
[ˈtekˌɔf, -ˌɑf]['teɪkɔ:f]



  • Or your reference frame is at rest in an aircraft that accelerates rapidly on takeoff .

    另外,你的参照系静止在一架 起飞 之后迅速加速的飞机上。

  • She got her plane two minutes before takeoff .

    飞机 起飞前两分钟她赶上了飞机。

  • The plane roared down the runway for takeoff

    飞机轰鸣着沿着跑道疾驰, 准备 起飞

  • Discovery 's takeoff this morning from Cape Canaveral was flawless .

    “发现”号航天 飞机今晨从卡纳维拉尔角顺利发射升空。

  • Deiced the plane 's wings before takeoff .


  • Deiced the plane 's wings before takeoff . remove carbon from ( an engine ) .


  • She gave permission to the plane to taxi into position and hold for takeoff

    她发出指令,允许飞机滑行入位,准备 起飞

  • The plane developed engine trouble five minutes after takeoff .

    飞机 起飞5分钟后就出现了发动机故障。

  • Turn off your mobile phone during the takeoff and landing please .

    飞机 起飞和降落期间,请关闭你们的手机。

  • Research on Microscopic Simulation Model of Takeoff and Landing for Flight

    航班 起飞和着陆的微观仿真模型研究

  • The plane crashed five minutes after takeoff .

    这架飞机 起飞五分钟后坠毁了。

  • It is true that most accidents happen on takeoff and landing .

    有个事实是大部分的 飞行事故都发生在 飞机 起飞和降落的 时候

  • They may also help with the air pressure during takeoff and landing .

    耳塞也能帮助你 缓解 飞机 起飞和降落 带来的压力。

  • The programme was worth watching for an inspired takeoff of the Collins sisters .

    这个节目值得一看,因为有对柯林斯姐妹的滑稽创意 模仿

  • The plane was returning to the airport soon after takeoff when it burst into flames

    飞机 起飞之后不久便起火,于是 掉头返回机场

  • The commuter plane was waiting for takeoff

    通勤飞机在等候 起飞

  • Sixteen hours after takeoff the Vimy 's wheels touched ground .


  • Takeoff and landing are typically the riskiest portions of the flight .


  • It 's important that your seat is in an upright position before takeoff and landing .

    飞机 起飞和降落前,让你的座椅保持直立是很重要的。

  • The jet crashed soon after takeoff killing all the passengers and crew .

    那架喷气式飞机 起飞后不久就坠毁了,所有乘客和机组人员 一生还。

  • The maximum takeoff and landing weight to be used for each type of aircraft ;

    各型航空器所使用的最大 起飞重量和最大着陆重;

  • It has been said that in flying an aircraft takeoff and landing are the two most difficult things .

    据说在驾驶飞机时, 起飞和降落是最困难的两件事情。

  • I was just told you cleared the Nebuchadnezzar for takeoff .

    我刚听说你批准了 尼布甲尼撒的出发。

  • The speed flown after takeoff during engine-out climbout maneuvers to assure adequate gradient capability and maneuver margin .

    在一发不工作 起飞后的爬升中为保证足够的梯度能力和操纵裕度所飞的速度。

  • Hundreds of pressure sensors are embedded in the models to measure aerodynamic performance during takeoff and landing .

    数以百计的压力传感器嵌入到这些模型里,测量 起飞和降落期间的空气动力性能。

  • Airport : Site and installations for the takeoff and landing of aircraft .

    娱乐设施和游乐 场地设备飞机场:飞机 起飞和着陆的场地和 地面设施。

  • Officials say that one or two engines fell away from the plane shortly after takeoff .

    官员们说飞机 起飞后不久就有一两台引擎脱落了。

  • HAS requested more takeoff and landing at the airport .

    航空公司提出了在机场要有更多的 起降 时间的要求。

  • The engine kicked over and the plane started on its takeoff .

    引擎启动了,飞机开始 起飞

  • The aircraft crashed after takeoff from Heathrow in a reservoir

    飞机从希思罗机场 起飞后坠毁在一个水库里。