


v.夯实捣固( tamp的现在分词 )填充(用炮泥)封炮眼口

  • Therefore it is of great significance to develop a new typed tamping unit with tamping and stabilizing functions .

    因此,探索全新的作业 模式,研制出捣稳一体化的新型 捣固装置具有重大意义。

  • In addition ways of tamping is brought out .

    在此基础上,提出了 的方法。

  • Abstract : Taking a trial lot as example this paper expounds the application of heavy tamping in the construction of subgrade focusing on its procedure detection quality control and result .

    文摘:以一工程试验段为例,说明了 在路基施工中的应用,主要介绍了试验 手段 施工的施工步骤、 事项、测 手段及方法、量保证措施及试验段结果。

  • Based on introducing the geological condition of Huyan diversion and storage project this paper compares several foundation treatment schemes and introduces the advantages of heavy tamping method .

    在概述呼延调蓄工程地质条件基础上,比较了几种地基处理方案,详细介绍了 法的优势。

  • A ramming machine is used to firm the ground up . The foundation becomes solid after tamping .

    打夯机用来将地面打实。打夯以后,地基就 瓷实了。

  • The adhesion and flowability of powders are measured by tamping vibration .

    阐述了由振 测定的粉末的粘着力和流动性。

  • This paper begins with the mechanism of DC and according to mechanics-knowledge and mathematics-method analyses the affection of tamping energy and tamping times on depth of DC .

    分析研究了夯 能以及夯击数对 效果的影响,采用已有工程的室内试验和原位测试试验的数据,进一步探讨加固深度与 击能和夯击次数的关系。

  • Application of HPF method in tamping coke oven gas system

    HPF法脱硫工艺在 捣固焦炉气脱硫系统中的应用

  • Some Problems about Treating Dam Foundation of Collapsibility Loess by Strong Tamping


  • Subgrade loess collapsibility before and after low level tamping THE RESEARCH OF VIBRATION FOR DYNAMIC COMPACTION CONSTRUCTION

    低能级 前后路基黄土湿陷性研究不同能级强夯施工下 地表振动 衰减 规律的探讨

  • Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of peripheral hepatic tamping on severe hepatic injury .

    摘要目的观察严重肝脏损伤行肝周 填塞 的治疗效果。

  • Conclusion Peripheral hepatic tamping is an effective therapeutic approach to severe hepatic injury .

    结论肝周 填塞 是处理严重肝脏损伤的一种行之有效的方法。

  • This paper expounds the problems existing in tamping machines and the improvements of tamping and pushing schemes and makes comparison of different schemes .

    叙述了 捣固机械存在的问题以及捣固推焦方案的改进,并对不同的方案进行了比较。

  • Dynamic simulation and parametric selection for tamping mechanism of paving machines

    摊铺机 机构的动力学仿真与参数选择

  • The foundation becomes solid after tamping .


  • The foundation of wharf apron space was improved by use of special rammer of small base area gradual tamping energy and dynamic replacement .

    采用特殊的小底面积置换夯锤,并采用渐变的 能量,应用 夯置换 对码头前沿区地基进行了加固 处理

  • Analysis on Problems of Top Coal Loading Technique Replaced by Tamping Coking Technique

    顶装煤工艺改为 捣固炼焦工艺后的问题分析

  • A responsible and experienced operator must be arranged for tamping the concrete to prevent missing tamping and over-tamping strictly .

    混凝土 捣固必须安排有责任心、有 捣固经验的人员操作,严格避免漏捣和过捣。

  • Natural Grit Enlarged Compaction Pile by Tamping Applied in Highway Engineering

    天然砂砾 扩挤密桩在公路工程中的应用

  • Radiation system design for tamping trucks via automatic hydraulic oil temperature control


  • The principle of the main parameter of dynamic compaction strengthening depth tamping energy water pressure of the hole are studied in a project .

    结合工程实例,对强 主要参数加固深度、 单位 能、孔隙水压力、夯点 间距、夯点 等的确定原则进行了分析探讨。

  • Programmable Logical Control System of the 5.5 m Tamping Coke Oven

    5.5m 捣固焦炉可编程序控制系统

  • In order to enlarge utilization coal gas resource tamping coking process is adopted at Nangang .

    介绍了南(昌)钢公司为扩大利用焦煤资源,采用 捣固炼焦工艺。

  • Affection of Tamping Energy and Tamping Times on Depth of Dynamic Consolidation ;


  • Ram down the soil eg when building roads Analyses were made of the influence of lamping energy distance of tamping points and number of passes upon the safety of the existing surrounding structures when a foundation is improved with the dynamic compaction method .

    分析了 夯法加固地基时,夯 能、 点距离、 数等因素对周围已建建筑物的安全的影响。

  • It is working capacity is comparatively large and is used for tamping large and Middle sand mould castings .

    工作能力比较大,适用于大、中型铸件砂型的 捣固

  • Problems existing in improvement of loess ground by method of dentification by tamping and expansion are analyzed herein .

    本文对 扩挤密法加固黄土地基中存在的一些问题进行了分析。

  • It is also used in tamping small grinding castings .

    适用于小型铸件砂型的 捣固