system residence

[ˈsɪstəm ˈrɛzɪdəns][ˈsistəm ˈrezidəns]


  • Discussion on experience of reforming heating system of residence Practical Issue of Heat Metering for Residential Buildings

    住宅供热 系统改造经验住宅供热计量有关问题探讨

  • The economic thinking on change of the system of residence registration

    对我国 户籍 制度变迁的经济学思考

  • Research on Assessment Method and Management System for Residence Areas

    居住区环境质量评价方法及管理 系统研究

  • Yet there are some very large caveats to this can-do image none more so than the government 's halting efforts to reform the hukou system of residence permits that effectively treats people in rural areas as second-class citizens .

    但在这一敢想敢干的形象中,有一些很大的警示信号。最突出的是政府在改革 户籍 制度方面断断续续的努力,这种 制度实际上将农村居民当作二等公民。

  • The ways of green construction in petroleum chemistry industry areas was discussed by being divided into three systems shelter forest system factory green system and residence green system to provide consultation for green constructor .

    分三个系统,即防护林系统、工厂绿化 系统 居住 绿化系统,探讨了石化区绿化建设方法以为石化区的绿化建设者提供参考。

  • Research on the Industrialization System of Residence Whole-decoration and the Project Management

    住宅全装修产业化 体系及项目管理研究

  • Through the cost-performance analysis of automatic sprinkler system in residence a conclusion is drawn that the installation of automatic sprinkler system in residence possesses great benefit of disaster reduction and social benefit .

    通过对 住宅自动喷水灭火 系统的费用-效能分析,得出在 住宅内安装自动喷水灭火系统具有极高的减灾效益和社会效益的结论。

  • This is partly because of a system of residence permits called hukou that resembles the pass system in South Africa under apartheid .

    其部分原因是名为“户口”的 居住许可证 制度,这与南非在种族隔离期间的通行证制度类似。

  • Microcomputer Aided Management System for Residence Cards

    人口 卡片微机管理 系统

  • Challenge of Full Decoration System to Residence Decorating Industry

    论“全装修住宅 制度”对 住宅装修业的挑战

  • This paper analyzes the basic contents and characteristics of the current system of residence land use .

    分析了我国现行 宅基地使用 制度的基本内容和基本特征。

  • Discussion on experience of reforming heating system of residence

    住宅供热 系统改造经验

  • The design method is applied to revise the new building atlas reference for central exhaust system of residence kitchen in Jiangsu .

    此方法在江苏省 住宅厨房集中排烟 系统建筑图集新标准的制订中得到应用。

  • The Integrated Application of Heat Pump System in Residence Community Club

    地源热泵 系统住宅小区会所中的综合应用

  • Indoor temperature control & heat measure technology of heating system in residence

    住宅供暖 系统的室温控制和热计量技术

  • In China as much of the impact of Roman law in civil law countries did not inherit a system of residence .

    而我国作为倍受罗马法影响的大陆法系国家中的一员却并未承袭 居住 制度

  • Kad : a knowledge-based CAD system for residence sketch plan

    KAD&一个基于知识的 住宅方案计算机辅助设计 系统

  • Application Research of Duct Type Central Air Conditioning System in Residence

    风管式家用中央 空调普通 家庭的应用 方案探讨

  • The author believes that emergence of the system of residence registration is the result of the special times in our country .

    文章利用外在 制度和内在 制度的关系,解释了我国 户籍 制度产生的合理性,认为 户籍 制度的产生是特殊时代的产物,它适应了时代要求。

  • ABSTRACT : The multi-ribbed slab structure is a kind of new system of residence . It is mainly constructed by the multi-ribbed panel the frame and the floor .

    摘要:密肋壁板结构体系是一种新型 住宅结构 体系,主要由预制密肋复合墙板和隐型框架及楼板现浇装配而成。

  • In the year 1998 our system of residence distribution in cities and towns changed from real house distribution to money distribution and real estate market appears in China again .

    98年 房改后我国城镇职工住房分配开始由实物化分配向货币化分配转变, 商品 住宅在城镇 住宅供给中所占的比重快速提高,房地产市场与民众的关系日益紧密。

  • A new efficiently space ductility construction system residence is put forward .

    提出一种新型高效空间 住宅延性结构 体系

  • Chapter VI is the legal protection system of residence right .

    第六章是 居住权的法制保障 体系

  • Electronic service system for residence

    家庭电子服务 系统

  • A smart information transmission system in residence based on bus technology was designed and the design of its hardware and software were emphatically analyzed .

    设计了基于总线技术的 住宅内智能信息传输 系统,着重分析了其硬件、软件部分的设计。

  • Comparison of Two Kinds of Designing Schemes on Central Air Conditioning System in Residence

    家用中央 空调两种设计方案的比较

  • The enormous rural population flowing to cities is closely related to China 's economic system residence system and peasants ' economic situations .

    我国农村流动人口规模巨大,与我国的经济 制度户籍制度和农民经济状况密切相关。

  • Development and application of new architectural structure system of residence

    新型建筑结构 住宅 体系发展与应用

  • In this paper a study is carried out on large-span prestressed concrete structure system in residence analyzed by specially-shape column equivalent frame model .

    对等代异形柱框架模型分析大跨度预应力 住宅结构 体系的相关问题进行了研究。

  • Research on a Smart Information Transmission System in Residence Based on Bus Technology

    基于总线技术的 住宅内智能信息传输 系统研究