take ten

[tek tɛn][teik ten]


  • Did he also take ten months to finish his master 's thesis ?

    他的硕士论文是否也 个月完成?

  • We may estimate at least to take ten next year to able to say by that time Chinese language will be allowed to carry on the circulation in the whole world .

    如果要预计一下,至少,还 十来年,到那时才能说,中文可以在全球进行流通。

  • If you buy three you get a premium of one more free . If you will take ten copies I will throw in another .

    你如果买 本,我 加送一本。

  • Take ten drops every four hours .

    每隔四小时 十滴

  • Last week ( 10 December ) Norway home to the world 's largest seed bank in Svalbard in the Arctic pledged US $ 50 million towards the collection which is expected to take ten years to complete .

    上周(12月10日)挪威承诺为该项目提供5000万美元,预计它将 10年完成。挪威的位于北极地区的斯瓦尔巴德群岛是全世界最大的种子库的所在地。

  • In the high-board event men take ten dives women take eight dives .

    跳台项目中,男子 10 动作,女子跳8个动作。

  • An Algorithm for BACKFILL-Based Take Ten into Five Parallel Job Scheduling

    基于 BACKFILL的削足适履并行作业调度算法

  • Take ten mls each time three times a day .

    这些 药片每天 服用两次。

  • The trip will take ten days more or less .

    旅行将大约 天左右的时间。

  • It 'll take ten minutes .

    只要 10分钟。

  • The accountant says On average four & give or take ten percent but on average four .

    会计师回答说通常情况下应该等于四,会有百分之 左右的 或出,但通常情况下是四。

  • It might take ten applications to get the job you really want .

    可能 发出 份申请才能得到你真正想要的工作。

  • I 'll take ten yards . With expectation and anticipation written all over his face the clerk quickly measured out the cloth wrapped it up then teasingly held it out .

    着期待的表情,售货员很快地量好了布料,包裹好,一脸 奸笑地送了过来。

  • The trip will take ten days at ( the ) least .

    旅行顶少得 10天时间。

  • That should take ten seconds .


  • Roughly speaking it will take ten days to get to that city .

    “大概的说,到那个城市要 天。”

  • Let 's take ten minutes to stretch our legs .

    让我们先 休息 分钟。

  • In certain areas results can be obtained in three to five years but in certain others it may take ten .

    设想有些方面用三至五年的时间可以见效,有些方面甚至 年左右的 时间才能见效。

  • Results take ten minutes .

    分钟后 出结果。

  • Take ten designs throw away nine and do the tenth one up in a bazillion variations like beetles .


  • But breeding a new plant variety can take ten years or more and developing countries wanted to see rewards for their custodianship of crop varieties sooner & hence the new fund .

    但是培育一种新的植物品种可能 需要 10年或更长的时间,而发展中国家希望尽快看到它们保护植物品种的回报&因此成立了这个新的基金。

  • I 'll take ten up the middle so follow me .


  • A housewife 's work can take ten or twelve hours a day .

    家务劳动一天可 多达 10或12小时。

  • Take ten minutes to think about all the things in your life that are going right about all the things that other people do to help you about all the things that you 're thankful for .


  • I 'm afraid it will also take ten years to bring the average age of the leadership down close to the ideal .

    领导层年轻化要达到比较理想的状态,恐怕 年时间。

  • You will be able to take ten dozen bottles free of duty through customs

    你可以 携带 120瓶免税通过海关。

  • Some companies including Texas Instruments say it can take ten years for their foreign workers to become permanent residents .

    一些公司,包括德州仪器表示,他们的外籍工人要成为永久居民 需要 等待 年之久。

  • Changing your hairstyle can take ten years off you .

    换换发型能 你年轻 10岁。

  • It will take ten days to get the work done .

    这项任务 10天才能完成。

  • The captain halted the company and ordered them to take ten .
