



  • Will you be eating here or is this takeout ?

    你们在这吃还是 带走

  • Buss drops his fork into his takeout pasta and smiles and remembers .

    巴斯把叉子插入 外卖中,笑着回忆。

  • I ordered takeout and fell asleep in front of the television .

    我叫了 外卖,然后 电视机前睡着了。

  • For instance you might pay too much for some takeout food that really sucks but you eat it anyway or you sit through a movie even after you realize it 's terrible .

    例如,您可能会支付一些 外卖食物,真的很糟糕太多,但无论如何你吃了,或者你通过电影,即使你知道它的可怕坐。

  • Google : $ 500 for takeout meals movie rental and diapers for new parents

    谷歌(Google):为新爸爸和新妈妈提供价值500美元的 外卖、影碟租赁和纸尿裤 补贴

  • You should not have too much carbohydrate in your diet . Fast food takeout and heat-and-serve dishes make up much of the modern American diet .

    你日常饮食中不该有过多碳水化合物。 快餐,外买和加热即食的食品成为多数美国人的日常饮食。

  • Beth : Yes and things like cakes candy and most kinds of takeout food .

    贝丝:不错,还有蛋糕、糖果以及大部份 外卖的食物。

  • We have enough plastic bags to supply every takeout restaurant in America !

    我们的塑料袋足够供应美国所有的 外卖餐馆!

  • There 's Thai takeout and some of your favorite whiny records .

    泰国 外卖,一些你喜欢的咕哝唱片。

  • We decided to get some takeout at a place on the corner of88th and Broadway .

    我们决定在 88th街和Broadway的交界处(J注:纽约uptown, 靠近 中央公园,抄 很厉害的区域)的一个 外卖 餐馆 食物

  • Buy a new one you are going to have a5 ¥ takeout .

    如果重新买一张,可能你就得去 路边搞个5元的 快餐了。

  • Can I order takeout here ?

    我买 带走 可以吗?

  • Most of the time I just buy takeout at Starbucks .

    大多数时候,我就喝星巴克的 外卖咖啡。

  • In addition to large supermarkets other outfits that regularly use plastic bags including smaller grocery stores dry cleaners and takeout restaurants could eventually be targeted .

    除一些大型超市之外,一些常用塑料袋的地方,如小型杂货店、干洗店和 外卖店等,最后都有可能实施对购物袋 收费 政策

  • Delivery format packaging and types of food vary greatly ranging from hamburgers to expensive gourmet fare but all may be categorized as takeout because of this off-premise consumption .

    递送形式、包装和食物的品种都花样繁多:有汉堡,也有价格昂贵的美食大餐。不过这些都可以被归类为 外卖,因为它们都不是堂食的。

  • If you have to get takeout go for Asian or Indian with lot 's of vegetables .

    如果你不得不 出去亚洲或印度,要多吃蔬菜。

  • She brings in takeout twice a week .

    她每周带两次 外卖 过来

  • Fast food takeout and heat-and-serve dishes make up much of the modern American diet .


  • Just takeout drinks remember ?

    饮料就 ,还记得么?

  • Restaurants are ordered to limit service to takeout .

    餐厅是限制 外卖服务。

  • Oh I usually just order takeout .

    哦,我通常都是叫 外卖

  • Takeout pizza ; the takeout counter ( ` take-away ' is chiefly British ) .

    的比萨饼;出售食品的柜台( 'taken-away'主要用于英国)。

  • It is more pleasant than a microwaved stew or takeout curry or a pizza delivered from miles away .

    ,它比用微波炉做的砂锅菜、 外卖咖喱饭或从几英里外送来的披萨更令人愉快。

  • THE LAZY SLOB This guy may charm you at first with his ambitions and list of projects that he plans but that will get old fast once you notice that all he ever seems to do is play video games and order takeout .

    懒惰的笨蛋这家伙可能一开始用他的雄心壮志以及他计划的一堆项目列表来迷惑你,但一旦你注意到他似乎所做的事就是玩视频游戏和 外卖时,年龄增长很快。

  • Oh you invite them over for home cooking and give them takeout .

    哦,你邀请别人来家里来吃家宴, 然后 外卖给他们

  • My family is fully committed to takeout .

    我们家尽 外卖

  • I mean have you never heard of takeout ?

    我的意思是,你有听过 叫牌吗?

  • A computer in antiquity would seem to be an anachronism like Athena ordering takeout on her cellphone .

    说古代就有计算机,就好像谈雅典娜通过手机 外卖一样,似乎是不合时宜。