take it hard

[tek ɪt hɑː(r)d][teik it hɑrd]


  • Don 't disparage good manners . Don 't take it too hard . Let bygones be bygones .

    不要 礼貌 放在心上。

  • Take it easy . Don 't work so hard .

    点儿!别干得 那么 辛苦

  • I take it for granted that we should work hard .

    我认为我们应该 努力工作, 理所当然的。

  • When we decided to take loudcloud public with only $ 2 million in revenue it was not a hard choice intellectually & the alternative was to go bankrupt .

    当我们决定 收入只有200万美元的 Loudcloud公司(Loudcloud,苹果手机应用及云服务开发商译注)上市时, 在理智上并不是个 艰难的决定大不了备选方案就是破产而已。

  • When things are good they feel like masters of the universe but when the bubble bursts they take it very hard .

    当环境好时,他们感觉自己像是宇宙的主人,但当泡沫破裂,他们 接受

  • Take it easy ! Don 't go at it so hard !

    悠着,别太 了。

  • The quicker you learn not to take it personally ( and its hard when its your business and your creation ) the more successful you will be .

    越快学会 不要 过介意别人的批评(当然因为是自己的事业和创意,完全不在意 困难),你就会越成功。

  • Some students take it for granted that their parents should work hard to raise them .

    一些学生 认为 是理所当然的,家长应该 辛苦工作来养活他们。

  • So take care of yourself cherish life it is hard won and easy to lose .

    所以, 照顾好自己,珍爱生命, 来之不易而又易于失去。

  • Take care it 's raining very hard today .

    保重!今天 很大。

  • And I take it from your remarks that while you did study hard you also enjoyed Hawaii .

    我从您的发言中 感受 :尽管你在那里的学习 认真,但是你在夏威夷也很享受。

  • She 'll take it hard when she finds out .

    如果她知道的话 非常 难过的。

  • The Rules make you doubt your instinct to take risks and it 's hard to find love when you 're playing it safe .

    这些规则使你怀疑你 冒险的本能, 你谨慎行事时 找到真爱。

  • She taught me how to take good notes . It 's not hard .

    但是罗芮, 如果你没有 的笔记你又如何 拿到好的成绩呢?

  • But don 't take it too hard & your turn will come .

    要是你没有 证据去报了警,他可以给你制造好多 麻烦的。

  • By thinking more communicating more with scholars both in China and the world this may take a long time to realize but it only needs your persistence and hard working .

    通过更多的分析思考,更多地与国内外的学者进行学术交流。这也许 一个长期的过程,但 需要你坚持、 勤奋努力就会实现目标。

  • Take advantage of it and work hard to achieve your financial and professional goals .

    好好利用 这些因素来实现你的财务与职业目标。

  • Take it as an example : You can easily assembly a U disk ( removable hard disk ) by selecting embedded processor memory system and USB interface with corresponding system software and driver program .

    例如:可以 根据 需要,选择嵌入式处理器、存储系统再加上USB接口,裁剪相关的系统软件及驱动软件即可构成一个U盘(移动 硬盘)。

  • Studies show that whenever you take a break from what you are doing to check your smartphone it is hard to go back to your original task according to Adam Gazzaley a neurologist at UCSF .

    研究表明,每当你 停下手头工作中,开小差检查一番自己的智能手机,之后你 再回到原来的工作状态中了。

  • How did he take that ? Did he take it hard ?

    他什么 反映 难受吗?

  • Don 't take it so hard ; you will feel better tomorrow .

    不要 为此如此 难过;你明天会觉得更好。

  • We 'd better take a taxi as it is raining so hard .

    我们最好 打的,因为 下的 很大

  • Soon the teenagers who are blogging in their millions about their drunken exploits will join the job market and companies refusing to take them will find it hard to find any recruits at all .

    很快,那些在博客上描写自己醉生经历的青少年将进入职场。而不 接纳他们的公司会 发现 根本无人可招。

  • I like to sit by the fire and take it easy after a hard day 's work said Alf lighting pipe and stretching his legs .

    我喜欢在一天工作 劳累之后,坐在火炉旁放松 一下。阿尔夫点燃烟斗,翘着脚说道。

  • Some women join the scramble and forget about having children but if they take time out to start a family they find it very hard to catch up afterwards .

    有的女性也加入这样的激烈竞争中来,忘记了生孩子的事,但是如果她们就会 拿出一部分时间来成家,他们 就会撵上那些人的脚步。

  • Don 't worry . ; Don 't take it too hard .


  • People say'Don 't take it personally'and'Don 't let it get to you 'but that 's very hard to do .

    人们说:“ 放在心上”、“别让 这事影响你”,但是要做到却十分

  • In the current implementation the process can take over two weeks making it hard for ACME Insurance to compete with other insurers .

    在当前实现中,该流程要 两周以上的时间,使得ACMEInsurance 与其他保险商竞争。

  • Take it all in all a sailors life is a very hard one .

    总而言之,水手的生活是非常 艰难的。