technical labour

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈlebɚ][ˈteknikəl ˈleibə]

[经] 技术劳动

  • The enlarging of the scale of market makes the technical division of labour of firms gradually fine more production chains and more enterprise organization cost .

    市场规模的扩大进一步促使企业 技术 分工不断细化,生产环节越来越多,企业内部组织成本不断增加。

  • All in all we should strive to expand exports in exchange for high-grade high-precision advanced technology and equipment so as to speed up the technical transformation of our industries and to raise the productivity of labour .

    总之,要争取多出口一点东西,换点高、精、尖的技术和设备回来,加速工业 技术改造,提高 劳动生产率。

  • An improved production-function method for measuring technical progress in industrial systems is given in this paper and especial discussion is made on the estimation method of the capital elasticity and the labour elasticity .

    用改进的生产函数方法测算工业系统的 技术进步,特别讨论了资本弹性和 劳动弹性的取值方法。

  • By study of the technical transform increases safety and working efficiency of rake thickener reduces workers labour strength and material cost stoping polluted by out side exhausting coal slime .

    通过 技术改造提高了浓缩机的安全性和工作效率,降低了工人的 劳动强度及耗材的费用,杜绝了外排煤泥水造成的环境污染。

  • Also China is stepping up its efforts to upgrade the technical level of its exports which will reduce the possibility of face to face competition in the global market with labour intensive exports of other developing countries .

    而且,中国正在不断努力,提高出口产品的 技术含量。从而减少与其他发展中国家出口 劳动密集型产品形成面对面竞争的可能性。

  • The technical division of labour can improve efficiency but it increases production chains resulting in growing enterprise organization cost .

    技术 分工提高 劳动效率,但会增加生产环节进而增加企业组织成本。

  • The culprit is not globalisation but labour-saving technical change that puts pressure on the wages of the unskilled . Technical change prompts continual economies in the use of unskilled labour .

    给非熟练工薪资带来压力的罪魁祸首不是全球化,而是减少劳动力的 科技变革,它促使非熟练 劳动力的使用量不断减少。

  • These technical innovations will save us a lot of labour .

    这些 技术革新措施可以节省我们大量 劳动

  • Educational content includes : Six Classics study 、 physical education 、 practice technical education and labour education .

    教育内容主要包括:六艺之学、体育教育、 劳动教育和实用 技术教育。

  • Coefficient of technical equipments to labour

    劳动力 技术装备系数

  • With the technical advance the use of machinery has superseded manual labour .

    随着 科技的进步,机器的使用已经取代了手工 劳动

  • Further opening up technical labour force market at home and abroad etc. to dig equipment utilization potential and enhance equipment investment return are proposed out .

    进一步拓展国内外 技术 劳务市场等6个方面挖掘设备利用潜力、提高设备投资效益的对策与建议。

  • A little increase of technical progress reate by means of enhancing the quality of labour force will enhance greatly the economic beneficial results of commercial enterprises .

    而通过提高 劳动力素质使 技术进步率有微小的增加将会大大提高商业企业的经济效益。

  • This technical innovation will save us much time and labour .

    这项 技术革新可以为我们节省大量的时间和 劳力

  • Technical progress frees humankind of heavy labour and inconvenience .

    技术进步将人类从繁重的 体力 劳动和生活不便中解放出来。

  • It is very important technologics means for technical equip to manufacture mechanism It is a very factor on technical level quality procreative efficiency and labour working intensity of processing machine .

    工艺装备是机械制造行业的重要工艺手段,它是直接影响机械加工 工艺水平、产品质量、生产效率和 工人劳动强度的主要因素。