take against

[tek əˈɡenst][teik əˈɡenst]


  • Analyzes in depth the causes of over-marketing and proposes some measures to take against it such as focusing on the change in demand cutting down the marketing cost and caring about the cost for admission to market .

    深入分析了产生营销过度的原因,并针对这些原因提出了注意需求量变化、降低单位营销活动价格、关注营销准入成本变化等 防范营销过度的几点对策。

  • He also sexually harassed many women and so we decided to take action against him .

    他还对许多妇女性骚扰,所以我们决定 采取行动。

  • Everybody seems to take against him .

    大家似乎都 喜欢他。

  • We should take precautions against the damp to prevent the grain from going mouldy .

    我们 做好 防潮工作,预防粮食霉损。

  • He also urged rich nations to take action against companies doing dishonest business in developing countries .

    他还催促富裕国家 采取行动约束那些在发展中国家从事非诚信贸易的 不法公司。

  • China 's shoes class enterprises should take action against European Union 's anti-dumping maintains China 's benefit .

    中国制鞋企业 积极 应对欧盟反倾销,以最大限度地维护自己的利益。

  • The losses the banks began to take against their holdings of CDOs were staggering .

    银行开始 承受持有CDO带来的损失,数目令人难以置信。

  • The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability .

    选举 愈加动荡不安的局势下举行。

  • And take action against injustice and unfairness in this world .

    敢于和不公正的 世道进行 斗争

  • It is not an unsympathetic biography but Sir Edward has taken against it .

    这本传记并不惹人厌,可爱 德华爵士不喜欢它。

  • They take precautions against fire in the bars .

    酒吧里 采取预防火灾的措施。

  • If the Americans were so minded then they could take sanctions against them .

    要是美国人非要这么做的话,那么他们可以 进行制裁。

  • Its vitally important that we take action against illegal drug sales .

    非法药品销售 采取 制措施是很重要的。

  • I don 't think people take that against the company .

    我认为人们不会因为 通敌一事而 反对她的公司。

  • Since they saw the matter could not be settled outside the court they decided to take action against him .

    他们知道事情不能在法庭以外解决, 决定 对此提出诉讼。

  • This would have value because anti-dumping and countervailing duty actions are easier to take against non-market economies such as China .

    这将是有价值的,因为人们更容易运用反倾销和反补贴措施来 对付中国这样的非市场经济国家。

  • Witness blocked attempts to take action against bad actors like Syria .

    最近的例子就是有人阻碍 叙利亚这样的危险分子 采取行动。

  • Undertake take precautions against natural calamities prevents the another obligation that caustic job is an underwriter actively .

    积极 进行 防灾防损工作是保险人的又一义务。

  • China together with Russia has also been reluctant to take action against Iran over its nuclear programme .

    此外,在伊朗核计划的问题上,中国与俄罗斯也不愿 针对伊朗 采取行动。

  • Our community is going to take action against the proposed waste dump .

    我们地区要 采取行动 反对那项垃圾处理场的提案。

  • When I get personal criticism I remind myself that statistically some people will take against my style .

    当我遭到人身 攻击时,我会提醒自己,从统计学上讲,总会有人不 喜欢我的风格。

  • We have to take precautions against a trap .

    我们必须提高警惕, 圈套。

  • This leads to the stance we take against link purchasing and the corresponding debate that we have with Webmasters who buy links .

    这就是为什么我们 购买链接这种行为进行批判和争论了。

  • I have requested the international community to take action against this occupation this act of unprecedented aggression against our sovereign state .

    我已经请求国际社会对这种对主权国家的占领和前所未有的侵犯 采取 反击行动。

  • Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda turned up the heat on South Korea over a territorial dispute Tuesday deciding to take the issue to an international tribunal and telling his cabinet ministers to come up with other options the government can take against Seoul .

    日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)周二加大了争夺日韩争议领土的行动力度,他决定把这个问题提交给国际法庭,并吁请内阁成员拿出政府可以 运用 应对首尔的其它办法。

  • It is also a highly risky step to take against a government that is a key ally in a war .

    战争关键盟友的政府 采取如此做法也有相当大的风险。

  • Yet this diffusion must take place against the frozen field effect .

    可是,这种扩散必须 冻结磁场效应的 背景发生

  • So it was important to take precautions against bad behaviour .

    因此,重要的是 采取措施 预防不良行为。

  • If he refuses to pay I shall take measures against him .

    如果他拒绝付钱,我会 采取措施的。