take to task

[tek tu tæsk][teik tu: tɑ:sk]


  • She take the government to task over its economic record .

    批评政府的经济 劣迹

  • No one knows how long it will take us to accomplish the task .

    这个 任务不知道 多少年 才能完成。

  • Don 't forget that she 's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task .

    别忘了她缺乏这方面的经验,完成 任务需要一些时间。

  • How long will it take to finish this task ?

    完成这 任务 需要多少时间?

  • Some enjoy it others take to the task as a duty but wounding so the prey w.

    有些魔爪喜欢杀人,有些 杀人当成责任,但是伤害得那么折磨人以至于牺牲者要受几。

  • How long will it take the Party to accomplish the task of rectification ?

    多少时间才可以 党的整风 任务完成?

  • We re-estimate that it will take us about seven more days to complete Task A because of the overhead of the interruption .

    重新估算之后,我们认为由于任务进程被打断,需要 花费比七天更长的时间 完成 任务

  • We must strengthen protection of the ecological environment and resolve to take forceful measures to complete this challenging task . We will take strong measures to strengthen pollution prevention and control .

    必须加强生态环境保护,下 决心 硬措施完成硬 任务

  • Today the cadres are more mature and their political level is higher and it is hoped that it will not take long for them basically to overcome subjectivism in their task of leadership and bring the subjective into correspondence with the objective through their efforts .

    现在,干部比较成熟了,水平提高了,希望不要 很长的时期,基本上 领导 工作中的主观主义反掉,努力使主观与客观相适合。

  • Generally speaking learning skills and techniques refer to some concrete behaviours or actions that learners take to finish a certain learning task or solve a certain problem more effectively .

    我们通常所说的学习方法和技巧指的是学习者 为了更好地完成某个学习 任务或解决某个问题而 采取的某些具体的做法和手段。

  • Quality can only be achieved if developers business analysts architects and testers – all take measures to ensure that it is part of every task they perform .

    高质量只能通过开发人员、需求分析员、架构师和测试人员同心协力, 质量检测作为每个人 工作的一部分来完成,才能 得以实现。

  • Frameworks take two approaches to performing this task .

    框架 采用两种方法 执行这 任务

  • I am only just up Mr Clare and it is too early to take me to task !

    我才刚刚起来,克莱尔先生, 我谈这个 问题是不是太早了 点儿

  • Because different team members may take different amounts of time to complete a task you may prefer to finalize a time estimate after an assignment has been made .

    因为不同的团队成员也许会 采用不同的时间计算方式 完成 工作,所以您需要在完成分配之后,总结一下估计的时间。

  • We have made remarkable progress in improving the lives of our people but it will take many years to complete the task .

    我们在改善人民生活方面已取得了可喜的成果,但还 需要许多年 完成这 任务

  • What you have to do is to actually track the deltas between the time / effort you thought it would take to complete a task and what really happened .

    您必须要做的是实际追踪您 完成 任务花费的时间或努力,和真正发生的事情之间的差异。

  • In the current Citi case Rakoff has also asked the SEC to explain how it plans to enforce the provisions of the settlement putting a spotlight on whether the SEC has ever tried to take a company to task for violating a settlement .

    在目前的花旗案中,拉科夫还要求SEC说明落实和解条款的方案,从而关注的焦点引向另外一个问题,也就是SEC在与银行达成和解后, 是否曾经尝试过追究过违规公司的 责任

  • The policies that take us there must be up to the task : tough smart and driven by the core interests of the United States .

    为实现我们的目标而制定的政策 必须辜负 使命:有力、明智、符合美国的核心利益。

  • Shockingly it can then take up to 23 minutes to get back to the task at hand & and the things you think are helping your productivity might actually be hurting your work .

    令人震惊的是,人们 需要23分钟才能重新回来处理 手头 工作。那些你认为能够帮助你提高效率的方法可能正在影响你的工作。

  • For example suppose an estimated value of the time it will take to do a task is3 months .

    例如,假设完成一个 任务花费的估计时间值是3个月。

  • Let us take advantage of that by using search to filter our task list ( to more quickly find the task we are looking for ) .

    利用,我们就 可以使用搜索 过滤 任务列表(从而更快地找到我们想要查找的任务)。

  • Grasp customer needs building a channel take the initiative to open up the task assigned by higher index .

    掌握客户需求,建设渠道, 主动开拓,完成上下级的 任务指标。

  • Therefore development of the times and changes in circumstances require pharmacists to carry out clinical pharmacy pharmaceutical care to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities take medication to ensure patient safety and effective task .

    所以,时代的发展和形势的变化都要求药师开展临床药学工作,履行药学服务的义务与职责, 承担 保证患者用药安全、有效的 重任

  • It is a big responsibility to take on so I hope he 's equal to the task .

    担负的责任很大,我希望他 能够胜任这 任务

  • A and B will take turns to perform the task each week and the order has to be followed strictly .

    虽然说明了 工作由两个人 轮流负责,但还是没有清楚说明具体的 单双周分工。

  • QueueTimeout : how long ( in seconds ) a task should take to execute before its task is re-queued for another worker .

    QueueTimeout:一个任务在重新被其他执行器覆盖之前 可以执行多长时间(以秒计)

  • Could you take me with you to get the task accomplished ?

    我一起做 任务好吗?

  • It didn 't take too much effort to concentrate on my task for the day a paper on Macbeth that was due Wednesday .

    全力以赴 解决今天的 任务不会 上太多的工夫,只是一份周三截止的关于麦克白的论文而已。