


  • More importantly nanoparticles can be easily designed to produce tailor-made particles for specific applications .

    更重要的是,纳米颗粒可以很容易地设计成制造用于特定用途的 专门颗粒。

  • We are well-positioned to fulfill customers'needs and markets'demands by providing a great variety of tailor-made products and services .

    我们可以充分地满足客户的要求和市场的需求,提供众多 定制产品和服务。

  • This is a collection of specialised chips each tailor-made to analyse data from a certain type of sensor .

    这种装置汇集了专门化的芯片,每一块芯片都是为了分析来自某种特定类型传感器的数据 打造的。

  • Private tailor-made courses designed to suit students'personal learning needs .

    私人 特制的课程专为满足学生的个人学习的需要。

  • Tailor-made course So all you have to do is place the order .

    特定 需求 设计的课程所以你需要做的只是 点击定购 按钮

  • In the future you can get one tailor-made to your own needs .

    未来,你可以得到一本根据你的需要 量身定制

  • Its goal is to address the needs of customers and to provide tailor-made personalized advertising solution .

    我们的目标是针对客户的需要,为其提供 度身定做的、个性化的影视广告和企业宣传片解决方案。

  • These questions were tailor-made for Professor Posner .

    这些问题请教 波斯纳教授算是问对人了。

  • Each product which needs milling has a set of tailor-made mold .

    每一个需要车铣的产品都有一套 特制的靠模。

  • He was tailor-made it was said for the task ahead

    据说他是 前头面临任务的 最佳人选。

  • Surveillance for preparedness and alert must be tailor-made and fine-tuned for dengue .

    为防范和预警进行的监测必须针对登革热来 制定和调整。

  • Private banks have long prided themselves on discretion and tailor-made financial management for the very wealthy .

    长期以来,私人银行一直以判断力和为富人 量身定制金融管理服务为荣。

  • Each client 's portfolio is tailor-made .

    每位客户的投资组合都是 打造的。

  • Throughout the world almost all of these industries have their own tailor-made software-based systems and solutions that network their clients and business partners together .

    几乎所有这些行业都在全世界部署了它们自己的 特制软件系统和解决方案,从而把它们的客户和业务伙伴连接在一起。

  • Bucket size and other characteristics can be tailor-made to suit individual customer 's requirements .

    铲斗尺寸和其它特性可以根据用户要求 量身定制

  • They provide tailor-made plans to each prospective student according to unique education system of different countries .

    他们从学生角度出发,针对不同国家的教育状况和特点,为学生制定 符合实际情况的 多种 留学方案。

  • It also tailor-made a utility kit for use by civil servants to enhance their awareness of safety and health .

    又为公务员 订造一套应用套件,加深他们对安全健康的认识。

  • But local social patterns and recruitment numbers have not warranted tailor-made apprenticeships .

    不过,当地的社会模式和招募人数无法保证实行 量体裁衣”的学徒制。

  • My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position .

    我的工作背景及经历都是为这个职位 准备的。

  • All our products are tailor-made with high-quality-brand accessories .

    我们的所有产品都是手工 制作,配套使用高质量品牌的辅料。

  • The council also offered tailor-made courses for companies of different trades and government departments .

    此外,该局也为各行业的公司和政府部门,举办 订造的课程。

  • In the mean time bespoke service is available so that customers can order tailor-made products .

    与此同时,他们也可以 根据顾客的不同 需要 量身定做顾客们需要的款式。

  • Our dedicated quality people strive to provide you with tailor-made logistics solutions customized to your particular needs .

    我们专注、品质的人努力为您提供 量体裁衣 的物流解决方案,定制您的特定需求。

  • Java technology provides tailor-made solutions to the problems of SOA design and implementation .

    Java技术为SOA设计和实现提供了 经过 优化的解决方案。

  • We 'll ask our students'what do you want to learn'and tailor-made courses to individuals .

    我们将问我们的学生:你们想学 以及符合同学特点的课程。

  • Contact Us for Tailor-made Tea Culture Tours .

    联系我们的 定制 国产茶文化旅游。

  • Tailor-made policies are also available to cater for the different needs of exporters in different business sectors .

    此外,该 又提供 设计的保单,以迎合个别出口界别的不同需要。

  • He was wearing a tweed suit that looked tailor-made .

    他身穿一套粗花呢西服,看上去像是 量身定做的。

  • WPARs are tailor-made for working with test and / or QA and development environments .

    WPAR是 专门为了测试和/或QA与开发环境 定制的。

  • In theory this should help staff provide tailor-made financial advice .

    理论上讲,这应该有助于员工提供 特制的财务建议。