tamper with

[ˈtæmpɚ wɪð][ˈtæmpə wið]


  • Do not tamper with or damage grounding systems ; they are provided to prevent the accumulation of static electric charges which could act as a source of ignition .

    不得 损坏或破坏接地系统,它们可防止静电积累,静电也是点火源。

  • No organization or individual may forge tamper with transfer intentionally damage or destroy or illegally seize a passport .

    任何组织或者个人不得伪造、 变造、转让、故意损毁或者非法扣押护照。

  • To attempt field repair is a violation of two very important safety practices . NEVER attempt to repair equipment under pressure and NEVER tamper with pressure-relief devices .

    试图现场修理违背了两条非常重要的安全惯例:禁止 压修理设备和禁止 堵塞减压装置。

  • A root user who has all permissions on a UNIX or Linux machine tries to switch his identity to a DB2 instance user ( for example db2ins95 ) and tamper with some DB2 processes .

    拥有UNIX或Linux机器上所有权限的根用户试图切换身份到DB2实例用户(例如,db2ins95)并 篡改某些DB2进程。

  • When a server and client communicate TLS ensures that no third party may eavesdrop or tamper with any message .

    当服务器和客户机进行通信时,TLS确保第三方无法窃取或 篡改任何消息。

  • Nationally the best indicators of progress come from federal tests the states cannot tamper with .

    而就全国范围来看,最理想的评估指标就是各个州无权 篡改的联邦评估 数据

  • The Pentagon is increasingly having to rely on non-US companies for software and microelectronics which raises the potential for foreign governments to tamper with critical technology .

    在软件和微电子产品方面,五角大楼现在越来越依赖于非美国公司,这提高了外国政府 参与关键技术的可能性。

  • Similarly one can tamper with the actual response from a legitimate query .

    类似地,可以 篡改来自合法查询的实际响应。

  • In such societies there is a huge temptation to tamper with food particularly when margins are low .

    在这种 一夜 暴富的社会里, 食品方面 花样具有很大的诱惑力,特别是当利润不高的时候。

  • Handled securely it also thwarts potential attackers who may attempt to intercept and tamper with the upgrade .

    这种机制不仅具有安全的处理方式,还可阻止试图截获并 篡改升级的潜在攻击者。

  • Who are they to tamper with the rules of the game ?

    他们 什么 擅自 修改比赛规则?

  • Never tamper with safety devices in valves or cylinders .

    禁止 堵塞阀门或钢瓶的安全装置。

  • It should not overwhelm you with raw HTTP traffic dumps and it goes far beyond simply providing a framework to tamper with the application by hand .

    用户不会再被大量原始的HTTP流量数据淹没,而且这个工具远不仅仅是一个人工 干预应用程序的框架。

  • If anyone tamper with this door it trip the alarm .

    要是有人 这扇门,就会触响警报器。

  • Beyond inspection and analysis Fiddler also offers the ability to set breakpoints and tamper with data in requests and responses especially useful for security and input sanitation testing .

    除了数据监察和统计分析,Fiddler也支持设置断点, 修改请求和响应的数据。这一点在安全性和数据正确性的测试上非常有用。

  • Don 't let an untrained person tamper with the electrical circuits .

    别让未经训练的人去 摆弄电路。

  • The scheme has little redundant storage size and low flow load of network and the tamper with the database can be located at fine grain .

    该方法具有冗余存储量与网络 附加负载小、 隐蔽性好、能同时实现 篡改定位等优点。

  • Transport security ensures that no one can tamper with the data being sent to a client or data received from a client .

    传输安全确保了没有人可以 篡改 服务端发到客户端或者从客户端接收的数据。

  • Just remember other users can tamper with this file .

    请注意,其他用户可以 篡改此文件。

  • The seal on the ballot box have is tamper with .

    投票箱上的封闭物已被 损坏

  • The tedium of everyday existence does not tarnish my view of life nor does it tamper with my ability to criticize it .

    日常生存的单调乏味并没有影响我的人生观,也没有 削弱我批判生活的能力。

  • Though gas meters were considered more difficult to tamper with this had not deterred some ambitious freeloaders .

    虽然人们认为煤气表更难 捣鬼,这并没吓住那些野心勃勃的想占便宜的人。

  • You mustn ' 't tamper with quality .

    你可不能 质量上 手脚

  • They had strict orders not to tamper with the customs of the minorities .

    他们得到命令 严禁 干涉少数民族的风俗习惯。

  • The peoples of China and Russia will stand together with all peace-loving nations and people firmly against any attempt to deny distort or tamper with WWII history .

    中俄两国人民将以坚定的决心和努力,同世界上所有热爱和平的国家和人民一道,坚决反对否认、歪曲、 篡改第二次世界大战历史的图谋 行径。

  • They tried speaking to him ; but he was so confused and so very slow to answer that they took fright at his bewilderment and agreed for the time to tamper with him no more .

    他们试着和他交谈,但是他仍然很迷糊,回答来得很缓慢。见到他那惶惑迷乱的样子,他们都感到害怕,都 同意不再去 惊扰他。

  • Or it could help people tamper with slides inserting at random ones that said : here is another dull slide or showed a picture of people fast asleep .

    或者,他们可以帮大家 窜改幻灯片,随机地在某些幻灯片上插入这句话“这是又一张愚蠢的幻灯片”或是插入人们熟睡的照片。

  • However it is superior to hidden inputs and QueryStrings since it can accept more data types and the content has been encoded into a single string and therefore is not easy to tamper with .

    然而它又比隐藏输入和 QueryString高级,这是因为它可以接受更多的数据类型以及它的内容被编译成一个单独的字符串从而不容易被 任意更改。

  • And he ` s been a character that the Disney Corp. dare not tamper with : a potent corporate symbol of the Disney enterprise and a perfect example of both cultural phenomenon and commercial success .

    迪士尼集团一直也不敢 损害这一角色:因为他不仅是迪士尼公司一个强有力的标志,也是文化现象和商业成功的一大典型案例。