的变化受很多因素的影响,其具有灰色系统的特征,可以应用 灰色 理论对其进行预测。

  • Application of Man-machine System Theory in Validity Analysis of Traffic Sign

    人机 系统 理论在交通标志有效性分析中的应用

  • In modern reform and restructure of western countries decentralization balance theory administrative sectional system theory etc appear .

    在近现代的西方国家政权变革与重组中,又出现了分权制衡论、行政科层 理论

  • A Study of Credit Mechanism in Chinese Construction Market Based on the Complex System Theory

    基于复杂 系统 理论的建筑市场信用机制研究

  • The purpose of this paper is to study the issues and policy of development of transportation and logistic system in China through the application of general system theory .

    摘要本文目的是应用一般 系统 理论的方法用以分析交通运输与物流系统发展的问题与政策。

  • Research on Relationship Between Port Economy and City Economy Based on Gray System Theory

    基于灰色 系统 理论的港口经济与城市经济关系研究

  • Study on Regional Coordinated Development Based on Complex System Theory

    基于复杂 系统 理论的区域协调发展研究

  • The Research of Nonlinear Excitation Control of Generators Based on Passive System Theory

    基于无源 系统 理论的发电机非线性励磁控制的研究

  • The electronic nose for gas quantitative analysis is designed through combining gas sensor array with gray system theory .

    将气体传感器阵列与灰色 系统 理论相结合,设计出用于气体定量分析的电子鼻。

  • Application of Simulation Method in the Teaching of Linear System Theory

    仿真技术在线性 系统 理论课程中的应用

  • It is shown that application of similarity system theory is a new subject in the field of artillery .

    结果表明:相似 系统 理论在火炮中的应用是一个值得注意的新领域。

  • The Research on Information Security Risk Assessment Method Based on Grey System Theory

    基于灰色 系统 理论的信息安全风险评估方法研究

  • Mechanism reliability analysis based on grey system theory

    基于灰色 系统 理论的机构可靠性分析

  • Research of Non-linear System Theory on EEG Analysis

    非线性 系统 理论在脑电信号分析中的应用研究

  • It is a comprehensive explanation of control system theory .

    它是关于控制 系统 理论的全面论述。

  • Based on the existing problems of linear system theory course the teaching content teaching method and teaching experiment methods were reformed and practiced in this paper .

    本文针对线性 系统 理论课程存在的问题,在课程教学内容、教学方法、教学实验方式进行了改革与实践。