take notice

[tek ˈnotɪs][teik ˈnəutis]


  • Volunteering for professional services will make others take notice if you possess such qualities .

    别人会通过你的志愿服务 注意 你是否具有这些品质。

  • You must be very observant and take notice of how the language is used by native speakers .

    你必须具有非常敏锐的观察力, 留意本族语使用者是如何运用语言的。

  • At this point the audience began to sit up and take notice .

    到这时候听众开始打起精神 注意 了。

  • Ill teach you how to watch the sun in the sky and take notice of the living things .

    我会教你怎么观察天空中的太阳, 怎么 留意活的东西。

  • Someone you have liked for some time will take notice of the changes you are making .

    而你倾心的某个人也 发现你做的这些改变。

  • He didn 't take notice of tom 's proposals at the meeting .

    在会上他不 理会汤姆的建议。

  • Your coworkers and other supervisors will take notice of your hard work and it will pay off .

    你的同事或其他主管会 注意 你的努力工作,你的付出都是有回报的。

  • The entire world must take notice of something like this .

    全世界一定 关注这样的事情。

  • And if you 're Yahoo this is time to sit up and take notice that you 're next .

    如果你是雅虎,你该坐下来, 想想自己的下一步如何发展了。

  • He is too proud to take notice of others .

    他很骄傲,不 理睬别人。

  • Suddenly her mood changed and she began to take notice and ask questions .

    她的情绪突然变了,开始 表示 关注并提出问题了。

  • The men take notice of that sometimes you know .

    你知道,男人有时对这种 还挺 注意呢。

  • KFS to take notice until started running the team will not be a decoration decoration style .

    直到 KFS 通知可以收楼了,才开始手忙脚乱,定了装修队定不了装修风格。

  • It only takes a couple of mornings to get them to take notice .

    这只花了几个早上的 时间女儿适应了。

  • The news made everyone sit up and take notice .

    这条消息突然引起了每个人的 注意

  • He would hang out no signals he would take notice of none .

    他不肯挂出求和的信号,对别的表示也不 理睬

  • You should take notice of the taboos on colours in the Chinese culture when choosing the appropriate packing paper .

    在选择包装纸时,要 注意 中国文化中颜色的忌讳。

  • Before accepting interview take notice to department in order to do well in entertainment work .

    在接受采访之前,对其他部门下 通知以确保活动的顺利 进行

  • Look round you and take notice ; men who do that do not often fail .

    看看你的周围, 注意身边的人,那样做的人往往不会失败。

  • I promise recruiters will take notice .

    我保证,招聘人员会 注意 的。

  • If you 've done something you 'd like your partner to take notice of say something !

    如果你做了一些你想让你的另一半 注意的事情,那就告诉他!

  • I would argue that it is now an awakened giant and we should take notice .

    我要说,它现在是一个苏醒的巨人,我们 应该 保持 警惕

  • If you want people to take notice of you you must make your accomplishments visible .

    如果你想别人 注意 你,一定要让别人看得见你的成绩。

  • I 'm hoping my speech will make people sit up and take notice .

    我希望我的讲话能引起人们的 关注

  • We want the government to take notice of what we think they should do for single parents

    我们希望政府 能够 关注单亲父母,为他们做一些应该做的事。

  • This should make people sit up and take notice .

    这件事应引起人们的 关注

  • It is sufficient that it may be the possible convent that I should take notice of it .

    只要那是可能存在的修院,就足已使我 加以 重视了。

  • There are two more things you should take notice of in the / webapp directory .

    /webapp目录中还应该 注意两个东西。

  • This is where I sit up and take notice .

    这才是真的让我坐起身, 注意的部分。

  • Begin to take notice as you go through the day of which is which .

    如果你天天感觉无所事事,你必须 开始 注意了。