


  • This Synod was held at notre-dame and assembled for the first time on the15th of june 1811 under the presidency of cardinal fesch .

    那次 会议是在圣母院举行的,一八一一年六月十五日,在红衣主教斐许主持下,召开了第一次会议。

  • Synod on precision tube mill chengdu

    精密 管机 研讨会在成都 召开

  • In449 after the death of Saint Cyril a synod at Ephesus tried to carry the triumph further and thereby fell into the heresy opposite to that of Nestorius ;

    公元449年圣赛瑞利死后,以 宗教会议试图取得进一步的胜利,因而遂陷入与奈斯脱流斯方向相反的另一异端;

  • The synod calls on such people to repent or quit the public arena and stop causing havoc to the people .

    宗教 会议要求这样的 领袖忏悔或停止公共职务,不要再对人们进行蹂躏。

  • The Emperor supported the synod but the Pope repudiated it .

    皇帝支持以 宗教 会议,但教皇却拒绝承认它。

  • The General Synod vote runs against the current of history which suggests that women are increasingly voting for politicians who favour equality such as President Obama .


  • Church of Christ in China was a nationwide united church organization being composed of 15 Christian Sects in the Chinese Church among them the Guangdong Synod was a church that was most early established and was most influential .

    中华基督教会是由基督教15个教派的华人教会共同组成的全国性的合一教会组织,广东 协会是其中成立最早、最有影响的一个教会。

  • Chinese Rhenish church Hong Kong synod

    中华基督教 礼贤会香港区会

  • Voting figures show that 33 of the 74 General Synod lay members who voted against the measure were women most of them conservative evangelicals or members of the church 's Anglo-Catholic wing .

    投票数据显示74名 圣公会外行成员中反对这项法案的有33名是女性,他们中大多数是保守的福音派教会成员或国教教徒。

  • Should the General Synod vote women into the priesthood ?

    教会 总会应该投票让女性担任教士吗?

  • We indeed willingly concede if any discussion arises over doctrine that the best and surest remedy is for a synod of true bishops to be convened where the doctrine at issue may be examined .

    我们乐意让步,如果要讨论任何的教义,最好且最安全的方案是召集一个 真正的监督所 组成的会议,来检查这些有争议的教义。

  • But this may just be an opportunity for the synod the root causes of the synod largely due to domestic political struggles of the royal family .

    但这可能只是 会议 召开的一个契机, 这次 会议 召开的根本原因很大程度上是缘于王室内部的政治斗争。

  • The officer who presides over a synod or general assembly of the Presbyterian church .

    主持官员主持基督教长老会的 会议或大会的官员。