tail after

[tel ˈæftɚ][teil ˈɑ:ftə]


  • Conclusion : Protein pattern of dimensional electrophoresis of tail bud embryos raried obviously after laser irradiation and there were relationships between protein pattern and laser energy density .

    结论:激光照射 芽胚双向电泳蛋白质谱有明显影响,蛋白质点的变化与激光能量密度相关。

  • Objective To observe changes of mass and biomechanical properties of lumbar vertebra in rats following tail suspension and after different periods of recovery .

    目的观察 模拟 失重大鼠腰椎骨骨质和生物力学特性 恢复期的变化。

  • Why do you always tail after others ? don 't you have any ideas of your own ?

    你为什么老做别人的 尾巴 难道自己一点儿主见也没有?

  • Some analyses and suggestions were given on the normal casting defects such as rat tail sand mold convey after mixing the number of cores in core shooter and preservation period of molding sand .

    对一些常见的铸造缺陷(例如脉纹),以及混制 砂型输送、射芯机制芯个数、型砂存放时间控制等作了简要的分析和建议。

  • Therefore the effect of the two kinds of steel slag PRB are both good . ( 5 ) The performance of removing arsenic is significantly improved by carbon steel slag and stainless steel tail slag with iron modification after high temperature burning and regeneration .

    因此,两种PRB的实际应用效果良好。(5)高温再生能使碳钢渣和铁改性不锈钢 砷的去除能力显著提高。

  • The tail of an animal after it has been bobbed or clipped .

    动物被截短或 剪短 尾巴

  • The drug 's effect does not tail off after it has been used repeatedly .

    反复使用本药,药效也不会 减弱

  • The EIA predicts that US crude output will begin to tail off slowly after 2020 but says there is great uncertainty over the outlook .

    美国能源情报署预计,美国原油产量将在2020年 开始 缓缓下降,但表示这一前景仍有很大不确定性。

  • The VCM recovery principle of membrane absorption system was briefly introduced . The analytical method of different constituents of tail gas before and after being absorbed by membrane absorption system was detailed so as to help workshop accurately calculate the recovery rate of membrane absorption system .

    简要介绍了膜吸收系统回收VCM的原理,详细阐述了 原料气经膜吸收系统吸附 前后各组分含量的分析方法,以配合生产车间准确计算膜吸收系统回收率。

  • METHODS : PBS or TGF β 2-DC incubated with donor antigen was injected into murine tail vein . Seven days after the injection the corneal allograft transplantations were performed and eyes were evaluated by clinical observation .

    方法:PBS或已摄取供体抗原的自体TGFβ2-DC经小鼠 静脉注射7d ,建立小鼠同种异体角膜移植模型,临床观察两组植片混浊程度等情况,比较植片存活时间。

  • Adverse events and side effect of the experimental group : Ender nail tail shifted slightly toward the side after early load in 3 cases of femur and tibia fracture which was caused by the poor engomphosis at the stump ;

    实验组不良事件和副作用:股骨及胫骨干骨折早期负重 Ender钉 轻度外移3例,系断端嵌合不佳所致;

  • The team has their tail up after they win their first game .

    赢了第一场 ,所有队员都 兴高采烈

  • The content change over of the harmful composition in the reaction tail gas before the treatment and after by gas chromatography .

    反应 尾气中有害物在处理 前后的含量变化等进行了测定。

  • This paper has researched motor power characteristic adopted Fuzzy Neuro Network Controller ( FNN ) to confirm target current and utilized PID controller to tail after target current .

    对电机助力特性控制进行了研究,采用模糊神经网络控制方法确定电机的目标电流,并利用PID控制 跟踪目标电流。

  • Rats were pretreated with FK506 ( 0.3 mg · kg - 1 iv ) through the tail vein after the rats were slightly anesthetized and 6.0 h after they were recovered in natural condition small bowel transplantation was performed .

