


  • Study on Neural Network Method for Cutting Tool Monitoring Based on Syncretic Machining Signals

    工况信息 融合的神经网络刀具监控方法研究

  • People use this form to express the pursuit of eternal life and freedom and it is a syncretic production of religion and art .

    游仙诗是人们用 诗歌 艺术形式来表达 时间 局限而追求生命永恒与自由的产品,也是宗教与艺术 完美 融合的产物。

  • Syncretic technology analysis based on multi-information platform of the urban road traffic information system

    城市道路交通系统多信息平台的 融合技术分析

  • And the method of calculating syncretic weight of diagnosis index is founded by using optimization guideline .

    同时基于最优化准则,建立了诊断指标 融合权重的确定方法。

  • M-business is a the syncretic system of wireless information technology and traditional business and its aim is to obtain the added value incurred by the wireless information technology whose concrete representation is the utility and efficiency of information .

    移动商务是无线信息技术与传统商务 融合的整体系统,无线信息技术引发的增值是系统的最终目标,具体可表现为信息的效用和效率。

  • Of course the three routes and three facets of constructivism are not corresponding to the three latitudes of curriculum theory the real relationship between them is intersectant and syncretic .

    当然,建构主义的三条路线、三个侧面和课程理论的三个纬度并不是一一对应,而是一种交叉 融合的关系。

  • Based on Sports Physiology 、 Sports Psychology and Sports Training This paper analyses syncretic relation of training and match and the training method connected under the practice of track men 's training and match .

    以运动生理学、运动心理学和运动训练学为理论基础,结合田径运动员训练与比赛的实际,分析田径训练与比赛的 关系及两者相结合的训练方法。

  • At present combination of the advanced intelligence control technique information syncretic technique intelligent information treating technique and communication engineering is the present researched project of intelligent traffic control .

    目前,把先进的智能控制技术、信息 融合技术、智能信息处理技术与交通工程学结合起来已成为智能交通控制研究的方向。

  • The syncretic of urban space and architectural space ── The concept of the design of youth palace in Zhuanghe Dalian

    城市空间与建筑空间的 融合&大连市庄河青少年宫设计方案构思

  • Research on the industry syncretic power mechanism of the cartoon and the tour

    动漫业和旅游业产业 融合的动力机制研究

  • Most of the non-Christians adhere to either traditional religions or syncretic sects .

    大多非基督教徒追随传统宗教或 融合的宗教。

  • Sky is round and ground is square person in the middle of round sky and person syncretic therefore refraction Wan Ming Yuan Company homage and revere the nature .

    天圆地方,人于圆中, 天人 ,由此折射万鸣源公司对大自然的尊崇和敬仰。

  • The syncretic measuring technique of image and contact measurement in the system is significative for reference in precision measurement in manufacturing .

    系统中采用的图像与接触测量 融合的测量技术,对制造业中精密测量具有很强的借鉴意义。

  • Syncretic painting promoted the development of the commerce and understanding between Europe and China .

    西洋 绘画促进了 东西方贸易的发展, 加速了中国绘画的 商品化;

  • In addition SIP can provide syncretic multimedia services and has good ability of expansibility mobility and media-negotiation . All these characteristics are helpful to enhance the interoperability opening ability and compatibility between the embedded network devices .

    此外,SIP能够提供 融合的多媒体服务,并具有良好的扩展性、移动性和媒体协商能力,这些特点都有助于增强嵌入式设备的网络互操作性和开放性。

  • Syncretic Multimedia Information Analyzing & Retrieval Techniques : A Study

    多媒体 融合分析和检索技术研究

  • The explore of syncretic online charging system in 3G

    3G时代 融合的在线计费技术探索

  • This is I think one of the best examples of that syncretic view of religion that basically all worshippers are worshipping the same god .

    我认为这是个最好的例子,来证明宗教的 融合的观点,基本上,左右的崇拜者都在崇拜同一个上帝。

  • This paper designs the integrated structure of the current public IP network and advances a new concept that the syncretic pattern of various services of current public IP network should be changed which focuses on the issue that how IP integrated service platform can be effectively operated .

    本文针对运营商如何有效运营IP综合业务平台这个问题,设计了可运维IP综合业务网的架构,提出了改变现有公众IP网各种业务大 融合格局的思想。

  • This paper explores the syncretic techniques of multimode communication especially the GPRS mode and simulates the issuance of civil aviation scheduled flight based on GPRS .

    本文通过对综合通信网络的分析、设计以及开发实践,对多通信方式的 融合技术、方法进行了一些探讨,着重对GPRS通信方式进行了研究,并模拟了基于GPRS的民航航班动态信息发布系统。

  • Accomplishment technology of syncretic multi-media database model

    融合 多媒体数据库模型的实现技术

  • The primary characteristic of NGN is open syncretic and driven by service .

    下一代网络(NGN)最大的特点是开放、 融合和业务驱动。

  • At the same time it has reflected many opinions of such archaic artists to the people and nature : the heaven is exalted but human is lowliness ; the heaven is syncretic with human ; there have induces between heaven and human ;

    同时这也反映出古代艺术家对人与自然的认识: 天尊人卑 天人合一、天人感应、天人和谐。

  • Integrative Design of Machine and Controller : Flexible Beam and Controller Syncretic Design

    结构与控制系统的一体化设计&柔性臂和控制系统的 融合设计

  • In order to get the position of a target quickly and accurately information syncretic system use several sensors to locate the target by crossing the line of sight .

    为了能够快速准确得到 武装 直升机的位置,信息 融合系统使用了多个传感器对目标进行视线交叉定位。

  • Is this a syncretic religious vision or is it a Christian one ?

    这是个 融合的宗教影像,还是基督教的?

  • Study of the Syncretic Painting during Ming and Qing Dynasty ( 1579-1840 );

    明清 西洋 绘画研究(1579-1840)

  • The syncretic sects often merge Christianity with traditional beliefs and rituals .


  • This theory is considered to be the basis of modern meromorphic function theory and it has a very important effect on the development and syncretic of many mathematical branches .

    它不仅奠定了现代亚纯函数理论的基础,并且对 其他许多数学分支的 交叉 融合产生了重要的影响。