



  • He also studied the ancient stone tablets from around the pyramids .

    他还研究了在金字塔周围发现的古代 石匾

  • I ran out to buy you some fruit and honeysuckle tablet .

    我休息了一天就跑出去给你买水果和金银花 含片

  • OBJECTIVE : To study the bioequivalence of exemestane capsule and exemestane tablet .

    目的:研究依西美坦胶囊与依西美坦 的生物等效性。

  • The inscriptions on the stone tablet have become blurred with the passage of time .

    年代久了, 石碑上的字迹已经模糊了。

  • Dell is promoting the new touch screen device as a combination cell phone tablet computer .

    戴尔的这款触屏产品融合了手机和 平板电脑的功能。

  • OBJECTIVE To develop a simplified preparative method for osmotic pump tablet using prazosin hydrochloride as a model drug .

    目的以盐酸哌唑嗪为模型药物研究单层芯渗透泵 简化的制备方法。

  • OBJECTIVE To determine content of Baicalin in Sanhuang tablet by HPLC .

    目的应用HPLC法对 三黄片中黄芩进行含量测定。

  • Objective : To establish a method for dissolution of capsule and tablet of minocycline hydrochloride by HPLC .

    目的:建立测定盐酸米诺环素胶囊及 片剂溶出度的高效液相色谱法。

  • It is never a good idea to take sleeping tablets regularly .

    频繁服用 安眠 绝对不是好办法。

  • Thus the necessary tablet capsule or syrup is obtained .

    因此必要的 片剂,胶囊和糖浆剂通常可以获取。

  • Objective To observe the effect of telmisartan and amlodipine besylate tablet coalescent action to renal hypertension and function .

    目的观察替米沙坦和苯磺酸氨氯地平 联合用药对肾性高血压和肾功能的影响。

  • In its last fiscal year PC sales fell 4 % while laptop and tablet sales rose 1 % .

    上一财年,戴尔公司个人电脑销售额下跌了4%,而笔记本和 平板 电脑销售额上涨了1%。

  • Acer 's Iconia dual-screen tablet lacks haptics but is it a reasonable facsimile of the future of laptops ?

    宏碁的 iconia双屏幕 平板没有触觉,但是这给未来的笔记本一个很好的摹本了吧?一个拥有全虚拟键盘的笔记本不就是一个对折的电脑么。

  • OBJECTIVE To establish a method for determination of Famciclovir in tablet and capsule .

    目的建立泛韦洛韦 片剂和胶囊剂含量的测定方法。

  • CONCLUSION : The method is used for qualitative control of compound children 's phenobarbital tablet .

    结论:该方法可以用于小儿复方苯巴比妥 片剂的质量监控。

  • It 's time for your tablets dear


  • OBJECTIVE : To prepare diclofenac sodium controlled release tablet and to evaluate the mechanism of drug release .

    目的:制备双氯芬酸钠控释 ,并对其药物释放机制进行了研究。

  • Objective to establish a method to determine the dissolution of aciclovir tablet .

    目的建立阿昔洛韦 的溶出度检查方法。

  • Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of secnidazole tablet in treatment of trichomonal vaginitis .

    评价口服塞克硝唑 治疗滴虫阴道炎的有效性和安全性。

  • HP and Dell however lack smartphone and tablet offerings analysts explained .

    而惠普和戴尔缺乏智能手机和 平板 电脑产品,分析人士解释道。

  • I can see a lot of kids carrying a tablet and two gamepads to school next year .

    明年我就会看到很多孩子带着 平板和两个手柄去学校了。

  • This will enable tablets and other pressure-sensitive devices to work with GIMP .

    这将使卡片机( tablet)和其他对压力敏感的设备使用GIMP。

  • In China and India tablet sales grew substantially .

    在中国和印度, 平板 电脑的销售出现了大幅增长。

  • Objective to determine the contents of chlorogenic acid and Baicalin in the Yinhuang buccal tablet .

    摘要目的:测定银黄 含片中绿原酸和黄芩苷的含量。

  • It worked perfectly on a Samsung tablet and an iPhone .

    这个程序在三星 平板 电脑和iPhone上表现完美。

  • Tablet is a transitional product between PC and the smart phone can not replace the PC position .

    平板 电脑是PC和智能手机之间的过渡产品,不可能取代PC的地位。

  • Customers are demanding smart phone and tablet applications so they can access companies ' key applications .

    客户需要智能手机和 平板应用程序,以便他们可以访问公司的关键应用。

  • You can also take red ginseng in convenient tablet or capsule form .

    你也可以选择便于服用的红参 或红参胶囊。

  • I had planned to bring you to this stone tablet .

    我本来就是要带你来看这块 石碑的。

  • On the tablet are inscribed the names of the donators .
