


  • Research on Convergence Development System on Logistics and Finance Based on Synergetics

    基于 同学的物流金融协同系统研究

  • Synergetics and Construction of a Harmonious Society & Fairness efficiency and the socialist market economy

    协同 与建构和谐社会&公平、效率与社会主义市场经济

  • The article presents the characteristics of the nonlinear system and nonlinear action approaches the dialectical laws of system contained in the nonlinear phenomena puts forward the human - earth synergetics and systematically ponders over the theory of sustainable rapid and healthy development .

    本文介绍了非线性系统及非线性作用的特点,探讨了非线性现象中所包含的系统辩证规律。提出了人地 协同 The Human&Earth Synergetics),对持续、快速、健康发展理论进行了系统思考。

  • Discussion on Concept of Coordinated Development of Comprehensive Transportation System under Synergetics

    协同 角度 综合运输体系协调发展的内涵

  • Also measuring SVA by degree of system synergetics in institution of higher education is proposed .

    提出了以高等学校的系统 协同度的高低来衡量SVA的大小。

  • The postmodernism philosophy mode of thinking is the dynamic mode of thinking that is in accordance with Synergetics and it have the characters of tow generalization and three classifications .

    后现代主义哲学思维方式是与 组织 动力学 理论相一致的动力学思维方式,具有“二总三分”的特征。

  • Practical Research of High-school Physics Classroom Teaching under the Theory of Synergetics

    协同 理论指导下的高中物理课堂教学实践研究

  • The Research About Collaborative Process of E-Government Based on the Perspective of the Synergetic Theory Discussion on Concept of Coordinated Development of Comprehensive Transportation System under Synergetics

    同学 视角下的电子政务协同过程研究从协同论角度论综合运输体系协调发展的内涵

  • So dissipative structure theory synergetics catastrophe theory Hypercycle and chaos come into being .

    因此,产生了耗散结构理论、 同学、突变论、超循环理论以及混沌理论。

  • Explanation of the effect is made from the viewpoint of synergetics .


  • Based on the basic principles of synergetics this passage studies the synergy problem of time and space factors in teaching of sports skills .

    同学的基本原理为 依据,就运动技能教学中时空因素协同问题进行了研究。

  • Mechanisms of the formation and development of spontaneous community mass sports organizations from the perspective of synergetics

    协同 与社区自发性群众体育组织形成与发展机制

  • The environmental impacts of industrial development and the counter-measures were studied using self-organizational theory of synergetics in Jiaozuo area .

    应用 同学与耗散结构中的自组织理论方法,研究了焦作市人-环境 系统的结构,发展与协调控制途径。

  • Then several principles and methods of the cerebrum synergetics are proposed firstly .

    基于这一机制和特点,初步提出了大脑 同学的一些基本原理和方法。

  • Synergetics and its applications in computational systems and social systems


  • Firstly the complicated feedback mechanism of ecosystem and the evolving process of self-organization from synergetics show the consistency of systemic dialectics and contradiction dialectics .

    生态系统的复杂反馈机制以及 同学所研究的自组织演化过程,都表明了系统辩证法与矛盾辩证法的一致性。

  • This paper applies system theory to study scientific development philosophy analyses its system traits and impetus mechanism and explores the system evolution principle of scientific development philosophy with the theory of synergetics and slaving principle .

    笔者应用系统理论对科学发展观进行研究,分析了科学发展观的系统特征及其系统动力机制;从 协同 原理和支配原理探讨了科学发展观的系统演化原理。

  • Synergetics derives a system evolution equation of general significance according to the philosophical analogy .

    其次 同学依据哲学类比方法,推导出具有普遍意义的系统演化方程。

  • The Theory of Synergetics and Information Communication System

    协同 理论与情报信息交流系统

  • Research of Polymer Melt Transfer Process by Vibrating Based on Synergetics

    基于 同学的聚合物熔体 振传递过程研究

  • Sport Values Self-Organization Development of the East and the West on Synergetics

    同学对中西方体育价值观 系统自组织演进的解读

  • The Study on Synergetics Development and Design of Guangdong Vocational and Technical College

    协同发展 观念下的广东高等职业技术学院校园 规划设计研究

  • Potential development in multi-sensor measurement system based on synergetics

    协同 理论在多传感测量系统中的潜在发展

  • It mainly studies the application of synergetics in the national defense science and technology industry .

    重点研究了 同学 理论在国防科技工业系统中的应用。

  • The evolution mechanism of the alliance among industry university and research institute based on the synergetics theory

    基于 同学理论的产学研联盟演化机制研究

  • Research on Enterprise Strategic Synergy Mechanism Optimization Based on Chaos Theory and Synergetics

    基于混沌理论与 同学的企业战略协同机制优化研究

  • Synergetics Method and Its Application in Classroom Teaching


  • The common law of movement of nature revealing by synergetics competition and cooperation is the way to make known the mysteries of human nature ;

    协同 所揭示的自然界运动的普遍规律&竞争与协同,是本文解开人性之谜的突破口;

  • To put forward a new method of automatic recognition based on synergetics in traffic state .

    提出一种基于 协同 理论的交通状态自动识别的新方法。