take sick

[tek sɪk][teik sik]


  • He stopped at an orphanage to take care of a sick child .

    孤儿院探视 病童

  • Children take their sick parents into a cave directly and let them finish the life in pain .

    子女直接 生病的老人抬到岩洞中,任其在痛苦中结束自己的生命。

  • You know I can take being sick .

    你知道的,我能够 接受 对方 疾病

  • A nurse is a take sick people .

    护士是 护理 病人的人。

  • I need to take a sick day .

    我要 病假

  • Some nuns take care of the sick and the poor .

    有些修女 照顾 病人和穷人。

  • For a whole month Ma did not go home but stayed with her grandmother and used what she learned from the work to take care of the sick woman .

    整整一个月,小马都没有回家而是留下来陪她的外婆,她用她在医院所学的护理知识 照顾着她 病危的外婆。

  • A : This is Andrew . I want to take a sick leave today . I got a car accident .

    安德鲁:我是安德鲁,我今天想 假。我出车祸了。

  • I figured you 'd take a sick day .

    我觉得你今天过 愉快

  • Some peoplewant to be doctors or nurses and take care of sick people .

    有的人,他们因为可以 悉心护理 病人,所以想成为医生。

  • Some like the encouragement to tidy up your Facebook profile is good advice while those who suggest its ok to take a sick day to line up with Taylor Swift tickets should probably be avoided .

    就像一个好建议,鼓励你去整理一下在脸面上的资料。然而那些建议你去 一天的假排队买泰勒斯 维芙特的演唱会票,这种事情应该尽量避免。

  • He has to take care of his sick mother .

    照顾他 生病的母亲。

  • Alicia : Well you wanna take sick leave ?

    艾丽西娅:哦,你 需要 病假么?

  • People take sick leave more often .

    人们更经常 病假

  • I also can go to the hospital to take care of a sick child to encourage them .

    我也可以去医院里 照顾 生病的孩子,给他们鼓励。

  • Helen and her sister had to take care of their sick mother .

    海伦和她的姐姐不得不 照顾她们 生病的母亲。

  • I 'm sorry but I have to take care of my sick mother at home .

    对不起,我得呆在家里 照顾 生病的妈妈。

  • Five mornings and evenings passed . The young woman came regularly to take care of the sick cow but never spoke to Gabriel .

    以后的五个早晚,这个姑娘都定期来 照料 牛,但一直没与盖伯瑞尔讲话。

  • I 'm going to take sick leave next week .

    我打算下个星期 病假

  • Take care of the sick and wounded cats and help the cats melt into the adoptive family as soon as possible become an important part of our job .

    患病、受伤的猫咪的 照顾以及帮助场所中休养的猫咪尽快进入领养家庭也成了场所工作中很重要的一部分。

  • A : Did Nancy take a sick day today ?

    A:南希今天 病假了吗?

  • She 's been given sick / compassionate / maternity leave . a loophole enabling workers to take unnecessary sick leave

    她获准休病假事假/产假].使工人可以在没有需要的情况下 病假的漏洞

  • Those employees who never take sick leave think that they should be rewarded .

    那些从来不 病假的员工认为他们应该因此受到奖励。

  • It teaches children to take care of the sick .

    它能教导小孩 照顾 生病

  • You had better get someone to take care of your sick mother .

    你最好请人来 照顾生病的母亲。

  • The rational thing to do was to take the sick man to a doctor .

    理智的做法是 病人去看医生。

  • A loophole enabling workers to take unnecessary sick leave

    使工人可以在没有需要的情况下 病假的漏洞

  • Well you wanna take a sick leave ? All you need now is a good long rest .

    额,你想 病假吗?你需要好好地休息很长一段时间。

  • If things are really bad don 't be afraid to go to your doctor and take time off sick or have some annual leave .

    如果情况真地很糟糕,不要害怕去见你的医生, 病假,或休一些年假。

  • Either you or she is to go to take care of the sick old man .

    不是你就是她去 照顾那位 生病的老人。