system control block

[ˈsɪstəm kənˈtrol blɑk][ˈsistəm kənˈtrəul blɔk]


  • Finally by the configuration of the system poles the feedback coefficient of control block diagram can be got . Again for the PWM rectifier a system simulation model in the Matlab / Simulink has be set up .

    最后通过对 系统极点的配置,得到 控制 框图中的反馈系数。

  • And this paper introduces new generation ZJ-120 / 45D to be automatic frequency conversion of the composition of the structure and the working principle established the mathematical model of the mechanical system and obtained the control block diagram of automatic frequency conversion tensioning devices .

    根据新一代ZJ-120/45D自动变频张紧装置的组成结构及工作原理,建立了其机械 系统、液压缓冲装置的数学模型,并得出了自动变频张紧装置的 控制 方块图。

  • The engine control system included feed forward control block and feedback control block ; and real-time simulation and ground test verified good performance of this control system .

    采用 前馈与反馈的复合控制策略,并通过半物理实时仿真和发动机开车数据的验证,该控制系统具有较好的效果。

  • The stability of the system and the adjustment of the controller parameter in the control block plan were discussed . Finally the track error of single input system was analyzed and the solving method was given .

    根据 系统 控制 框图,分析了 系统的稳定性和控制器参数的整定以及单输入系统的跟踪误差,并给出了解决方法。

  • Detailed analysis of the transportation system protection and control equipment motor schematic block diagram PLC system the external wiring diagram .

    详细分析了输送 系统设备保护 控制电动机原理图、 程序框图、PLC系统外部接线图。

  • The paper analyses the system operation principle and the design of phase lock loop . Simultaneously the paper proposes the control block of the system and phase lock loop program flow chart .

    文中详细分析了 系统的工作原理和锁相环设计,同时给出了系统的 控制 框图和锁相环程序流程图,并进行了样机实验。

  • This paper describes the structure and function of TPS system used in the coking oven rehabilitation project as well as the situation where the control function module block in TPS system realizes complicated control in the coking process .

    介绍了焦炉易地改造工程中所用TPS 系统的结构、功能和TPS系统的 控制功能 实现焦化工艺中复杂控制的情况。

  • Active tectonic system and its control of seismic activity in the east part of the northwest fault block of Sichuan China

    川西北断 东部区域活动构造 体系及其对地震活动的 控制作用

  • The application of Panasonic 's AC servo system and PMAC control block in robots

    松下交流伺服 系统与PMAC 控制 在机器人中的应用

  • The modeling of complex control system is usually based on the UML thus the distributed control system is generally constructed by function block . This paper studies the modeling element : Function Block Adapter which responsible for the connection of UML-RT capsule and IEC 61499 function block .

    复杂控制 系统常用UML来建模,而分布式 控制系统又通常以功能 来构建,文中研究了用于连接UML-RT封装体和IEC61499功能块的模型元件:功能块适配器。

  • The traditional frequency control way is mostly tie-line bias control ( TBC ) mode . But with the in-depth development and perfection of reform in the electric power market system in China the traditional control mode has become an exchange block .

    但随着我国电力 系统市场化体制改革的不断深入和完善,互联 系统原先以联络线和频率偏差控制(TBC)模式为主的频率 控制方式就成了电力市场环境下互联系统区域间交易的 壁垒

  • The paper combines with low temperature waste heat power generation technology to establish the control strategy of the superheat of low temperature waste heat power generation system and according to the control strategy to establish the control principle block diagram of system .

    结合低温余热发电技术建立了低温余热发电 系统过热度的控制策略,并根据其 控制策略建立了系统的控制原理 框图

  • The preliminary study of system control schemes ' implementation is carried out the block diagrams of air handling equipments ' operating mode logic judgment controller and temperature and humidity control systems are proposed .

    系统 控制方案的实现进行了初步的研究,提出了空气处理设备运行模式的逻辑判断控制器及温湿度控制系统的 方框图。

  • However in terms of Interest Rate Risk management techniques or Interest Rate Risk management system the prevention and control capacity of Interest Rate Risk remains weak and Interest Rate Risk management is still in a relatively passive status by the way of ' block ' .

    然而,我国金融机构无论在管理技术还是管理 制度上,对利率风险的防范和 控制能力都较弱,在利率风险管理方式上仍然处于以 为主的被动局面。

  • From the view of analyzing process system control block diagram in order to escape from the limitation of previous manual operation of start-up process the controlling regulation of the controller previous made is fixed consisting of the tract of the operating variables and process controlled variables .

