take to the stage

[tek tu ði stedʒ][teik tu: ðə steidʒ]


  • 4 Take correct attitude and measures to the exploitation phenomenon on the present stage such as our country .

    对我国现 阶段 剥削现象 必须 采取的正确态度和措施。

  • Digital assessment mechanisms as well as confessions doctrine-centric model allows the investigation of the floating people case-handling staff to take enforcement measures in order to open custody headed to choose will be considered final conviction and sentencing of the investigation stage the critical stage .

    数字化的考核机制以及口供主义为中心的侦查模式使得办案人员在对流动人口 采取强制措施时, 未决羁押为首要选择,将侦查 阶段视为最终定罪量刑的关键性阶段。

  • Then fix your make-up and take to the stage .

    然后修修妆, 走向 舞台

  • As for the auditors it is necessary to take some measures to precaution and decrease the audit risks in each stage of merger transaction .

    对于审计者而言,有必要 采取措施防范和降低并购交易各 阶段 审计风险。

  • Fifth Take USA and Japan as examples analyze the two counties economic and financial policy methods to reduce the gap of regional economic at the initial stage of economic development and conclude the experiences that China can draw on .

    第五, 美、日为范例,分析了两国经济发展 初期 缩小区域经济发展差距采取 经济、金融政策措施,归纳总结了对中国有价值的经验借鉴。

  • Walking past the amiable judges the contestants take their turn to go onto the stage to perform .

    在五位评委和蔼的目光中,选手 依次 上场开始比赛。

  • Nevertheless both of them have successfully hosted the Olympics in the past and both are eager to take to the world stage once again .

    无论如何,他们过去都曾成功地举办了奥运会,两个国家都希望 再度 成为世界的 舞台

  • The glossary research pauses generally in the description stage before the cognition linguistics . The glossary metaphor cognition research establishes in take the glossary which in the foundation of words group study . And it promotes the glossary to the explanation stage .

    在认知语言学产生以前,词汇研究一般停留在描写阶段,词汇的隐喻认知研究则建立在 词群研究为基础的词汇学上,并将研究提升 解释 阶段

  • If Park Chan-wook is just to take experience from the shallow level of the sense organs at that time he was real to show his natural character and release magic power in the series stage of the revenge .

    如果说这时候的朴赞郁还只是从感官层次上找寻 拍摄经验,那么到了拍摄复仇系列 阶段,就是朴赞郁真正显示本性和释放魅力 时期了。

  • Under the influence of traditional industrial - protection policy the globalization and the schedule of WTO requirement the discussion of whether it is necessary to take protection measures to our civil aviation goes onto the stage .

    受传统的产业保护政策、经济全球化及WTO相关开放时间表影响, 是否进一步开放航权或是继续 给予民航业政策保护 成为学术界近期争论 一个 焦点

  • Take CIM as direction devote much attention to the basic work of preceding stage in CIM

    CIM为方向,重视实施CIM 前期 基础工作

  • Therefore it is necessary to estimate various negative influences and take appropriate measures to reduce them to an acceptable level as early as possible in the planning and designing stage .

    因此,在风电场规划、设计 阶段,就应该充分考虑风力发电工程可能对环境造成的各种不利影响,并 采取必要措施将其 降至可接受的程度。

  • The thesis take advantage of the studies in Classic Chinese and Modern Chinese to analyse and investigate the double-object structure of Modern Chinese which is one of the important sentence structures in Chinese language and that will reveal the feature in that stage .

    本文 结合古代汉语和现代汉语的研究成果, 历时角度 近代汉语的重要句法结构之一&双宾语结构进行分析与探讨,以 展现其 阶段性特色并理清其发展脉络。

  • Distribution refers to the approaches which take the products from the supplier stage to the customer stage in the supply chain .

    分销网络是指产品 供应链中其所有权转移 过程从生产领域 进入消费领域的途径。

  • In order to take effective noise reduction measures as well as to predicate and control the machine noise at the design stage it is necessary to get a clear understanding of the noise generation mechanism .

    为了 采取有效的降噪措施, 进而在设计 阶段就能预估和控制噪声,必须弄清噪声产生的机理。

  • Image design should not only communicate directly and accurately the information stimulate visual sensation but also take into account the understanding of the audience so as to realize the psychological interaction and communication and ultimately reach a stage of emotion exchange .

    图形设计不仅要能够直观、准确地传达信息,调动视觉激发心理,更重要的是 考虑受众的理解心理,实现心灵 触动和沟通,最后达成情感的交流。

  • Take shot teaching as an example attempt to expound further : Quantity and carry on movements and study the division of stage objectively promptly with the measurement index that movements display for the shot to divide level teaching to consult ;

    铅球教学为例, 试图进一步阐明:以动作表现的测量指标即量化来客观进行动作学习 阶段 划分,以供铅球分层次教学参考;

  • Processing trade is the engine of economic take-off in many countries . Many countries take advantage of their low labor cost to develop Processing industry and domestic economy in the initial stage of economic development .

    加工贸易是许多国家经济起飞的发动机,许多国家在经济起步 阶段,都是 利用本国劳动力成本的优势发展加工贸易产业 发展本国经济。

  • For this reason China must take a correct road to achieve sustainable development according to the condition of the country being in the elementary socialism stage .

    因此,作为尚处于社会主义初级 阶段的中国,必须从自己 国情出发, 有中国特色的可持续发展的正确道路。

  • In the process of translating drama one single strategy is hard to fit in with the various and complicated problems so the translators must take flexible methods to handle all the difficulties and carry out the practical translation on the level of stage performance .

    在进行戏剧翻译实践时,单一的翻译策略往往难以适应复杂多变、层出不穷的翻译问题,译者 灵活 应对,在整个 舞台表演的层面上进行翻译活动。

  • Technology products take months or years to go from the blueprint stage to production .

    对于科技产品来说,从设计 图纸到真正的投入产粗 需要数月甚至数年。

  • While it may take the best part of two years for these headwinds to die the stage is being set for a strong economic recovery beyond that .

    这股逆风或许 需要将近两年的时间 才能消逝,但它同时为经济强势复苏打下 基础,而楼市 繁荣将成为最大的推动因素。

  • Because R & D alliance create the new technique knowledge together and transfer the knowledge for target the enterprise take advantage of personal resources to help others disadvantage This kind of alliance form is the high stage of alliance development .

    研发联盟 共同创建新的技术知识和进行知识转移为基础,通过技术优势互补, 达到双赢或共赢的 目的

  • So you have to take Big Game to the big stage .

    所以你 怀揣一颗“大心脏” 舞台表演

  • The results of animal studies are promising but the group lacks funding to take it to the next stage & clinical trials in humans .

    动物研究的结果显示出了希望,但是该研究组缺乏 进入下一 阶段&也就是人类临床试验 资金。

  • Our philosophy is we will take private sector companies if they agree to our cost-plus-ten-per-cent model and the condition that the molecule is generic from stage one .

    我们信奉的哲学是,如果私营部门的公司 同意我们的成本加价10% 模式,而且同意从I 开始就能生产仿制药,我们就 同意它们加入。

  • Regional brand property can take state property common property and private property according to the different stage of the development of regional brand . It is important and urgent to coordinate in the forming stage .

    区域品牌产权可以 采取国有产权、共有产权和私人产权的不同形式,在发展 不同 阶段区域品牌具有不同特点,根据发展的阶段不同合理选择产权形式。

  • It is you that take my understanding of audit to the next stage .

    这是你, 我的审计理解 下一 阶段