synovial capsule

[医] 关节囊

  • The located position value of CT diagnosis in the synovial plicaes effusion around the articular capsule

    CT对膝关节周围 滑膜 积液的定位诊断价值

  • Modern medicine considers that Knee Osteoarthritis is a all-round multi-level different levels of chronic inflammation which has degenerative changes in the articular cartilage at the core the bone involved including synovial and the joint capsule and articular other structures .

    现代医学认为膝骨性关节炎是一种以关节软骨退行性改变为核心,累及骨质,并包括 滑膜、关节 及关节其他结构的全方位、多层次、不同程度的慢性炎症。

  • Synovial bursa communicant with the knee joint cavity are suprapatellar bursa bursa of semimembranosus and Popliteus capsule . 2 .

    与膝关节腔相通的 滑膜囊包括髌上囊、腓肠肌内外侧头腱下囊、半膜肌囊、胭肌

  • Synovial metaplasia was present in the inner layer of fibrous capsule .

    纤维 内层出现的 滑膜化生是一种生物适应现象,追溯 滑膜与纤维内层之成纤维 细胞起源充质细胞,在生物适应过程中发展为 滑膜 细胞

  • Conclusion The knee CT is very important to fix the position of synovial plicaes effusion around the articular capsule .

    结论膝关节CT对膝关节周围 滑膜 积液的定位诊断具有重要的价值。

  • Observe the attachment of the articular capsule and the synovial capsule which is communicant with the joint cavity ( the infrapatellar fat pad and the deep infrapatellar bursa are primary concerns ) .

    观察膝关节囊的附着点及与关节腔相通的 滑液 的位置(重点观察髌下脂肪垫及髌下深囊)。