    从控制角度分析过程 系统 控制 方块图,得出摆脱以往开车过程的手动操作的局限性,必须确定控制器预先设定的控制规律,即操纵变量变化轨迹,以及过程受控变量的轨迹。

  • The features of microcomputer control system of type HDZ & 10B electronic beam welder and main functions to control the welding table system are introduced . The block diagram of the microcomputer control system and the welding control program flow chart are given .

    介绍了HDZ&10B型电子束焊机微机控制 系统的特点和 控制焊接工作台方面的主要功能指标,给出了该微机控制系统的 组成 框图和焊接控制程序结构图。

  • The paper presents the basic principle of AC servo system and presents the function and peculiarity of Panasonic 's servo system and PMAC control block . They are used in system of three - dof planar robot .

    介绍交流伺服系统的基本工作原理,介绍了松下交流伺服 系统和PMAC 控制 的功能和特性,将他们融合在三关节平面机器人系统中使用。

  • Taking its application in the new No. 3 BF of WISCO for example the system configuration the control block scheme and its action on compensation of the tilt angle in BLT system are given .

    以其在武钢新3#高炉上的应用为例,给出 系统组态、 控制 框图及它在无料钟系统中所起的补偿倾动角度的作用。

  • The permanent magnet disk-type synchronous motors used for oil-pumping unit were introduced and Vector ( controlled ) system of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor ( PMSM ) was presented and its control strategy and design were also analyzed . At last hardware circuit and software block were given .

    介绍了抽油机用永磁盘式同步电机,并设计了基于DSP的抽油机矢量控制 系统,分析了 系统 控制策略和设计方法,并给出 系统 设计的硬件电路和软件 框图

  • Comparisons are made among the flow control system and temperature control system as well as viscosity control system and the flow block chart of flow control system is given .

    对流量控制系统与温度控制 系统及粘度 控制系统进行了比较,给出了流量控制系统的流程 框图

  • The paper analyzes the control principle of the inline automatic seeking optimal system and presents the operating condition of heater as well as the optimal control procedure block diagram .

    对热效率在线自寻最优的控制原理进行了分析,给出了 控制 投运条件及最优 控制程序 框图

  • This paper introduced a PC control system of the experimental articulated robot . In addition the sketch of the mechanical construction and the digital control system of PC as well as program block diagram of control system are given out .

    介绍一种关节式教学机器人的PC机控制 系统及软硬件实施技术,并给出了机械结构设计简图、PC机数字 控制系统 结构图和程序 框图

  • Sand excavation that obeys objective rule or principle and without scientific planning and regulated management will have negative impacts on the stability of river system threaten the safety of flood control structures block flood discharge and cause great damages on lives and property and safety of people .

    如果缺乏科学规划和有序管理,违背客观规律到处滥采乱挖,则会破坏河势稳定、危及 防洪工程安全、 阻碍河道泄洪、对人民的生命财产安全造成重大损失。

  • Only by optimizing system and optimize the system establishment real-time communication to realize the good optimization effect including thermal optimization based on DCS control platform system custom algorithm blocks and complicated algorithm block function must be based on that can realize complete function .

    只有优化系统和被优化 系统建立实时通讯的时候,才能实现良好的优化效果,其中基于DCS的热工优化 控制平台系统的自定义算法块和复杂算法 功能,都必须在这个基础上才能实现完整功能。

  • Each additional instance of a message flow is implemented as an operating system thread on Windows and UNIX or as a Task Control Block ( TCB ) on z / OS .

    在Windows和UNIX中,消息流程的每个另外的实例被实现为操作 系统线程,在z/OS中,它被实现为任务 控制 (TaskControlBlock,TCB)。

  • Conversational translator writing system session control block

    会话式翻译程序写 系统对话时间 控制 程序

  • The application of PLC in the parallel control system of elevator control system is introduced . The system composition block diagram and program flow charts are presented and the function modules are analyzed in more detail .

    介绍了PLC在电梯并联控制 系统中的应用,给出了系统组成 框图及程序流程图,并对各功能模块进行了较详细的分析。

  • In this system the digital block is used to decode input codes and generate clock and control signals . The analog block is employed to process fuzzy information and output the recognition result .

    其中,数字部分用于对输入码进行译码,并且产生 系统所需的时钟和 控制信号,模拟 部分用于处理模糊信息并输出识别结果。

  • In this model nonlinear system can be dealt in the view of linear system which eliminates the step time delay errors of feedback signal deviation and can realize the simulation to control system which has nonzero initial value in specific links of a block diagram .

    在此模型中,用线性 系统观点解非线性 系统,消除了反馈信号偏差计算的步长时滞误差,并可实现对 控制系统 方框图中具体环节有非零初值系统进行仿真。