system convention

[ˈsɪstəm kənˈvɛnʃən][ˈsistəm kənˈvenʃən]


  • This dissertation mainly discusses the relations between the system of Chicago Convention and the global air transportation deregulation .

    本论文主要论述了芝加哥 公约 体系与国际航空运输自由化之间的辩证关系。

  • Shanghai financial system emanating from financial convention and custom transformation is popular in the whole China .

    由钱业 惯例和习俗转变形成的上海钱业 制度通行全国。

  • Penal prosecution by default is not enacted in China 's Criminal Proceedings Code while it is ordained as an important legal system in UN Convention Against Corruption .

    刑事缺席追诉作为打击腐败犯罪的一项重要法律 制度规定在 联合国反腐败 公约 中,我国刑事诉讼法对此却未予规定。

  • There are provisions about this system in international convention and some west countries . It is divided into different types descriptive fair use indicative fair use and parody are all typical forms .

    国际 公约和欧美许多国家对这一 制度都有规定,并把其划分为不同类型,叙述性合理使用、指示性合理使用以及滑稽模仿等都是其典型的表现形式。

  • It also introduces the law rules of some countries on performing forms of the delegacy expatiates the abuses and perfecting of the delegacy form of our country and points out that our country should accept the common delegacy system from constitution convention .

    介绍了各国对代表权行使形式的法律规定,并阐述了我国公司代表权形式的弊端及完善,指出我国应采纳由章程 约定的共同代表权

  • Second it expounds the regulations about lawyers ' defense right in investigation in countries of Anglo-American and continental legislation system and international convention documents .

    其次阐述了英美法系、大陆 法系以及国际 公约中关于侦查阶段律师辩护权的规定。

  • Therefore liabilities for breach of contract is one of the very important system in contract law which is regulated clearly in each country 's legal system and international convention .

    因而,违约责任 制度是合同法中一项极其重要的制度,各国法律及有关国际 公约对此都进行了明确的规定。

  • Since 1990s the new international marine legal system The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has effected greatly on the domestic fishery legislation of main marine countries all over the world .

    自20世纪90年代以来,新的国际海洋法律 制度&《联合国海洋法 公约 ,对各主要海洋国家的国内渔业立法产生了深刻影响。

  • Based on the basic principles and system of Paris Convention the TRIPs agreement of WTO made further development and reinforced the international protection of well-known trademark .

    WTO的TRIPs协定在继承巴黎 公约基本原则和 制度的基础上,对驰名商标的国际保护作了进一步的发展,加强了对驰名商标的国际保护。

  • Proposals are made from the aspects of share structure reform shareholder and shareholder convention director manager system and inspection convention to perfect corporate governance in China .

    从股权结构改革,股东及股东大会、董事会、经理 制度监事 等几个方面对我国公司治理结构的完善提出了建议。

  • At present the international community has formed a relatively complete system of the Convention on oil pollution damages .

    目前,国际上已经形成了较为完善的船舶油污损害赔偿 公约 体系

  • A Study on the Implement System of Maritime Labor Convention Draft and Our Countermeasures

    《海事劳工 公约 (草案)的履约 机制及我国对策研究

  • Therefore has produced two major negotiable instrument law systems to adjust the negotiable instrument regulations named common negotiable instrument law system and the Geneva Convention system .

    其他票据伪造行为主要指票据的背书伪造行为,各国关于票据伪造的法律制度不尽相同。由此产生了调整票据法规范的两大票据法体系,即英美票据法 体系和日内瓦 公约体系。

  • The wizard will create a plug-in ID based on this name so it must be unique in the system ( by convention the project name and the plug-in ID are the same ) .

    该向导将根据这个名称创建插件标识,所以它在 系统中必须是唯一的(按 惯例,项目名和插件标识相同)。

  • The honorary degree system is a convention in British universities .

    荣誉学位 是英国大学的一项 传统

  • Meanwhile the state system of taxes and convention of drowning female babies served as powerful adjusters of population traditional society .

    国家的赋税 制度与溺女婴的 习俗则是传统社会有力的人口调节器。

  • The Structure and Construction of Metal-roof System of Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center

    广州国际 会议展览中心金属屋面板 系统构造与施工

  • On the Horizon of International Law Reforming and Building our Criminal Investigation System & International Convention on the Second Revision of China 's ' Criminal Procedure Law'Enlightenment

    试论国际法视域下的我国刑事侦查 制度之改革与建构&国际 公约对我国《刑事诉讼法》再修改之启迪

  • This article reviews and compares the cases and stipulations of The Civil Law system The Common Law System and Geneva Convention on Uniform Law of Conflict . on capacity and forms of bill conduct and bill liability .

    从票据当事人行为能力、票据行为方式和票据债务三个方面,考察和比较了大陆法系和英美 法系国家以及日内瓦统一冲突法分 中的有关规则和判例。

  • Market economy consists of competitive price system and relative convention custom and institutions .

    市场经济包括竞争的价格 体系和相应的 惯例、习俗和制度。

  • At the same time this operation and further reflects the information management system at the Convention Exhibition management advantages the depth of the system of promotion and development of lay a good foundation .

    同时,本次运营也进一步体现了会展信息管理 系统会展管理中的优势,为系统的推广与深度开发打下良好基础。

  • The Issue of Compatibility between CFC Tax System and Bilateral Tax Convention and China 's Countermeasures

    CFC 税制与双边税收 条约兼容性问题及中国因应对策

  • Primary Search on Comprehensive Evaluation Index System of Convention and Exhibition Industry

    会展产业综合效益评价指标 体系初探

  • IMO search and rescue system International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Assistance and Salvage of Aircraft or by Aircraft at Sea

    国际海事组织搜救 系统1938年统一关于海上对航空器或由航空器进行救助的若干规则的国际 公约

  • Design of the Roof Structure System in Nanning International Convention & Exhibition Center

    南宁国际 会展中心展厅屋盖的结构 选型和设计

  • According to a system adopted at the Geneva Convention fatty acids are named in accord with the parent hydrocarbon .

    根据日内瓦 会议所采纳的 系统,脂肪酸是按照它的母体烃来命名的。

  • System a common convention is relationship and constraint between individuals and enterprises .

    制度是企业、个人之间的一种关系和约束,是一种共通的 约定