


  • This paper probes metaphorical thinking in the process of synesthesia through analogy association and reasoning .

    本文通过 通感的类比、联想、推理意义探讨了 通感过程中的隐喻思维。

  • Firstly synesthesia plays an important role in the conduct of eating metaphor . It is the basis to use eating metaphor to express our other feelings .

    首先, 通感形成吃的隐喻的 过程中具有重要作用,也是用吃隐喻表达其他感受的基础。

  • Both profound thoughts and rich visualization can be found in the poems of Tyutchev a famous poet in Russia and figure of speech analogy synesthesia and other rhetorical figures become the important approaches to the visualization in his poetic language .

    俄国著名哲理诗人丘特切夫的诗歌既表达了深刻的思想,又兼具形象性,而比喻、比拟、 通感等修辞手法则是形成他语言形象性的重要手段。

  • Synesthesia and creativity in advertising document


  • Color words also uses symbolism metonymy synesthesia rhetoric in language practice given the expressive force of color words more and strengthen the pragmatic value of color words .

    颜色词在言语实践中还运用象征、借代、 通感修辞等手段,赋予了颜色词更多的表现力并增强了颜色词的语用价值。

  • Li He a Chinese ancient poet adopted synesthesia most and applied it excellently .

    李贺是中国古代诗人中将 通感 艺术 运用最多、运用最妙的一位。

  • With the development of three dimensional system and ultrasound-guided localization system the radioactive seed implantation treatment will furthest reduce the synesthesia and injury to normal tissues .

    三维治疗计划系统和超声引导下精确定位系统的 保证,使粒子种植治疗更加 完善,最大限度地减少了 反应和对正常组织的损伤。

  • Having often been used in peoples ordinary life as a rhetorical device synesthesia acquires attention from many scholars including Joseph Williams .

    通感作为一种修辞手法在日常生活中常常被人们所用到,而它也受到许多学者的关注,包括 约瑟夫·威廉斯

  • Metaphorical Thinking in the Process of Synesthesia


  • The expression power of color is shown mainly by the color of symbol emotion and synesthesia .

    心理 层次上,色彩的表现力主要可 为色彩的象征性、情感性和 觉性

  • This powerful cross-sensory phenomenon is known as synesthesia .


  • Second the article has a deeper discussion of the psychological mechanisms and conditions which are generated by Synesthesia illustrating the major function of Synesthesia when integrate and penetrate with audio-visual art .

    其次,对 通感 产生的心理机制与条件进行较为深入的论述,阐明在视听艺术相互融合与渗透的 过程中通感联觉所起到的枢纽作用。

  • Interflow and Reference between Interior Design and Sense of Music & Ideas from Synesthesia

    室内设计与音乐乐感的互通与借鉴&由 通感

  • We began trying to find out whether synesthesia is a genuine sensory experience in 1999 .

    1999年,我们 决定试著 清楚 是否 的确是真实的感官经验。

  • Confirmation that synesthesia is real brings up the question why do some people experience this weird phenomenon ?

    证实了 的真实性,就带来下面的问题:为什麽有人会经验到这种奇特的现象?

  • Relating to or experiencing synesthesia ; involving more than one sense .

    共同 感觉有关或 表现 共同 感觉,包括不只一个感觉。

  • Description of color and music and expressive language is based on the color tone with the structure of emotion which was the psychological basis of color tone synesthesia is emotional color musical performance .

    色彩与音乐的描述性和表现性语言是基于色音同构的情感性,它是产生色音 通感心理基础,也是色彩音乐性在情感上的表现。

  • So does cause synesthesia high red blood cell count and heart attack ?

    那到底是什么造成了 感觉高红 血球细胞和心脏病发?

  • Synesthesia is one kind of particular perception means the researchers studied it mainly from the point of the rhetoric the linguistics and so on before .


  • On Limits of Chinese Synesthesia and Its Psychological Mechanism

    论汉语 通感的范围及其心理机制

  • Color tone synesthesia synesthesia the expression of inner feelings and ideas music tone rhythm figurative language such as music composition integration into the color screen point line and plane cold and warm clear and dark gray and so pure and modeling language .

    色音的 通感,将表达音乐内在情感和思想的音调、节奏、等构成的音乐形象语言,溶入色彩画面的点线面、冷与暖、明与暗纯与灰等造型语言中。

  • On Function of Synesthesia in the Advertising Case


  • In other words synesthesia is defined by the experiences that someone has not where brain activity shows up .

    是指一种有 意识 感觉经历引发了另一种有 意识 感觉经历。也就是说, 是由个体的主观感受来定义的,而不是大脑活动。

  • On Synesthesia : the Aesthetic Psychology During the Reproduce of Musical Image


  • Analysis of synesthesia in English and Chinese poetry

    英汉诗歌语言中的 通感 分类

  • What causes synesthesia high rbc tachyarrhythmia and panic attacks ?

    什么导致了 高红细胞 心律不齐和惊恐发作?

  • The climax stage deals with acoustic perception intuition imagination emotional experience comprehension synesthesia and sympathism ;

    音乐审美高潮阶段涉及的主要审美 心理因素是音响感知、直觉与 通感,想象联想、情感体验以及理解认识、顿悟与共鸣等。

  • Synesthesia of modern design

    现代设计中的 感化设计

  • The synesthesia during the reproduce of musical image has an important position in music creation and appreciation .

    音乐形象再现过程中的 ,在音乐创作和欣赏中占有重要地位。