take a nest

[tek e nɛst][teik ə nest]


  • He went to take a bird 's nest was built upon a bough ; the branch gave way and Simon fell into a dirty slough .

    去取小鸟的 ,那个筑在一根大树枝上的鸟窝;树枝断了西蒙掉下来落在肮脏的泥沼里。

  • An amazing behavior of self-organization will usually be produced from the collective behavior of social animals . Take a colony of ants for example blind ants can find the shortest routing path from their nest to food source .

    社会性动物的群体活动往往能产生惊人的自组织行为,如个体行为显得盲目的蚂蚁 组成蚁群后能够发现从 蚁巢到食物源的最短路径。

  • No person shall except in accordance with a special permit take remove injure destroy or wilfully disturb a nest or egg of any protected wild animal .

    任何人除按照特别许可证行事外,不得 、移走、损害、销毁或故意干扰任何受保护野生动物的 或蛋。