system board

[ˈsɪstəm bɔrd][ˈsistəm bɔ:d]


  • Kelly said the bus was moving unlike the miles of gridlocked traffic but it emerged after several hours that the driver admitted to not knowing how to operate the inbuilt navigation system on board .

    Kelly说车子一直在行驶中,不像是因为交通堵塞而缓慢前行。然而在几个小时后,驾驶员才承认不知道如何使用 上内置的 导航仪

  • In this case though only the first system board Ethernet adapter of any node was utilized and by one instance of netperf along with one instance of netserver .

    但是,在这种测试中,只使用任何节点的第一个 系统 以太网适配器,而且只使用一个netserver实例和一个netperf实例。

  • Management of common adapter devices built into the motherboard ( system board ) .

    母板( 系统 )内置普通设适配器设备的管理。

  • The system of board of directors of public universities in modern China : a reference of failure for the system of American universities

    中国近代公立大学 董事制度:一次失败的美国大学制度借鉴

  • ⑹ Design and implement a switching system on board including the hardware architecture and software programming .

    ⑹设计并实现了 上交换 系统,包括总体方案设计、硬件实现及软件编程。

  • This design model takes use of the hardware Bard Support Package ( BSP ) to support the transplanting in sorts of OEM board or hardware system board therefore solves the questions in traditional system and last meets the current need for ERTOS .

    该设计模型引入硬件板级支持软件包(BSP)来支持操作系统在各类OEM板或用户定制硬件 系统 上的移植,从而解决了传统系统的缺陷,满足了当前对ERTOS的需求。

  • The motherboard is sometimes alternatively known as the mainboard system board or on Apple computers the logic board .

    主板有时或者称为主板, 系统 ,或苹果电脑上的逻辑电路板。

  • The IBIS model is used to help get exact information in the integrity constraint design of system board level or multiple board level signals for analysis and calculation .

    IBIS模型可以帮助设计者在 系统 级或多板信号完整性约束的设计中获取准确的信息,以进行分析和计算。

  • The Core PCB integrated CPU SDRAM NAND Flash module and the circuit of supporting them it is a ARM minimum system board ;

    核心板集成了处理器,SDRAM,NANDFlash模块及其支持电路,是一块ARM最小 硬件 系统

  • The paper expounded the NLE technology principle and development and at the same time put forward a scheme of constructing NLE laboratory which is based on the NLE system without board .

    介绍了非编技术的原理和发展,同时提出了一个基于无 非编 系统的实验室建设方案。

  • The main goal is to design a DSPminimum system board for this paper .

    DSP最小 系统 硬件设计是本次论文的主要任务。

  • Relieving Officer : What is the type of fixed fire-fighting system on board ?

    接班驾驶员: 上的固定灭火 系统是什么类型的?

  • Methods of maintenance for the failure of microcomputer ′ s system board

    微机 系统 故障维修方法

  • If you feel comfortable with it try checking the power Configuration options in your system board setup .

    如果你觉得不舒服,请检查您的 系统 安装电源配置选项。

  • Fault diagnosis in microcomputer system board

    微型计算机 系统 的故障诊断

  • The first of the netserver scalability tests utilized a single instance of netserver on each of the two system board Ethernet adapters on the first node of the SUT .

    第一个netserver可伸缩性测试在SUT的第一个节点的两个 系统 以太网适配器上各使用一个netserver实例。

  • When enabled this feature lets the workstation shut down to the lowest possible power state by removing all power to the system board .

    启动后,此功能通过去除 主板上的所有功率,使得工作站关闭至最低功率状态。

  • In the process of design of 24 GHz system board it is important to meet the power needs of PA Mixer and LNA . From the test results of final system board we can see that the simulation is basically right .

    由于需要满足功率放大器以及混频器的功率要求,在耦合器测试结果的基础上,设计了24GHz雷达的 系统 ,在经过两次改版后,最后对系统前端进行了测试。

  • This paper introduces the structure of DSP embedded multimedia system based on PCI bus and mainly introduces the hardware structure of the DSP system board then briefly elaborates the application prospect of the system .

    本文介绍了基于PCI总线的DSP嵌入式多媒体系统的结构,着重讨论了系统中DSP 系统 的硬件结构,并简要地阐述了该系统的应用前景。

  • Base board ( also known as a motherboard or system board ) management .

    基板(也叫母板或 系统 )管理。

  • This paper mainly analyzes the application of the IBIS model in the system board design and system clock design for mobile computers .

    本文主要分析了IBIS模型在移动微机 设计和在系统时钟设计 的应用。

  • Design of Universal Time System Board Base on FPGA and CPCI Bus

    基于FPGA与CPCI总线的通用时 模块设计

  • The game is an enjoyable interactive system of board games in which the participants exchange information and feelings about themselves each other and their organization or community .

    游戏的过程是愉悦的,充满互动 ,参与者可以交换信息以及彼此对个人,他人,组织以及社会的看法和感受。

  • The second netserver scalability test used all four system board Ethernet adapters on the first two nodes and the third test used all eight system board Ethernet adapters on all four nodes .

    第二个netserver可伸缩性测试使用前2个节点上的所有4个 系统 以太网适配器,第三个测试使用所有4个节点上的所有8个系统板载以太网适配器。

  • According to the characteristics of vulnerability assessment of aircraft guarantee system on board a vulnerability assessment model is presented .

    针对 舰船航空保障 系统易损性评估特性,提出一种易损性评估模型。

  • PCB board design system board the board copy .

    PCB板设计, ,抄板。单片机开发。

  • They are the one 's that can be programmed and reconfigured the logic functions while on the system board which is suitable for faster prototyping .

    支持系统编程,在 系统重构器件的逻辑功能,很适合产品的样机开发。

  • It indicates that a technician replaced the system board or component but failed to input the new serial number in the system .

    这条信息表示 主板或计算机其它硬件做技术性替换后,向系统输入新序列号信息时失败。