take part in

[tek pɑrt ɪn][teik pɑ:t in]


  • Did Helen take part in the discussion ?

    海伦 参加讨论了吗?

  • Peter : which group do you take part in ?

    彼得:你 参加了哪 个活动小组?

  • Unfortunately I can 't take part in the party this time !

    真可惜,我这次不能 参加聚会了。

  • You can take part in multiplayer games either on a LAN network or via the internet .

    可以通过局域网或因特网 参加多人游戏。

  • Mrs Kerr was too upset to take part in a reconstruction of her ordeal .

    克尔夫人受惊过度,不堪 参与自己所受折磨的场景重现。

  • Cadres have gone down to different grass-roots units to take part in manual labour .

    干部们分别下基层 参加劳动去了。

  • Benzoylperoxide and especially azobisisobutyronitrile do not take part in transfer reactions .

    过氧化苯甲酰、特别是偶氧二异丁腈不 参加链移反应。

  • They take part in races and other competitions .

    他们 参加竞赛和其它比赛。

  • Thanks ! What sport do you take part in ?

    谢谢!你 参加了什么比赛?

  • All the students take part in this game .

    所有同学都 参加了这个比赛。

  • At that time the problem of whether we should take part in the Olympic Games or not arose .

    那时出现了我们该不该 参加奥运会的问题。

  • His toes are hurt and he is unable to take part in today 's basketball game .

    因脚指受伤,他不能 参加今天的篮球赛了。

  • Hi Jim . I don 't want to take part in the poem recital party .

    嗨,吉姆。我不想 参加诗歌朗诵会了。

  • You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching .

    可以 参与从划独木舟到观鸟等各种活动。

  • And they expound general procedure and basic methods for university students to take part in scientific research .

    对大学生 参加科研活动的一般程序和基本方法作了论述。

  • Of course you can also use the following method to take part in our activity .

    当然了,您也可以通过以下方式 随时 参与我们的活动。

  • I think it very important that we can take part in the meeting .

    我认为我们能够 参加这个会议是非常重要的。

  • Amongst those who have travelled furthest to take part in the Festival are a group from Northern Ireland .

    在那些不远万里赶来 参加节日活动的人中有一群来自北爱尔兰。

  • I was quite sulky so I didn 't take part in much .

    我很烦,所以没有 积极 参与

  • You don 't need strength to take part in this sport


  • Did you take part in the school sports meeting last year ?

    去年你 参加学校运动会了吗?

  • I went to take part in the driving theory test this morning .

    今天早上,我去 参加驾驶理论科目的考试了。

  • They returned to take part in the season 's opening game .

    他们回来 参加本赛季的开幕赛。

  • They gave him the chance to take part in designing buildings .

    他们给了他 参加设计楼房的机会。

  • A : will you take part in our research program ?

    愿意 参加我们的研究项目吗?

  • If you want knowledge you must take part in the practice of changing reality .

    你要有知识,你就得 参加变革现实的实践。

  • It 's really my honor to have this opportunity to take part in this interview .

    真是我的荣幸有这个机会 参加面试。