


  • It needs to put it through the process of school education syncretize moral recognition and moral introspection combine different majors and moral education coordinate intramural and extramural education to strengthen the moral practice .

    需要加强贯穿学校教育全过程、 融会道德认知和内化过程、实现专业和道德教育相结合、校内外教育相结合的道德实践环节;

  • To syncretize or to reject : cultural conflicts in Daisy Miller


  • Intercross and syncretize in geophysical medical and space imaging

    地震成像与空间成像、医学成像的交叉与 融合

  • He tried to syncretize historical and logical empiricism view on scientific rationality .

    在关于科学合理性问题上他试图 融合历史的和逻辑经验主义的观点。

  • The Chinese culture development need to keep the Confucianist humanism and to syncretize all the cultural forms and thoughts of the world .

    中国未来文化的发展,要充分保持儒家人文精神,并以 西方一切文化形态、 文化思想。

  • Small & special electrical machines syncretize many high technologies such as electrical machine computer power electronics automatic control material and so on . They are the basis of modern weapon automation industry automation office automation as well as domesticity automation .

    微特电机 融合了电机、计算机、电力电子、自动控制、 精密 机械、材料等多种高新技术,是现代武器装备自动化、工业自动化、办公自动化和家庭生活自动化等 不可缺少的重要技术。

  • FOREFRONT OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS AND ITS INTERCROSS WITH COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Intercross and syncretize in geophysical medical and space imaging

    计算物理前沿及其与计算技术的交叉地震成像与空间成像、医学成像的交叉与 融合

  • The better understanding and extracting from different culture we could syncretize the international design ideas with ours then the positive cycle we do .

    对不同民族文化更好的理解和汲取,才能与国际的设计 文化 接轨,才能 促进设计的良性循环。

  • Taking the creation course of the Harbin International Conference Exhibiton Sport Centre Project for example the article searchs the effect in practice of the Architectural Culture Connotation Syncretize and Renew Theory .

    最后以哈尔滨国际会展体育中心的项目创作为例探索了建筑文化的 涵化更新理论在实践中的应用。

  • To seek a new bear platform of the hydrology telemetric system and make it suffice the need of informationization in the field of Water Conservancy better and syncretize or share the imformation with other data net become very urgent .

    寻找新的水情遥测系统承载平台,使其能较好满足现在以及将来的水利信息化的需要,并能和 现今的其他数据网络实现信息 融合和共享就显得相当重要。

  • In order to syncretize different culture the essay advances the culture syncretism model and concrete ways on the basis of the way of solving conflict .

    为了使 异质文化 更好 融合,本文在文化冲突解决方法的基础上,提出了 中外 合资 企业文化融合的模式以及具体的途径。

  • The thinking of complexity can offer an instrument to syncretize human science and science .

    是为科学与人文 种文化的 融合提供了必要的工具。

  • This text also compares and researches the conjunction arithmetic of sail path used in data syncretize of AIS dynamic data together with radar data and draws an ideal conclusion .

    本文还对AIS动态数据和雷达数据的数据 融合中的航迹关联算法进行了比较研究,得出了比较理想的结果。

  • Power Electronic is new type subject which syncretize electric power electronics and control and its applications have come into many domains such as industries agricultures national defenses and traffics .

    电力电子是一 电力、电子和控制于 一体的新型学科,它的应用已经渗入到工业、农业、国防以及交通等众多领域。

  • The two modules syncretize RFID technology embedded control technology and multimedia playback technology .

    两部分模块 分别 融合先进的射频识别技术、嵌入式控制技术和多媒体播放技术。

  • The human brain is a delicate and harmonious superior system which can process information in the currently known universe and it can receive transfer process syncretize information to complete the high-level function of brain by the joint coordination of multiple brain regions .

    人类大脑是一个分工精细且相互协调的高级信息处理系统,通过多个脑区的共同协调工作,人脑能够完成对信息的接收、传递、加工、 融合等过程。

  • Inthe design of the street space in the landscape city we should syncretize the above elements to perfect embody the natural landscape with artificial city .

    在山水城市街道空间的设计中,要将上述构成要素 有效 融会一起,体现自然山水与人工城市的完美结合。

  • The innovation of this paper is to have classified and concluded business patterns for domestic toys market have searched to syncretize creations of channels and brands in a creative way .

    本文的创新之处是将 内销玩具的商业模式进行了系统的整理和归纳,并创造性的把渠道和产品品牌的建立进行 融合研究。

  • Cultivating the undergraduate 's moral quality and personality must absorb the soul of Chinese nation 's traditional morality as well as must syncretize the new content adapting to the development of modern society in the traditional and modern morality .

    大学生道德品质和人格修养的培养必须吸收中华民族传统道德的精华,同时还要 不断 融合传统和现代道德中适应现代化社会发展的新内容。

  • When the female flower become maturity part of the sepals syncretize and form a calyx tube and the remains of sepals become calyx tooth . At this time a cycle of staminodes could be seen around the base of gynoecia .

    在雌花发育接近成熟时, 萼片部分 愈合,形成萼筒,萼片上部未合生的部分则发育成萼齿,此时在雌蕊的周围可见一轮退化雄蕊。

  • Based on theory research the video surveillance system provides the function of image action to telesignalling data which makes SCADA system and video surveillance system syncretize organically .

    课题在理论研究的基础之上,实现了图像监控系统的遥信联动功能,将SCADA系统和图像监控系统有机地 融合在一起。

  • The successful application of these new methods enables this system to syncretize visual technology and assembly CAPP organically thus realizes three dimensional visual assembly of products really .

    这些新方法的成功应用使得该系统能将 虚拟可视化技术和装配CAPP系统有机的 融合在一起,也正是这些 创新 之处 大大 提高了系统的 实际 运行 性能,从而真正实现产品的三维可视化装配。