take part with

[tek pɑrt wɪð][teik pɑ:t wið]


  • Club Master mode : Take part in a whole season with your favourite team and strengthen it through trades .

    俱乐部模式: 参与整个赛季, 你你最喜欢的球队过招和交易。

  • So kind as they are to you ! Take the part with a good grace I entreat .

    他们待你那么好。我求你,顺顺当当地 承担起那个 角色吧。

  • Constraints and Ways to Take Part in Poverty Alleviation with Sciences and Technology of Agricultural Research Institution

    农业科研单位 参与科技扶贫的制约因素及对策

  • Golf goes to countryside showing that different people take part in sports with different ways .

    高尔夫的下乡,也就是不同的人 不同的方式 参与运动之中。

  • In Qatar the awkward squad campaigned to limit the right of NGOs to take part in reviewing compliance with UNCAC and also to curb the amount of information that must be published .

    在卡塔尔,非政府组织的小组被尴尬地限制了 参与联合国反腐败公约的审查,而且公布的信息数额也被遏制了。

  • Accordingly The number of the students take part in the physical with the exercise of disease been has increase which will has the insolently inflictive influence onthe dev elopements of physical education .

    随着学生 参与体育活动人数的增多, 运动有关的运动性疾病的发生率也有所增加,这对学校深入开展体育运动带来不必要的负面影响。

  • We all HAD to take part in the training run with nobody excepted .

    我们都得 参加跑步训练,无一例外。

  • Let 's all take part with faith .

    让我们一起 信心来 参与

  • However he opted not to take part because of quarantine problems with his horse .

    不过,他那时选择不 参加,因为他的马 检疫问题。

  • The next phase Air China and more tourism enterprises will take part in collaboration with this alliance to accomplish overseas marketing and promoting of Chengdu tourism .

    在此平台上,吸引、联合中国国际航空股份有限公司以及旅行商,共同 参与成都旅游整体国际营销推广。

  • At the moment I can draft and review legal documents take part in the negotiation with my legal skills and fluent English communication skills and provide high quality legal service to my clients .

    目前能够 使用英语处理法律文书、 进行业务磋商、谈判,为广大客户尤其 涉外客户提供了高质量的法律服务。

  • Therefore domestic enterprises must further accurately position themselves in the market and take part in the competition with active marketing policies .

    为此,国内企业一定要进一步明确市场定位, 积极的营销策略 参与竞争。

  • Would he not take part with the indians ?

    他会不会 本地人那 一边呢?

  • And he announced that Japan will study how it can take part in Collective Defense efforts with the United States .

    他宣布,日本将研究 如何努力 参与美国集体防卫。

  • Most women take part in physical exercise with the family ( 4 ) Most professional females do some appropriate physical exercises during special physiological period for example menstrual and pregnancy period .

    大多数职业女性在特殊生理时期如经期、孕期进行适宜的健身,但也有 部分女性过于 谨慎 盲目,中断了体育活动。

  • On the next available opportunity please make sure you do take part in this sharing with the CWP Director of Wine Culture and his team !

    下次有机会, 切勿 错过 好年葡萄酒文化董事及其团队 一起分享并体会个中乐趣!

  • However with the intervention of the Board traders agreed to take part in the bidding with the same starting price after halting the auction process for10 days .

    不过,在烟草委员会的干预下,拍卖进程中断10天之后,烟叶贸易商同意 相同的起拍价格 参加拍卖。

  • The company always encourages its employees take part in environment protecing plan with materialism .

    这家公司经常 物质鼓励雇员 参予环保计划。

  • Thus information spreads completely . MNCs can take part in the global competition with maximum flexibility and adaptability .

    这样,信息传递充分,跨国公司能 最大灵活性与适应性 参与全球竞争。

  • Local government should protect domestic retailing by designing effective policies while local retailers should take part in competition with foreigners by shaping specific competitive advantage redefining market area and changing ownership structure .

    研究表明,政府的策略 重点在于通过有效的政策设计适度保护民族零售商业,本土零售商则 通过塑造独特的竞争优势、重新定义市场区域、改变所有权结构等方式, 积极 应对外资的挑战。

  • Why then did his son take part in a project with such obvious party uses ?

    那么又是为什么,他的儿子 参与这样一个明显被政党利用的工程呢?

  • He didn 't take part in the party with his mother being ill .

    因为他妈妈病了,所以他没有 参加晚会。

  • Qualified candidates should be willing to provide services to students and actively take part in voluntary social works with certain achievements ;

    热心为同学服务,积极 参加社会公益劳动,取得一定成绩;

  • The program will give you opportunities to take part in activities with your son that you normally couldn 't do .

    在这个项目中,你会有机会 参与 个你在正常生活中可能不会作的活动。

  • The tournament drew 12 international teams from 19 countries of five continents to take part in the game with 30 elephants .

    这项赛事共吸引了来自五大洲19个国家的12支国际队伍, 参赛的大象选手 30只。

  • This is largely due to the process requires a lot of staff to take part in especially diagnosed with the faults which lead to the execution of test cases failed .

    这很大程度上是由于这个过程需要很多的人员 参与,尤其是诊断出导致执行测试用例失效的错误。

  • Partly open-book examination refers to a means of examination that students take part in examination with a A4 paper on which some contents about the exam and formulas are written .

    半开卷考试是指学生 参加考试可以 自带一张写有考试课程内容和公式的A4纸进入考场。

  • Do you think it is beneficial to take part in social events with colleagues ?( Why ? / Why not ?)

    你觉得 员工共同 参与社交活动有益处吗?(为什么?)

  • The best known designers from Asia take part in this Award with their best results .

    在亚洲知名的设计工作者,皆提出最 竞争力作品 参与竞赛。