take remedial action

[tek rɪˈmidiəl ˈækʃən][teik rɪˈmi:di:əl ˈækʃən]

[经] 采取补救措施

  • Yet in2006 the Justice Department charged the ABA with violating provisions of the decree and called for it to take remedial action as well as to pay Justice $ 185 for its enforcement troubles .

    然而,在2006年,美国司法部指控违反该法令规定,ABA和要求其 采取 补救 行动以及支付法官负责执行的麻烦185000美元。

  • Their function is to pass judgment on the merit of the protest and instigate required actions from the RC and OC to take remedial action to rectify any refereeing procedure found to contravene the rules .

    他们的功能是裁决抗议的是非曲直以及依裁判委员会(rc)和组织委员会(oc)的要求下 执行 补救 行动以纠正任何违反规则的仲裁。

  • The thrust to take steps now to prevent repetition of the disaster is understandable but remedial action must be undertaken with precision .

    各国政府目前大力 采取措施以避免灾难重演,这是可以理解的,但必须准确地 施行 补救 措施

  • Some authorities are now having to take remedial action .

    一些权威机构现在不得不 采取 补救 行动

  • Check answer expire resultless postal company ought to grant first compensate for or take remedial action .

    查复期满无结果的,邮政企业应当先予赔偿或者 采取 补救 措施