take the situation in

[tek ði ˌsɪtʃuˈeʃən ɪn][teik ðə ˌsitjuˈeiʃən in]

认清形势, 认清处境

  • During present math classes Maths project learning and mathematics experiment are shunted aside . Most teachers always take measures to neglect them and give up the lessons . That makes the situation of deficiency in the curriculum reform course .

    在当今的数学课堂,课题学习与数学实验并不受到厚爱,许多教师往往是 忽略就忽略,能不上就不上,这就造成了课改 实效性不足的 现状

  • As a member of project group leaded by my supervisor I take charge of diagnosing the current situation of employee performance management in CITC Corporation and designing a new employee performance management system .

    笔者作为导师带领下的项目小组成员, 负责对CITC公司员工绩效管理 现状进行诊断,在此基础上设计出CITC公司员工绩效管理系统。

  • He needs some time to take the situation in .

    他需要一些时间来 弄清 形势

  • If we take a close look at the economic structure and present situation in Jiangsu Province we will find that Jiangsu is entering a state where the continuous development of export-oriented economy and the economic restructure take place .

    综观江苏经济的格局与现有 态势,江苏经济现已进入外向型经济持续发展和经济结构调整的时期。

  • According to epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of DM take prevention and control strategies and measures for the actual situation of DM in Shandong province including establishing surveillance system of DM and strengthening administration of DM patients .

    制定针对山东 DM流行特点和危险因素的防治策略和措施,建立DM监测系统, 开展相关 危险因素监测,加强对病人的规范管理。

  • We take a taxi around the city center in order to understand more about the situation in Shanghai .

    我们 出租车绕市中心,以便了解关于上海的更多 情况

  • The author also take regard to the present situation of remote sensing in application to Chinese agriculture and feel extremely anxious about some phenomenon which is not adapted to modernization of Chinese agriculture .

    农业遥感 现状和一些与农业现代化不相适应的现象深表忧虑。

  • The aims to tell briefly how to instruct approching and take off in straddle high-jump according to university students characters and the present high-jump situation in the world .

    根据 当今世界跳高技术 发展 现状,结合普通大学生的特点, 俯卧式跳高的助跑和 起跳技术的教学做了简单介绍。

  • And then take Sichuan DQ company for example analyze the situation of performance appraisal in state company 、 explore its problems and analyze the reason .

    其次, 四川DQ公司为例,分析了国有企业企业的绩效评估 现状,接着探讨其存在的问题,并进行了阐述和原因分析。

  • Therefore it is necessary to take a comprehensive view of the situation that is to put the evaluation of growth of enterprises in a specific environment and regard the evaluation of human resources as a main reference .

    综合 考虑宏观 环境的影响,将企业成长性的评估 置于特定的环境之中,将对企业人力资源的评价作为评估企业成长性的主要参数之一,显得十分必要。

  • Then take NCI Co. Ltd for example analyses the internal and external situation of the underwriting risk management in group insurance of NCI Co. Ltd in detail gives a deeply cause analysis of the underwriting risk .

    然后 新华公司为例详细分析了新华保险团险承保风险管理 面临 内外部 形势,深刻剖析了承保风险产生的原因。

  • Therefore the crux of the matter is that veterans should take the lead really be selfless and keep the overall situation in mind .

    所以,问题的关键是老同志 带头,真正要开明,真正要从 大局着眼。

  • We need to take positive steps to improve the situation of families in poverty .

    我们必须 采取积极措施改善贫困家庭 处境

  • Faced with this grim situation the government tried to do everything possible to take various measures to reverse the situation . But in fact Panyu itinerant traders are springing up increasingly large teams facing multiple pressures .

    面对这一严峻形势,政府部门千方百计 采取各种办法试图扭转 局面,但 事实上,尽管面临多重打压,番禺的流动商贩却如雨后春笋,队伍日益庞大。

  • We confirmed the LCL would have a secondary damage due to the injury of PCL . The damage usually take place in the flexion varus and external rotation situation and injuries often occur in the fibula attachment .

    三维有限元分析证实了LCL会由于代偿PCL损伤后部分缺失的功能而导致其继发损伤,并且容易 发生在膝关节屈曲位、内翻、外旋运动 ,且损伤常发生 腓骨止点。

  • But to repeat : responsible wage policies have to take into account the situation in labour markets .

    但需要再次指出的是:负责任的薪资政策,必须 考虑劳动力市场 状况

  • To be stronger to take stock of the situation to plan strategically and to be creative in management will be the essence of the existence for our beer enterprises .

    修身养性, 韬光养晦审时度势,进行战略的谋划和管理的创新将是我们啤酒企业的生存的根本。

  • China must take measures to deal with the severe situation actively or we 'll lose the chances of development in 21st century .

    中国面对人才流失 严峻 局面,必须积极 采取对策,否则将失去21世纪的发展机遇。

  • To use the new idea is leading to a current way to calculate the distribution of arrange-lineup of regional earthquakes and to take the seismic situation in Hubei and its vicinity as a case study .

    用新概念导出了解析“区域地震列阵分布”的通用方法,且 湖北及邻 地震 情况为研究范例。

  • Take for instance the situation in northern Pakistan .

    例如巴基斯坦 北部 情况

  • This research take situational interest into ideological and political theory class studying how to create the situation atmosphere in the classroom and taking students are interest in ideological and political theory courses and like or recognize it and then master certain knowledge skills .

    本文 思想政治理论课课堂中引入情境兴趣,研究如何 课堂上创造 情境氛围,使学生对思想政治理论课课堂学习产生兴趣,喜欢并认可课堂活动和课堂内容,进而掌握一定的知识技能。

  • In particular it must take account of the situation in developing countries : scarce resources intense medical need and competing alternatives for investment and research focus .

    特别的,必须 考虑发展中国家 情形:稀缺的资源、刚性的医疗需求和互相竞争的争取投资和研究重点的研究方案。

  • Proceeding from the legal system of quality control for construction hoisting machinery we take an initiative research over the present situation of the quality safety control for construction hoisting machinery in our country .

    从建筑起重机械安全质量管理的法律保障体系和组织结构体系出发 我国建筑起重机械质量安全管理 现状 进行了初步的探讨。

  • Take Beijing as the example this article discusses the situation of pension security in first generation of only child family .

    北京市为例,探讨我 城市第一代独生子女家庭养老保障的 情况

  • Take the stairs if there is a fire or other situation that could lead to a disruption in electrical service .

    发生火灾或或其他可能导致停电的 情况下,使用楼梯逃生。

  • There 's some action you need to take in order to adjust to the new situation ; all that is in the practical realm .

    你需要 采取些行动以应对新的 情况,所有这些都是 现实的层面。

  • Investigation of the Living Condition of Migrant Workers in Shanty Towns & Take the Situation in Changsha as Example

    棚户区进城务工人员生存 状况研究& 长沙 为例