


  • This article mainly discusses the style and diction with the special reference to the study and application of synonymity .

    本文主要讨论语体与遣词在 同义 方面的运用。

  • According to the prototype theory it is very important to evaluate the different weight of semantic traits evolved in the determination of the degree of synonymity .

    典型理论很重视 区分 那些 决定 同义 关系度的语义特质的不同地位。

  • Linguostyle is based upon synonymity . It 's also defined as the choices of the different synonymous deformity on some occasions .

    语体是建立在 同义 基础之上的,是一些在使用场合上有区别的同义变体的选择。

  • The fourth is the characteristics of synonymity in - Er Ya .

    《尔雅》 同义 特点。

  • But with the customers increased and the factor of merchandises themselves limited currently most of collaborative filtering algorithms usually have several major limitations such as data sparsity scalability cold start and synonymity and so on .

    但是随着用户人数的不断增加和商品本身的因素限制,现有大多数协同过滤算法普遍存在着几点弊端,主要有数据稀疏性问题、系统可扩展性问题、冷启动问题以及 同义 问题等。

  • Synonyms systems in Er Ya include synonymous words system and synonymity arrangment system .

    《尔雅》同义词系统包括同义词系统与 同义 编排系统。

  • We discuss the non-equality developmental opening hierarchical and cognitive illegibility of synonymity arrangment system .

    我们论述了同义 系统的 内部 不等同性、动态开放性以及 编排系统的 多级性、认知模糊性。