take steps


  • All countries should take steps to introduce frameworks that tackle systemic risks .

    所有国家都 应该 着手建立框架,解决系统性风险。

  • But in many other situations you can take steps to regain control of your time and your schedule .

    但在其他很多情况下,你能够 采取 措施,重新掌控你自己的时间和日程。

  • We must take steps to help the families of the wounded .

    我们必须 采取 措施帮助那些受伤者的家庭。

  • If you are familiar with the data you can probably take steps in the method to optimize results .

    如果您熟悉这种数据,那么也许 可以 修改 一下这个方法,看能不能优化结果。

  • She is not content with her present lot and wishes to take steps to improve it

    她对自己目前的生活并不满意,希望能 采取 措施改善它。

  • He said he would take steps to tighten up the law .

    他说他将 采取 措施使法律更严格有效。

  • Then we can take steps to relax or to control our emotions and avoid further stress .

    这样就可以 采取 措施控制我们的感情,避免遭受到更大的压力。

  • Assume responsibility and take steps to fix a problem that you did in fact create .

    承担责任, 采取 措施来解决你要处理的(事实上是你所产生的)问题。

  • China announced last week that it will also take steps to rein in online music content to prevent piracy .

    中国上个星期还宣布,将 采取 措施控制针网上音乐内容,以防止盗版行为。

  • We should take steps to prevent war .

    我们应当 采取 措施制止战争。

  • At this time look after your health and take steps to strengthen your immune system .

    此刻要照顾自己的健康, 采取 步骤加强自己的免疫系统。

  • As for trade as I 've already mentioned we will take steps to import more .

    至于贸易,我已经讲过了,我们将 采取 措施,进一步扩大进口。

  • If this does not happen then the leadership must take steps to avoid it .

    如果没有出现这种情况,领导就应该 采取 措施避免其发生。

  • We must take steps to prevent this tragedy from happening again .

    我们必须 采取 措施阻止这类悲剧再次发生。

  • Luckily you can take steps to gain confidence .

    幸运的是,你可以 采取 一些 方法来获得自信。

  • He was happiest whenever he could identify a threat and take steps to neutralize it .

    每当他识别出一种威胁并 采取 措施消除它后,他就最快活了。

  • The directors will take steps to insure against possible failure .

    董事们将 采取 措施,以防可能出现的失败。

  • Also a doctor can help you take steps to protect your bones from further damage .

    医生还能帮助你 采取 措施保护你的骨骼免受更多的伤害。

  • Countries must take steps that adapt their cultures to an international ethical awareness .

    国家必须 采取 措施,使其文化适应国际伦理意识。

  • So you should take steps now to make sure it 's as good as you can make it .

    所以你现在应 采取 措施以确保它的水质良好,因为你能够做到这一点。

  • We must take steps to prevent shock in the patient .

    我们必须 采取 措施防止病人休克。

  • After you have identified the root cause you can then take steps to resolve the issue .

    确定了根本原因之后,可以 采取 措施来解决问题。

  • I have asked the safety officer to take steps to ensure that such an accident can never happen again .

    我已要求安全官员 采取 措施以保证永远不再发生这样的事故。

  • You can also learn to recognize the signs of low memory and take steps to prevent the problem .

    您还可以学习识别内存不足的征兆并 采取 措施防止出现此问题。

  • We can take steps to provide against a severe winter .

    我们能够 采取 措施预防严冬。

  • It is time for the world to take steps to pay China for its participation in an agreement .

    现在到了全世界为中国参与协议而 采取 步骤掏钱的时候了。

  • Take steps to make something happen .

    采取 措施,使某事发生。

  • Schools must be allowed to take steps to reduce their costs and focus on student performance outcomes .

    学校必须允许 采取 措施,减少对学生表现的结果他们的成本和重点。