


  • Their range of tableware is decorated with a blackberry design

    他们的整套 餐具上都饰有黑莓图案。

  • You can see tableware also show the food culture of different countries .

    我们可以从 餐具中看到了不同国家饮食文化的不同。

  • The factory is a professional production to strengthen porcelain new bone china tableware and other household products .

    本厂是一家专业生产强化瓷、新骨瓷等日用 餐具的生产厂家。

  • Charges for Sterilized Tableware Infringe Consumers'Rights ?

    消毒 餐具收费侵犯消费者权利?

  • Tableware for outdoor use should ideally be unbreakable .

    室外用的 餐具最好是打不破的。

  • Do not choose colorful plastic tableware .

    不要选择色彩鲜艳的塑料 餐具

  • Therefore we should try to choose no decorative patterns of colorless odorless plastic tableware .

    因此,应尽量选择没有装饰图案的无色无味的塑料 餐具

  • Tableware and kitchenware of wood .

    木制 餐具及厨房用具。

  • The box is composed of a tableware base plate and a transparent box cover .

    该盒由一个 餐具底座和一个透明盒盖组成。

  • Selling linen and tableware in only one colour may not sound like a million-pound idea .

    只卖一种颜色的亚麻制品和 餐桌布?这听起来不像是一个能赚到百万英镑的主意。

  • Then you can discover original tableware also can let you be elated oh !

    于是,你就会发现,原来 餐具也可以让你“心花怒放”哦!

  • Use durable tableware during gatherings or parties .

    举行聚会及派对时,应使用耐用 餐具

  • Tableware kitchenware other household articles and hygienic or toilet articles of plastics .

    塑料制的 餐具、厨房用具、其他家庭用具及卫生或盥洗用具。

  • I want to see some tableware now .

    现在,我想看看 餐具

  • The life likely was a tea table above has chocked up cup and the tableware .

    人生就像是一个茶几,上面摆满了杯具和 餐具

  • The chopsticks are also one kind of unique tableware in the world .

    筷子也是当今世界上一种独特的 餐具

  • TaBleware made of stainless steel is economical and practical and adds luster to your taBle .

    不锈钢 餐具,经济实惠,为您的餐桌增添光彩。

  • I have seen that two toothbrushes are on the tableware frame .

    我看见了两把牙刷在 餐具架上。

  • We want to buy Gifts Articles Tableware and Cutlery Fruit .

    我们要采购礼品, 餐具和餐具,水果。

  • High multifunctional toilet cleansing agents tableware detergent .

    高级多功能卫生间清洗剂, 餐具洗涤剂。

  • Products are mainly used for tableware supplies daily necessities accessories and so on .

    产品的主要用途是 餐具用品、日用品、装饰品等。

  • Our company specialized production stainless steel tableware has the requester please to relate .

    我公司专业生产不锈钢 餐具,价格优惠。欢迎客户订购。

  • Tableware and Cutlery Furniture Furniture Fittings and Fixtures Paintings and Sculpture Exotic Chopsticks Tableware Bronze Statues Teak Furniture .

    采购 产品 餐具,家具,家具配件和设备,画和雕刻,无毒筷子,餐具,铜像,柚木家具。

  • Which shop has the best selection of tableware ?

    哪个商店的 餐具 比较好?

  • Mix and match your tableware and textiles from the new Design House collection .

    把你从“设计公司”新系列中 挑选来的 餐具和桌布搭配好。

  • We should be the use of disposable tableware because this is a great waste of resources .

    我公司是 专业 从事 一次性使用医疗器械的 生产 企业

  • Shang Xia will initially sell home products such as tableware and furniture with a traditional Chinese theme .

    上下最初会销售 餐具和家具等带有中国传统主题的家居产品。

  • It 's a set of good-looking and heat-resistant all-plastic tableware .

    这是一套好看、耐热的全塑 餐具

  • In serving English meals they use so much tableware with different kinds and sizes .

    而在英国,使用的 餐具有很多种不同的类型和尺寸。