



  • Channel blocking by in-situ polymerizing acrylamide gels formation condition of synclinal HYDROSEALED gas pools in Qinshui Basin

    地层内聚合丙烯酰胺凝胶堵水封窜技术沁水盆地 向斜型水封气藏形成条件探讨

  • The simplified analysis model of equivalent synclinal compressive pole instead of the infilled walls is built according to the stress arrangment regulation in the infilled walls and referring to the research works of infilled walls .

    根据在水平外力作用下填充墙的应力分布规律,借鉴有关研究文献,建立了将填充墙简化为RC等效 压杆的简化分析模型。

  • Application of Anchorage Cable Reinforced Support in Synclinal Shaft of Coal Road

    锚索加强支护在煤巷道 向斜的应用

  • Synclinal oil and gas pools

    陕北石油 秩序 向斜中的油、气藏

  • The experience of water danger reclamation in synclinal axis illustrating at T312 working face is introduced .

    介绍了T312工作面向 轴部水患治理的经验。

  • A Probe into the Breakdwon Pressure of the Cylindrical Vessel with Synclinal Cracks

    对带 裂纹圆筒形容器断裂压的探讨

  • Roadway damage and its maintenance caused by subsided column in synclinal axis


  • Se_rich rocks are located in either the flanks or synclinal core .

    富Se岩石和缺Se岩石各自产于褶皱的两翼和 向斜核部。

  • The western tongue has a synclinal bottom configuration the axis of which plunges at a low angle towards the fault .

    岩体西 具有一 向斜底的形状,其轴以低角度向断层

  • On-the-spot Record of the Mining of the Comprehensive Mechanized Working Faces under the Synclinal Structure


  • The exploiting area should be in the synclinal profile dike and bed rock with the high level of the coal metamorphism .

    煤层 开发 有利区应在 向斜 翼部和岩墙、岩床 附近变质程度高的煤区。

  • Regional dynamic flow model in synclinal Basin


  • It indicates that 50 years exploration experienced three stages including anticlinal structural reservoir synclinal lithologic reservoir and rift fault block reservoir and correspondingly appeared three peaks of oil and gas reserves increase and also three contributions to petroleum geology theory .

    指出了50年勘探经历的背斜构造油藏、 向斜岩性油藏、断陷断块油藏等三大阶段以及相应出现的三个油气储量增长高峰期,也是对石油地质理论的三次重大贡献。

  • Then this cover formed a synclinal basin as a relic on the slide - superposition system under the condition of regional stretch mechanism during the Caledonian cycle .

    加里东期区域伸展体制条件下兰田地区产生滑覆 断层体系, 震旦 &寒武系盖层 残留在前 震旦 基底之上形成 向斜构造。

  • It is verified to be workable to do the structure nonlinear analysis adopting the equivalent synclinal compressive pole model . ( 2 ) The range of the period reduction factors is suggested for the steel staggered truss structures with infilled walls considering the stiffness of infilled walls .

    提出了计取填充墙的刚度影响,带填充墙钢交错桁架结构周期折减系数的 取值范围。

  • The Bayan Obo Group in the northern region is characterized by development of ophiolite m é lange imbricate thrust and tightly synclinal fold corresponding to accretionary complex scrapped off during plate subduction .

    断裂北侧的白云鄂博群以发育蛇绿混杂岩-叠瓦状冲 断层- 紧闭 褶皱为特征,具有古板块俯冲形成的加积杂岩特征。