    方法:建立大鼠小肠移植I/R损伤模型,FK506预处理方式为大鼠浅麻醉 按0.3mg·kg-1剂量通过 静脉注射,自然环境恢复6h后行异位节段性小肠移植术;

  • Results : It showed that apoptosis or necrosis occurred in all above cells as manifested by a DNA ladder or diffused DNA tail in agarose electrophoresis after 60 minutes of superior mesenteric artery occlusion followed by 270 minutes reperfusion .

    结果:大鼠经小肠前动脉夹闭60分钟、再灌注270分钟 ,上述细胞出现程度不同的凋亡或坏死,DNA电泳出现梯形或弥散状 拖尾

  • But then it normally begins to tail off after six months or so .

    然而通常 六个月 之后就会开始 减弱

  • Comet assay showed that the nuclei form a distinct tail after electrophoresis and the nuclear optical density decreased after Dio effecting . The difference was statistically significant ( P < 0.01 ) .

    彗星电泳结果显示,药物作用 ,细胞核电泳形成明显的 拖尾,细胞核光密度降低,并且差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

  • Rational using the tail gas after the surplus gas generating of shale oil

    页岩油剩余瓦斯发电 尾气的合理利用

  • Each group was given phenytoin 50mg · kg-1 after 1 h at the last time given TCD and Cut tail draws blood after 1 and 25h after the treatment . To detect plasma dilantin sodium concentrations used High performance liquid chromatographic and calculated pharmacokinetic parameters .

    末次灌胃1h后,各组ig苯妥英钠50mg·kg-1,于给药 1和25h后剪 取血,高效液相色谱法检测血浆中苯妥英钠的浓度,并计算药动学参数。

  • 131 I-labeled anti-normal mice IgG was injected through tail vein after the liver metastatic model was estabished as a control group .

    并以模型建立 静脉注射131I标记的正常小鼠IgG作为对照组。

  • Integrate instance tail after the max unbalance and the displacement to analyze the stability of the slope .

    结合实例, 通过 跟踪最大不平衡力和节点位移,来分析边坡的稳定性。

  • When executed as tail filename the tail command exits after displaying the last lines from the specified file which isn 't all that helpful when you want to monitor updates to a log file .

    在执行tailfilename时, tail命令显示指定的文件中最新的几行, 然后退出。这对于监视日志文件更新帮助不大。

  • This article for example using the tail biting convolution code encoder after interleaving make out the greatest degree of randomness coding which is consistent with the conditions of approaching the Shannon limit .

    以本文为例,采用的咬 卷积码编码器 经过交织器交织 ,最大程度的实现了随机性编码,这就非常符合逼近香农极限的条件。

  • Meningeal thicking or just like target sign or tail of mouse sign were found after cerebral metastasis invaded neighbour meninges .

    转移侵及脑膜可见脑膜增厚或类似靶征或鼠 征。

  • After successive administration for 20 days blood was taken out from the tail of anesthetized mice . After the mice were killed spleen liver and muscles were isolated .

    连续给药20d后,麻醉小鼠 断尾取血,处死 取其脾脏、肝脏及肌肉。

  • Group B were injected with 5-ALA through tail veins half an hour after celiac injection of DFO .

    B组DFO腹腔注射半小时 ALA 静脉注射;

  • Purified vMIP ⅱ was injected in tail vein once everyday after skin transplantation ( Kunming mice to Balb / c ) till the 14th day .

    纯化的vMIPⅡ经 静脉给药异体皮肤移植小鼠(昆明鼠 /Balb/c)连续14d。

  • Export : Representative office 's function is to contact between suppliers and export agent to assure the quality of the goods and delivery time and tail after the place of delivery .

    出口:代表处的作用,是联系供货商和出口代理商。保证供货商的货源品质,确保交货时间, 跟踪交货地点等。

  • He did not seem at all sorry but he went away with his tail between his legs after I made him apologize in front of everyone .

    他似乎没有丝毫歉意,但在我让他向大家道歉 ,他 灰溜溜地走掉了。