taking inventory

[ˈtekɪŋ ˈɪnvənˌtɔri][ˈteɪkɪŋ /ˈɪnvəntri/]


  • Taking a physical inventory means making a systematic count of all merchandise on hand .

    存货 盘点是指对所有库存商品进行系统的盘点。

  • In taking a physical inventory special considerations should be given to goods in transit and the passage of title to merchandise .

    进行实物 清点时,应特别注意在途商品以及商品所有权的转让。

  • Secondly taking the linear need characteristic of a particular type of garment into account it establishes inventory model with the concept of outdated modification .

    其次, 考虑到某类成衣具有线性需求的特点,从而建立了过时变质概念的 库存模型。

  • So in that respect they are doing something fairly bold namely taking the hit of shutting production and correcting the vehicles that are in inventory on which they have stopped sales .

    因此,从这一方面来说,他们是非常大胆的。 承受着停止生产的风险来纠正 目录上停止销售的车辆。

  • As to constantly demanding inventory model with allowing goods shortage and taking some time production literature 4 w_1595 represents renting-storehouse inventory model under the condition of limited-space storehouse but it is pity that there is also a serious error in its pivotal conclusion .

    对于确定性需求允许缺货,生产 需要一定时间的库存模型,文献4w_1638在公司自有 库存容量有限的假设下,给出了使用租借仓库时的 库存 优化模型,但其关键结论亦存在问题。

  • An optimization model was proposed to integrate operation decisions of distribution center by taking into account both the transportation and inventory cost of distribution centre and customers .

    为实现配送中心运作决策一体化,构建多物品两 库存和运输 决策优化模型。

  • Based on these purposes taking the development of a logistics management information system in a pharmacy corporation in Jiangsu province as an example functions of the information system are further demonstrated including processes of inventory management purchase management and sales management .

    在此基础上, 江苏某医药公司作为药品物流管理系统的开发背景,讨论 基于VMI的药品物流协同管理系统功能,分析 库存管理、进出货管理、销售管理等主要流程。

  • Finally taking an inventory system of fast-consuming goods as background this paper dose system simulation experiment and makes contract and analysis of testing result .

    最后, 本文 某企业快速消费品 库存系统为背景,对IMOMAS模型进行了系统模拟实验,并对实验结果做了对比分析。

  • You might have an idea of what type of business you want to get into but taking inventory of your capital will give you a realistic sense of what franchise opportunities are possible for your budget .

    您可能有一个什么样的业务类型,你想进入的想法,但 考虑到你的资本 库存会给你一个什么样的特许经营机会是你的预算可能的现实意义。

  • And is responsible for taking inventory of hardware resources and allocating said resources based on demand ( see Figure 1 ) .

    负责 管理硬件资源的 库存并根据需要分配上述资源(见图1)。

  • To investigate the characteristics about energy consumption and environmental emissions of China car and provide a methodological demonstration by taking a car for example and using life cycle inventory method is aim .

    某国产轿车为实例,利用生命周期 评价方法,探讨国产轿车在能源消耗和环境排放方面的特点,同时为类似 产品的生命周期评价提供方法上的借鉴。

  • Taking into account the demand influenced by the phase-varying price the adjustment lead time method is proposed for the combined multi-echelon inventory and pricing problem .

    价格成阶段性变化的情况下, 考虑需求受价格影响时,如何制定商品价格和各级节点企业 库存 控制策略的问题,提出了应用调整提前期的方法。

  • In this chapter you will be taking an inventory of your attitudes .

    本章中您会 全面 审视您的态度。

  • Taking inventory of mental assets and liabilities you will discover that your greatest weakness is lack of self-confidence .

    思索一下自己正负两面的思想 库存,你会发现,你最大的溺点是缺乏自信。

  • In this paper we proposed a mathematical model for the multiple factory multiple depot location routing problem and taking inventory control decision into consideration .

    本文就多个工厂,多个物流中心的LRP问题进行了讨论,并 结合 库存进行了研究,建立了相应的模型。

  • Are you about ready to start taking inventory ?

    你准备好可以开始 盘点 存货了吗?

  • Taking of inventory boundary in which the productivity change suddenly as decision variable and taking production-inventory total cost advancing with lead-time after weighted as the goal the production-inventory policy has been optimized with the method of simplex mode acceleration .

    生产速率发生突变的临界 库存为决策变量,以生产库存总成本和加权后的提前期之和为目标,应用单纯形加速寻优的方法对生产库存策略进行加速优化。

  • The best place is by taking an inventory of the investment vehicles you plan to use .

    先看您打算使用哪种投资工具,就 建立该项工具的 库存 开始吧。

  • Taking Standard Error as the Standard for Comparing Two Kinds of Total Volume Difference Is Inadvisable in Forest Planning Design and Inventory

    规划设计 调查不宜 采用标准误作为两种总体蓄积差值比较标准

  • Some researchers found out although taking advantages of price promotion is able to solve the inventory problem and increase sales for enterprises . It has a negative impact on the brand from a long-term view of development .

    有学者研究发现,企业 利用价格促销的做法虽然能够解决 库存问题和提升销售额但是从长远发展来看对品牌有着不利影响。

  • Taking Core Enterprises Control Inventory to Optimize Supply Chain Management

    核心企业管理 库存优化供应链管理研究