If you take a glance at advertisements in New York or A-level options in Britain an answer seems to leap out : Mandarin .
如果你 看看纽约的广告或是英国的剑桥高级水准科目选择,答案似乎显而易见:汉语。
It doesn 't take a glance at what it thinks it should not take .
凡是 燕子认为不该取的东西,它 连 看都不 看 一 眼;
Can we just take a glance at some of your products ?
我们可以 浏览 一下你们的产品吗?
Before briefly discussing how well central banks have actually performed we should take a glance at their origins .
在简要讨论央行的实际表现之前,我们应该 先 看 一下央行的起源。
Every time you install a new plug-in you should take a cursory glance at the implementation .
每当安装一个新插件,都要 留意 一下它的实现。
When Mary walked in she didn 't so much as take a glance at me which angered me .
玛丽进门时,连 看我 一 眼 都没有,真令人生气。
I who am original scorn to take even a glance at English patriotic object to English to even believe some Dongdong .
原来的我,对英语 不屑一顾,甚至还相信一些“爱国,反对英语”的东东。
Let me take a glance at my email and then we can go .
让我 很 快 看 一下我的电邮,然后我们可以走了。
He happened to take a glance at a disused bell that hung in the room .
无意间他 瞥见挂在房内一座废弃不用的钟。
Let us take a little glance at the history of the Negro race . It seems to me that the story would melt hearts of stone .
让我们 稍稍回顾 一下黑人的历史,石头人听了这段历史也会为之动容。
Most of the time you just take a glance at it and tear it up .
在多数情况下,你 取款后 打印 的 取款 单只是 看 一下 就丢掉了。