
[təˈbu, tæ-][təˈbu:]




  • In the main children are taboo in the workplace .

    工作场所基本上 禁止儿童进入。

  • Something was said that happened to be taboo with him .

    犯了他的 了。

  • It legitimizes discussions of a taboo topic ( layoffs ) .

    它使得关于一个 禁忌话题(解雇)的讨论合理化了。

  • So is there any taboo she wouldn 't touch ? Unhesitatingly she replies ' Politics . '

    那么有什么她不愿触及的 禁忌吗?她毫不犹豫地回答:“政治。”

  • Taboo is a common word with abstract meaning in Chinese .


  • This topic is taboo on the campus .

    校园里 忌讳讨论这个话题。

  • Verbal taboo is a common phenomenon in Chinese and Western culture .

    语言 禁忌是中西方普遍存在的一种社会文化现象。

  • All human behavior exists on a continuum between the poles of the ideal and the taboo .

    一切人类行为存在于理想和 禁忌两极之间的连续区。

  • This year the taboo has been broken .

    然而今年,这个“ 禁忌 被打破了。

  • There 's almost a national taboo against it .

    甚至有国家和宗教上的 禁忌来反对它。

  • Mental illness is still a taboo subject .

    精神疾病仍然是 禁忌话题。

  • There is only one subject we discovered that should be taboo in a marriage : divorce .

    我们发现,婚姻生活中应该只有一个 忌讳的话题&离婚。

  • In every culture there are certain topics that are taboo to speak about .

    在每一个不同的文化中,都有一些 禁忌的话题。

  • For most people birth control is no longer such a taboo subject .

    对大多数人来说,节制生育已不再是那么一个 禁忌的话题。

  • He said that one taboo area is religious faith but not how people use their faith .

    他说一个 禁忌领域就是一种宗教的信仰,而不是人们如何去使用他们的信仰。

  • The taboo is very important in ancient China a cultural phenomenon county names must be taboo .


  • For taboo language in avoid is also courtesy system undoubtedly important aspect .

    对于 禁忌语的避免无疑也是礼貌系统里重要的方面。

  • I shattered the family taboo of silence about the break-up of my parents'marriage .

    我打破了家人对父母破碎婚姻三缄其口的家庭 禁忌

  • Now we can discuss topics that would have been taboo a few years ago .

    几年前 犯忌的话题,我们现在可以谈论了。

  • For example sex is a taboo topic in China but now it turn good .

    比如性,在中国就是 禁忌的话题,不过现在好了很多。

  • The words legacy and entitlement and dynasty are almost taboo in the family he says .

    他说,在他家里,遗产、特权和王朝这几个词差不多是 禁忌

  • Religious dogmas often include strong sexual taboos and can create in children the impression that sex is sinful .

    宗教教义中经常包含严格的性 禁忌,这会给儿童留下“性是罪恶”的印象。

  • England 's taboo and custom Three taboos Cannot the gasser English have the custom which lines up .

    英国的 禁忌与习俗三个禁忌不能加塞英国人有排队的习惯。

  • Taboo maybe it 's the pronoun of tragedy .


  • Sex is a taboo topic in some homes .

    在某些家庭中“性”是一个 的话题。

  • The topic of addiction remains something of a taboo

    毒瘾仍然是个有些 忌讳的话题。

  • This new book tackles the last taboo in dating .

    这本新书教你突破约会中的最后一道 禁忌

  • Once you spell it all out the tension between temptation and taboo disappears .

    一旦直白地讲出来,诱惑和 禁忌之间的张力就消失了。

  • Short is the new taboo .

    而矮小则成了新 禁忌

  • Her brisk treatment of an almost taboo subject was a breath of fresh air .

    她把这个近乎 禁忌的话题处理得很轻松,令人耳目一新。