take-home pay



  • Lowering taxes on wages would reduce the cost of employment without squeezing take-home pay and living standards .

    减少针对工资的税收,将会在不影响 工人 收入和生活水平的情况下降低雇佣成本。

  • Even as consumer incomes have withered in this recession the government has helped stabilize take-home pay .

    虽然消费者收入在经济衰退中受到了冲击,但政府已帮助稳定了 实得 工资

  • Bob makes $ 300 a week in take-home pay .

    鲍勃每周 扣除 税金绩等 )300美元。

  • The cultural critics have a point in saying that current institutions and attitudes prioritise take-home pay over leisure and encourage forms of growth that pollute the environment .

    文化批评人士指出,在权衡 工资 所得和休闲 享乐时,当前的习俗与风气更加 重视 前者,并且以 牺牲环境为 代价促进增长,此话不

  • Study on the Exemption Deducting Standard System of Wages and Salary in Individual Income Tax Bob makes $ 300 a week in take-home pay .

    论个人所得税工资、薪金费用扣除标准制度鲍勃每周 扣除 税金绩等 )300美元。

  • My take-home pay this year will be much higher than last year .

    我今年的 税后 实得 工资比去年高得多。

  • The census data also fail to take account of George Bush 's generous tax cuts which have boosted take-home pay .

    调查数据也没有将布什的慷慨的减税措施考虑进去,这些措施使得 实得 工资增加了 很多

  • The training interfered with their productivity in the short term and hence with their take-home pay .

    因为培训在短期内会影响生产率,进而也 相对 减少 税后 工资

  • A : I thought you might explain to me the big difference between my gross pay and my net take-home pay ?

    我想你兴许能给我解释一下,我 个人的工资总额和我能 回家 工资 数额之间最大的差别在 那儿

  • About a third of our take-home pay is spent on grocery and household items .

    我们大约三分之一的 工资被用于食品和家用物品上。

  • I got carried away in Dean & DeLuca last night and spent half my take-home pay .

    昨晚我在迪安德鲁卡的食品杂货店流连忘返,花了我一半的 工资

  • Take-home pay is what is left after subtraction of deducted taxes .

    税后 实得 工资就是扣除了税之后剩下的部分。

  • He was earning £ 215 a week before tax : take-home pay £ 170 .

    他税前的 周薪是215英镑, 170英镑。

  • Average real take-home pay normally rises as productivity increases – money wages normally rise faster than prices .

    正常情况下,当生产率提高时,平均 税后 实际 工资都会上升&货币工资的增幅通常高于物价。

  • They want to believe that their leaders understand the anxious feeling that comes when an increase in healthcare costs takes a bite out of their take-home pay .

    他们希望他们的领导人能够理解 民众由于卫生保健费用提高而 引起 实际 收入 下降的那种焦虑。

  • Investment in human capital is responsive to take-home pay and therefore to tax rates with the most direct effect coming from income tax .

    人力资本投资 受到 税后 工资影响,因此也受到税率影响,其中最直接的影响来自所得税。

  • So a woman 's take-home pay will always be proportionally less .

    因此一位妇女的 实得 工资将总是相应地(比男人)少一些。

  • Sperling said the administration wants to see an extension of a temporary cut in taxes paid by workers to fund Social Security thereby giving wage earners higher take-home pay .

    吉恩·斯珀林表示,奥巴马政府希望看到继续延长对工人的临时减税措施,这些税赋是用来资助社会保险的那一块,这样就能增加工薪阶层的 实际 收入

  • The U.S. ranked 11th on the list with a federal minimum wage of $ 7.25 per hour . That leaves workers with take-home pay of $ 6.26 per hour .

    美国在排行榜上位居11名,联邦最低时薪是7.25美元,即 税后到手时 为6.26美元。

  • Last a huge social insurance system with resulting high taxes low take-home pay and low wealth may not hurt capitalism .

    最后,大规模社保体系以及随之产生的高税收、低 税后 薪酬和低财富 储蓄,不一定会损害资本主义制度。

  • They might equally encourage people to slack off : with take-home pay rising why work so hard ?

    减税也同样可能鼓励人们偷懒:拿 回家 工钱上升了,为什么还要这么卖力地干活呢?

  • Instead of focusing on the take-home pay examine your total compensation package .

    不要只关注 实得 工资,也 多多注意你的整体待遇。

  • I make $ 600 take-home pay a month as a clerk .

    我作店员每个月 实得 工资600美元。

  • Know what your take-home pay is & it 's not as much as you think .

    知道你的 到手 工资是多少&并不像你所想的那样多。

  • Tax and insurance market reforms in healthcare can reduce cost growth and increase take-home pay .

    医疗领域的税收和保险市场改革可以放慢成本上涨速度,并提高 实得 工资