synechia of iris

[医] 虹膜粘连

  • Conclusion Laser lysis is a safe and effective method to resolve posterior synechia . Observe of the efficiency of preventing iris anterior adhesion by incision suture in postoperative pediatric cataract

    结论激光 虹膜 粘连松解术是一种安全有效的解除虹膜后 粘连方法切口缝合预防儿童白内障术后 虹膜前粘连效果的观察

  • Postoperative complications included after cataract in 4 patients ( 14.3 % ) posterior synechia of the iris in 2 patient ( 9.5 % ) and luxation of IOL in 2 patients ( 9 5 % ) .

    术后并发症中后 浑浊4 (19%), 玻璃体 浑浊3眼(143%), 虹膜 粘连2 (95%),人工晶状体偏位2眼(95%)。

  • The main postoperative complications were anterior uveitis and posterior synechia of the iris .

    术后主要并发症是前葡萄膜炎和 虹膜粘连

  • ( Conclusions Trabecular ) resection combined with posterior synechia separation of the pupil and iris peripheral anterior synechia separation of the iris and pupillary organization membrane resection is a better treatment in control IOP and improve visual acuity for secondary glaucoma associated with occlusion of pupil .

    结论小梁切除联合虹膜和瞳孔后粘连分离、周边 虹膜粘连 分离、瞳孔区机化膜分离和切除,对瞳孔膜闭继发青光眼在有效控制眼压和提高视力方面有良好的效果。

  • Results ( 1 ) There were 6 eyes with peripheral anterior synechia of the iris 12 eyes with abnormal pupillary configuration which were related to the position of IOL haptics .

    结果 虹膜周边前 粘连6只眼,瞳孔变形12只眼,均与人工晶体襻的位置有关;

  • Complications include iris prolapse hypotony and peripheral anterior synechia of iris .

    并发症有虹膜嵌顿、 低眼压、 虹膜周边前 粘连等。

  • Among them 58 eyes were acute angle closure glaucoma 2 eyes were chronic angle closure glaucoma 3 eyes were secondary glaucoma 3 eyes were posterior synechia of the iris .

    其中急性闭角型青光眼58眼、慢性闭角型青光眼2眼、继发性青光眼3眼与 虹膜粘连3眼。