

[医] 滑膜

  • Results : There were thick fibrous stratum at external layer and synovialis stratum at internal layer of intervertebral capsula .

    观察椎间关节 滑膜层及纤维层的结构特点。结果:椎间关节囊外为纤维层,内为较薄的 滑膜层。

  • Expression and significance of IL-1 an TGF - β _1 in the membranae synovialis of osteoarthritis

    IL-1和TGF-β1在膝骨关节炎 滑膜中的表达及意义

  • Methods : Synovialis stratum and fibrous stratum were observed on 7 spinal columns ( 350 intervertebral articulations ) of adult cadavers .

    方法: 解剖观察成人脊柱标本7条(共 175对350个椎间关节)。

  • Results Thickening of synovialis and / or edema of infrapatellar fat pad was found in those with knee joint pain of unknown origin but without abnormal bony changes by radiography .

    结果发现 平时 临床 有膝关节不明原因疼痛,而X线平片又无骨质异常改变的病例中,可见其膝关节 位片 ,有 不同 程度 滑膜增厚,或/和髌下脂肪垫水肿。

  • All of them consisted of fibrous tissues or adipose cells in varying degrees and were covered by synovialis .

    它们都不同比例 包含纤维组织或脂肪细胞,并被 滑膜覆盖。

  • Detection of Rheumatoid Factor on Synovialis of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

    类风湿关节炎病人 滑膜 类风湿因子的检测

  • Results : The results revealed the change in articular synovialis chorion and cartilage which were divided into three types hypertrophy atrophic and mixed .

    结果:发现 滑膜、软骨等有肥大、萎缩和混合3型改变。

  • Influence of Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza on Articular Cartilage and Synovialis Injury after Ischemia in the Hind Limbs of Rabbits

    丹参对缺血肢体关节软骨及 滑膜损伤的影响

  • Objective : Disorders of lumbar vertebral facet joint are classified to three types according to its local pathological change malposition of facet joint ( type I ) synovialis impacted of facet joint ( type II ) and inflammation of facet joint ( type III ) .

    腰椎小关节紊乱症根据其局部病理改变分为小关节错缝型(Ⅰ型)、小关节 滑膜 型(Ⅱ型)与小关节炎型(Ⅲ型)3个类型。

  • Value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and cure of synovialis cyst of ischia node

    超声在坐骨结节 滑膜囊肿诊断治疗中的价值

  • Objective In order to study relevance of the pathological morphology of synovialis of facet joint of cervical spine to cervical spondylopathy .

    目的为了研究颈椎小关节 滑膜的病理学改变与颈椎病的关系;