take a holiday

[tek e ˈhɑlɪˌde][teik ə ˈhɔlədi]


  • Why shouldn 't I take a holiday ? It 's perfectly legal .

    我为什么不能 度假?那完全是合法的。

  • You look pretty run-down ; why do not you take a holiday ?

    你看上去气色不隹,何不 度假

  • One thing to watch out for when things are going wrong is employees who never take a holiday .

    当情况变得不太对劲时,要留意那些从不 休假的雇员。

  • If unemployment has exploded upwards it can only be because after Lehman imploded workers chose to take a holiday .

    如果失业率大幅上升,那只能是因为在雷曼(Lehman)破产后,工人们选择了 休假

  • The big project engages us so much that we can 't manage to take a holiday this year .

    这个大工程使我们如此忙碌以至于今年没有 渡假

  • I 'd like to take a holiday with you but I can 't because of business .

    我很想和你们 一起 度假,我事务缠身不能如愿。

  • I ( am not sleeping ) well . I want to take a holiday . ( not sleep )

    近来我睡觉不好,我想 休假

  • If you take a holiday now you will be all the better for it .

    如果你现在就 休假,反而更好。

  • For many Chinese tourist this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful place to take a holiday .

    对许多中国旅游者来说,东南亚的这个小岛是一 度假的好地方。

  • Where money is concerned the ordinary rules of conduct take a holiday .

    在钱的问题上,一般的行为准则是 作用的。

  • I gotta see a new face . I need to take a holiday .

    我想我真的该去到陌生的 地方 走走了。

  • He had no time to take a holiday and kick up his heels when he came back from the war .

    当他从战场上归来时,甚至没有时间 休假 休假或庆祝一番。

  • She 's just a bit run down . I think she needs to take a holiday .


  • Are you able to afford to take a holiday this summer ?

    今年夏天你能抽空 度假吗?

  • Piles of work have kept us busy & so much so that we can 't manage to take a holiday this year .

    一大堆的工作搞得我们很忙,忙得今年都没法 度假了。

  • Suppose we take a holiday next week .

    下星期 休假 如何?

  • And decided to take a holiday here with us .

    决定在这里和我们 度假

  • Planning a summer break should go some way to fostering the hope that in six months ' time you will still have a job to take a holiday from .

    规划一个暑假应该有一些办法来培育希望以至于在六个月的时间内你将仍然有一份可以 休假的工作。

  • In the meantime how can we possibly afford to take a holiday ?

    在此期间,我们怎么能度得 呢?

  • I was thirteen at the time when my parents decided to take a holiday to Lakes Entrance .

    我父母决定 湖区 度假的时候,我13岁。

  • I can 't forget what it was like when Janet and I still lived together-I think I 'll take a holiday and try to get out of my system .

    我不能忘却珍妮特和我曾经在一起生活的情景&因此我 度假,试图将他从我记忆中抹去。

  • In my old company we had to apply to take a holiday and give them the reasons why .

    在我以前的公司,如果想 休假,就必须 申请,并且给出你 休假的理由。

  • It has undoubtedly altered the work-life balance : sometimes favourably as when it allows people to work from home or to take a holiday knowing that they can keep in touch remotely ;

    它无疑已经改变了工作生活的平衡:有时候是有利的,因为它可以让人们在家工作或者 度假时知道如果有事也可以被联系到;

  • You have a duty to yourself to take a holiday now and then .


  • Many people like to take a holiday in Spain at this time of the year .

    每年这个时候很多人喜欢到西班牙 度假