table talk

[ˈtebəl tɔk][ˈteibl tɔ:k]


  • You throw your goods on the table and we talk a little turky .

    把你的 底牌索性都摊出来,咱们开门见山 一谈。

  • After that I often joined the Chinese table in the cafeteria to talk about their culture .

    从此,我常常凑到自助食堂的中国 饭桌谈论他们的文化。

  • The speed with which the two sides came to the negotiating table shows that they are ready to talk .

    双方那么快就来到谈判 ,这说明他们愿意 谈判

  • When diners at one table start to talk loudly in a quiet restaurant people at other tables will follow suit and the entire restaurant becomes noisy .

    一个安静的餐馆内只要有一 开始大声 交谈,其它卓就会跟着沸腾起来,于是整个餐馆变得吵闹。

  • In contrast West Virginia home on the table talk more involving the levels of wide is amazing family interpersonal family love even sex .

    与此不同的是,西弗家 餐桌 的更多 交谈,涉及层面之广让人惊叹,家庭、人际、亲情爱情,甚至性。

  • The Japanese like to look back on the remembrance scene at the past times in cold winter Kang Table is an important site for people of the same family to gather together and have a chat and talk .

    日本人会回顾过去时代的怀念情景,在严寒的冬天, 炕桌是家族大家聚在一起聊聊天, 谈话,是一个重要的 交流场所。

  • The days are gone when the family sat in the evening around the fire or a table with a lamp when it was customary to read aloud or to talk .

    晚上一家人围着炉火而坐,或坐在点着蜡烛的 餐桌 的日子已经一 不复返。

  • The table talk was easy and uninhibited .

    餐桌 谈话进行得轻松随便且无拘无束。

  • Rather than talk about the coffee that spilled on your table this morning talk about that movie you are looking forward to watch later in the evening .

    与其 谈论今天早晨洒在你 桌子 的咖啡,不如 谈论一下晚上你想看的电影。

  • To answer the phone would be the first to tell each other their names dining talk do not sit across the table and talk to people far away it might affect other people 's emotions .

    接电话要首先告诉对方自己的姓名就餐谈话时,不隔着 餐桌与坐得较远的人 交谈,怕影响别人的情绪。

  • Sitting at a crowded table with men who did not share a common language with you listening to them talk and jape whilst understanding none of it had quickly grown wearisome .

    坐在一个挤满了人的 听着和你不说一种语言的人们玩笑 交谈却什么也听不懂,这很快就让人厌烦了。

  • But no changes at the negotiating table reflected the cheap talk from the top .

    政界高层的廉价 说辞并未反应在谈判 ,没有出现任何变化。

  • They go to a near-by restaurant find a quiet table and talk things over over lunch .

    他们可以去附近的餐馆,找一个安静的 餐桌,在午餐的时候 探讨工作上的事情。

  • Then one afternoon I came home from school to find my mom sitting at the dining room table waiting to talk to me .

    然后,一天下午,我放学回家后看到母亲坐在饭厅的 餐桌 ,等着跟我

  • I 've enjoyed every dish and every minute of our table talk .

    每一道菜和我们 的每一句 都使我非常喜欢。