tailing factor

[ˈtelɪŋ ˈfæktɚ][ˈteiliŋ ˈfæktə]

[化] 拖尾因子

  • Discussing the tailing dam stability evaluation method under seismic condition and calculate the safety factor in different moment during earthquake . At last the whole process stability is evaluated .

    初步探讨了 尾矿 坝在地震荷载下稳定性评价的方法,考虑不同时刻的安全 系数,并对整体稳定性做出评价。

  • This article describes the test study of measuring soaking line of tailing pond by earthquake method including research for earthquake method instrument factor stimulating and receiving devices etc. .

    本文介绍了地震法测试 尾矿坝浸润线的试验研究,包括对地震方法、仪器 因素、激发和接收装置等的研究;

  • On the basis of analysis of tailing dam 's stability this paper establishes seepage monitoring model confirms the factor influencing tailing dam stability and monitors it thereby managers can grasp the basic state of tailing storeroom .

    在对 尾矿坝稳定性进行分析的基础上,建立了渗流监控模型,确定了影响尾矿坝稳定性的 因素,对其进行监测,从而掌握尾矿库运行的基本状况。

  • TP in 1 # tailing pond and peanut land ( mineable part ) were in higher levels than other samples but overall still low and it has become a limiting factor for plant growth .

    从TP来看,1 尾矿 和花生地(开采区)的含量相对其它采样地的要高,但总体还是偏低,已成为植物生长的限制 因子