


  • Differences and Relationships of Air-Sea Interaction in the Different Latitudinal Pacific Areas ; Experimental Simulation Based on the Reciprocity of Tennis Ball and Oscillatory Table-board

    太平洋区域海气相互作用的纬际差别及联系基于网球与 台面相互作用的 虚拟实验仿真

  • Experimental Simulation Based on the Reciprocity of Tennis Ball and Oscillatory Table-board

    基于网球与 台面相互作用的 虚拟实验仿真

  • Table-board : using solid physiochemical board or epoxy resin table-board .


  • The liquid sample pool produce surface wave caused by the optical platform table-board vibration . Using the laser to incidence aslant the liquid surface wave two columns of synchronous interference flare present .


  • The pine wood is soft feeling comfortable security which is adapt to getting in touch with people as well as applying it to the olds and children furniture but not the functional table-board .

    松木质地柔软,安全舒适,适合设计在与人接触的 部位,并很适合在老年与儿童家具中的运用,但不 适合 用来 家具的功能性 桌面

  • Chapter 5 : The chapter designs for the experiment to check for the precision of system regulation including the resolution and the repeatability of electrically driven displacement the angle formed with table-board axis of three-axle revolving table and optical axis of autocollimator .

    第五章设计实验,检测系统调整的精度,包括电控 支架的分辨率、重复性精度以及系统 调整 完成 ,三轴转台的 台面轴和平行光管的光轴 之间的平行度。

  • The choice and loading methods of table-board input motion is elaborated on the basis of the environment of seismic areas .

    根据 5.12 汶川地震震区环境,对 台面输入地震动的选取及其加载方法进行了具体的阐述, 形成了一 完整的试验方法。

  • The experimental results on shaking table show that the maximum acceleration of the construction bottom is reduced 50 percent higher than the table-board and we can reduce the intensity to design the isolated masonry building .

    试验结果表明:结构底层的峰值加速度比 台面 输入 峰值加速度降低50%以上,对砌体隔震结构 体系可以 采取降烈度设计。