technical grade

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ɡred][ˈteknikəl ɡreid]


  • Basis ? basic term establishing target and technical route of national grade ecological demonstration district established in Li Yang City are summarized . The construction contents of demonstration district and ecological economical development model with specialities are introduced .

    综述了溧阳市创建国家 生态示范区的背景、依据、基础条件、创建的目标和 技术路线,介绍了示范区建设的内容和具有特点的生态经济发展模式。

  • The distillate efficiency of acetic acid in liquid extract can nearly reach 100 % and the dewatering effect is good . The qualified acetic acid in technical grade can be obtained .

    萃取液中醋酸蒸出率接近100%,脱水效果良好,得到合格的 工业 醋酸。

  • The technical post certificate which issued by Lamba is an international general certificate on technical grade . lamba 's training system will take charge of Napa store 's whole training .

    由蓝霸颁发的技术岗位证书将同时得到国际认可,是一本国际通用的 技术 等级证书。蓝霸培训体系负责加盟店全程培训。

  • This uncertainty was enough for Fifa 's technical bid inspectors to grade Qatar high in overall operational risk .

    这些因素使得非法的 技术检测员将 卡塔尔的运营风险定为“高”。

  • This study can provide a powerful technical support for low grade potassium resource utilization .

    本研究可为低 品位钾资源的高效利用提供有力的 技术支撑。

  • Using the static and dynamic evaluation production of technical grade methanol from yellow phosphorus flue gas was evaluated by technical-economic index such as financial profitability sensitivity analysis forecasted the economic environmental protection and social benefits .

    采用静态和动态法对利用黄磷尾气生产 工业 甲醇进行了技术经济评价;经财务盈利能力分析和敏感性分析,预计可实现经济效益、环保效益和社会效益。

  • Phosphoric acid is grouped as four kinds by its production method that is agricultural grade technical grade food grade and semiconductor grade . And 11 species of plant resources are defined due to their functions .

    磷酸按生产方法可分为热法磷酸和湿法磷酸,按用途可分为农业级、 工业 、食品级和半导体级磷酸。山东省湿地植物资源按用途可分为11类。

  • Technical grade aerobics and physical self-esteem and physical self-worth are associated with significant sports-related skills .

    健美操 技术 成绩与身体自尊和身体自我价值感均有相关性,与运动技能存在显著相关。

  • Technical Grade Paraffin Wax as Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Reclamation of Air Conditioning System

    空调系统 冷凝热回收石蜡基相变材料的 实验研究

  • The development of performance pay system has experienced the post-rank salary system structural wage system technical grade wage system and job performance wage .

    绩效工资制度的发展经历了职务等级工资制、结构工资制、 技术 等级工资制和岗位绩效工资制。

  • Farmers ' planting operations are not according with the technical standard high grade and standard production has not been popularized .

    农户的田间操作未能按照 技术规范, 优质标准化生产尚未普及。

  • The final technical state grade can be deduced from the fuzzy judge and super-safety degree .

    综合模糊评判和超安全度,得出桥梁的最后 技术状态 等级

  • The study of technical economic evaluation and grade optimization in a gold deposit

    某金矿 技术经济评价及 品位 指标优化研究

  • Practical examples for polishing P / M gear dies which meet the technical demand of 8 grade precision have been given .

    还介绍了用该方法抛光粉末冶金齿轮模具的实例,抛光后达到了8 精度齿轮的 技术要求。

  • Technical characteristics of image analysis quantitative grade assessment

    图像分析和定量 评级法的 技术特征

  • Thriving on Scientific Transportation Service for Markets Carefully Evaluate Technical Grade of Business Vehicles

    试论交通运输业的特点科技兴运服务市场扎扎实实搞好营运车辆 技术 等级评定

  • Application Study of Raw Cotton Technical Grade Evaluation Model in Cotton Assorting

    原棉 技术 品级评价模型在配棉中的应用研究

  • What type of emulsion paint technical data color grade regarding to it ?

    乳胶漆的种类、 技术参数、色 是什么?

  • This paper describes the method for the preparation and purification of materials used in construction of high precision saturated cadmium sulfate standard cells from general technical grade chemicals .

    本文提出从 工业 原料提纯制备高精密标准电池的方法。

  • But if the vegetable processing was improper or the technical do not up to grade the result was not only to affect the quality of products and nutrients and but also to lead to the fresh vegetables losing the original color also .

    但如果在蔬菜加工过程中的某些处理不当或加工 技术过关,不仅严重影响产品的质量,而且能使干制品营养成分严重损失,蔬菜也失去了原有的新鲜色。

  • It also says that inmates who have passed the required examinations will receive corresponding academic diplomas and technical grade certificates .

    该法还规定:通过了规定的考试的罪犯将取得相应的学校证书和 技术 等级证书。

  • Continuous production of electronic grade isopropanol from technical grade isopropanol

    工业 异丙醇连续生产电子级异丙醇

  • Li_3V_2 ( PO_4 ) _3 Synthesised by Carbon-Thermal Reduction Technical Study Use Commercial Grade Raw Material

    利用工业 原料碳热还原法合成Li3V2(PO4)3 工艺研究

  • A Simplified Method for Preparation of Technical Grade Silica from Asbestos Tailings

    石棉尾矿简法制备 工业 白炭黑的工艺研究

  • Furthermore highway network mostly is the trouble of technical grade and service low .

    中小城市的道路网普遍存在着公路网 技术 等级低、服务水平差等问题。

  • The use of MAP of technical grade is very extensive : material for fire exting chemical ammonium phosphate as fire exting chemical additive in forage and so on .

    工业 磷铵用途十分广泛,可用作干粉灭火剂材料、阻燃剂聚磷酸铵、饲料添加剂等。

  • Research on the Kinematical Features of the Technical Movement of Master Grade Sportsmen 's Backward Sliding-Step Shot Put

    健将 男子背向滑步推铅球 技术动作运动学特征的研究

  • Trie formula gave reasonable technical parameters such as diamond grade its grit size thermal stability and concentration for making diamond scraping wheel . The Craft of Strong Wheel Gear Scraping

    在得到的金刚石参数间关系公式的基础上,讨论了刮轮刀头胎体和金刚石 质量、浓度、粒度的设计思路和方法,制造的金刚石刮轮在实际生产使用中效果比较理想。硬齿面刮削 工艺

  • Tech-economic Evaluation for Production of Technical Grade Methanol from Yellow Phosphorus Flue Gas

    利用黄磷尾气生产 工业甲醇项目的技术经济评价